Global Warming 2.0: The Freeze

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I highly recommend that you all go back to school and take biology 101. Learn the carbon cycle, especially bigcocklicker (did I mispronounce that?). As carbon is being put into the air (soil and water too), it is being drawn out of the air by plant life primarily to be used to create cellulose which is then eaten by animals or becomes compost. That carbon that you are so worried about was trapped millions of years ago when the plant life was compacted to become oil. We're just releasing what was already created and the plants today are eating it up.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-20-2014, 07:55 AM
You are a fool and not much different than WTF. You both try and play a silly little word game and act like you have out smarted someone. Grow the fuck up. Originally Posted by Budman
I don't have to play a silly little word game to outsmart you Bud, all I have to do is wakeup.
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  • 11-20-2014, 08:00 AM
Anything on the Dodo while you're at it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Dodo's are alive and well, just renamed. We now call them Tea Billies'.

I did not say man did, however take a stroll through some cities in China, and some would say they have. Unless you think wearing a mask when you are outside is just normal. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
By that logic, walking into a cigar bar is walking into climate change.

You want to make a difference? Mass global Genocide is the answer. We humans ALL give off CO2 all day, every day. We are the problem. Get rid of us.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I highly recommend that you all go back to school and take biology 101. Learn the carbon cycle, especially bigcocklicker (did I mispronounce that?). As carbon is being put into the air (soil and water too), it is being drawn out of the air by plant life primarily to be used to create cellulose which is then eaten by animals or becomes compost. That carbon that you are so worried about was trapped millions of years ago when the plant life was compacted to become oil. We're just releasing what was already created and the plants today are eating it up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
before the 500 billion tons of carbon we put in the atmoshere is "used", it has no effect on sunlight/heat?
3 days of no contrails(white cloads of mostly water) had a mesurably effect when they were missing post-9/11
and that's just water
you have helped proven that 500billion tons of extra carbon/pollution will have some effect
sounds though you just need to get your fat ass in shape, get that A1c down,
Where are all of the Trilobites?
boardman's Avatar
Where are all of the Trilobites? Originally Posted by Jackie S
They're busy turning into fossil fuel.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, time for a smack down. Where did you get that idiotic number of half a billion tons of carbon each year?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Okay, time for a smack down. Where did you get that idiotic number of half a billion tons of carbon each year? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
why is that number idoitic?
seems you have no idea about how much carbon goes into the air/year, do you?
cause half a billion is freakin low

Data for Global Carbon Emissions
(Fossil fuels, cement, land-use change)
Carbon Emissions
9.9 billion metric tonnes (GtC)
9.7 billion metric tonnes (GtC)

Each year humanity dumps roughly 8.8 billion tons (8 metric tons) of carbon into the atmosphere, 6.5 billion tons (5.9 metric tons) from fossil fuels and 1.5 billion (1.4 metric) from deforestation. But less than half that total, 3.2 billion tons (2.9 metric tons), remains in the atmosphere to warm the planet.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Only your National Geographic piece has legs and it has a serious limp. On page one they talk about the continued warming of the planet.... it's not warming and hasn't been for over 15 years. Kind of shoots it in the head doesn't it.

Now tell us all (these are your numbers and I have no responsibility for tracking them down) how much carbon is put into the atmosphere by nature each year.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Only your National Geographic piece has legs and it has a serious limp. On page one they talk about the continued warming of the planet.... it's not warming and hasn't been for over 15 years. Kind of shoots it in the head doesn't it.

Now tell us all (these are your numbers and I have no responsibility for tracking them down) how much carbon is put into the atmosphere by nature each year. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
C'mon, BigPussyCockLicker, tell us!
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
C'mon, BigPussyCockLicker, tell us! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
tell you waht?
tell you waht? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker

What do you think BCPLer?

A Novel Theory of Global Warning On Venus
Posted On October 10, 2014

Everyone knows that the ridiculous temperature on Venus (467 Centigrade at the surface) is a direct result of runaway global warning. With a CO2 content of over 96%, it is a cautionary tale of what could happen on Earth if we keep pumping CO2 into our atmosphere by way of carbon belching electric plants and smoke yielding transportation pods (car, bus, train and plane.) Why we all know that we face a Venusian future if we don’t stop our anthropogenic carbon profligacy.

BUT WAIT … Is there another explanation for why Venus is hot … an explanation that claims to completely debunk the CO2 based theory of global warning. Why yes NAAoids everywhere … there is.

While scrolling through the back alleys of the electronic world of cyberspace, the wizard of NAA discovered a very interesting take on why Venus is hot. I had never heard such a theory before and it is quite persuasive on the surface (sorry no pun intended.)

“Ok what is the whacky theory?” the dark elves ask. “What could you possibly have that could contradict 97% of the world’s climate scientists?”

“Listen and learn my pointed ear friends.”


Needed: Accurate climate forecasts
by PAUL DRIESSEN, DAVID R. LEGATES November 24, 2014

President Obama's agreement with China is about as credible as his "affordable care" pronouncements.

Pleistocene glaciers repeatedly buried almost half of the Northern Hemisphere under a mile of ice. The Medieval Warm Period (~950-1250 AD) enriched agriculture and civilizations across Asia and Europe, while the Little Ice Age that followed (~1350-1850) brought widespread famines and disasters. The Dust Bowl upended lives and livelihoods for millions of Americans, while decades-long droughts vanquished once-thriving Anasazi and Mayan cultures, and flood and drought cycles repeatedly pounded African, Asian and Australian communities. Hurricanes and tornadoes have alsobattered states and countries throughout history, in numbers and intensities that have been impossible to pattern or predict.

But today we are supposed to believe climate variability is due to humans - and computer models can now forecast climate changes with amazing accuracy. These models and the alarmist scientists behind them say greenhouse gases will increasingly trigger more "severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people, species and ecosystems," a recent UN report insists.

In reality, carbon dioxide's effect on devastating weather patterns is greatly overstated. We are near a 30-year low in hurricane energy (measured by the ACE index of "accumulated cyclone energy"), and tropical cyclone and storm activity has not increased globally over that period. In fact, as of November 18, it's been 3,310 days since a Category 3-5 hurricane hit the US mainland - by far the longest stretch since records began in 1900. This Atlantic hurricane season was the least active in 30 year

Read more: Family Security Matters
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