I get called Asshole a lot... actually get called all kinds of names... When is it appropriate to simply call a gal a Cunt? We know some really are at times.

I think that George Carlin put it best when he said that with all of the words in the English language, there a 7 that you can't say on TV and the "C" word is right there among those 7 nasty words!!!!

I love words, and while it is true that words are only as powerful as we make them, our society has over hundreds of years empowered certain words. It is hard for a society to break that cycle of empowerment. I think that words like other things have boundaries, and using the "C" word in reference to a lady would require her to have been so beyond the pale it is rare for me to encounter. For me, this is a word that I prefer to avoid using.

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eglrdr's Avatar
Honestly, I see not issue with the word. Call me a cunt. But then again I am hardly your average gal
Now p**s* is one word that just makes my skin crawl. I hate that word. So call me a cunt, not a sexed up putty cat Originally Posted by klovve
I find this very interesting, have a co-worker that is the same way, she can mf you with the best of them, but call anyone, male or female a p**s* around her and she just cringes.
Whispers's Avatar
Well crap.... You really thought I wanted an intelligent conversation about the usage of the word?

Damn... I'm losing my touch.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 11-11-2010, 11:49 AM
I think it's really close to the line, close enough that I've never used it.
A great book on the word, it's various meanings, and womens reclamation of the word that I read a few years back:


Scroll down a bit for the editorial descriptions. Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
I'm quite a fan of that book. It's sitting right next to "Blow Him... Away" and "Erotic Slavehood" on my bookshelf. Sure, it makes the parents cringe a bit when they come over. Oh, well.
I find this very interesting, have a co-worker that is the same way, she can mf you with the best of them, but call anyone, male or female a p**s* around her and she just cringes. Originally Posted by eglrdr
guh...the "P" word. It is just awful.

I just don't see the bazooka attack that goes hand-in-hand with the word cunt. I, personally, think it is a fun word to roll off the tongue; where does the stigma come from?

Now PUSSY.....God. I can't even believe that I spelled that. It makes me think of overgrown shrubbery and misplaced lawn gnomes and hoses.

Don't ask, my mind just goes there.
guh...the "P" word. It is just awful.

I just don't see the bazooka attack that goes hand-in-hand with the word cunt. I, personally, think it is a fun word to roll off the tongue; where does the stigma come from?

Now PUSSY.....God. I can't even believe that I spelled that. It makes me think of overgrown shrubbery and misplaced lawn gnomes and hoses.

Don't ask, my mind just goes there. Originally Posted by klovve
Attached Images File Type: jpeg shrubs.jpeg (8.7 KB, 140 views) File Type: jpeg gnomes.jpeg (13.4 KB, 137 views) File Type: jpeg hoses.jpeg (13.2 KB, 136 views)
Sorry K.... I couldn't help myself....
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 11-11-2010, 01:06 PM
You really thought I wanted an intelligent conversation about the usage of the word? Originally Posted by Whispers
Damn, Whispers, stop being such a cunt!
Whispers's Avatar
See .... Someone gets it......

Then again you pussyed out on us last night and never showed up and we had to deal with 3 sad girls disappointed you didn't show....

Fucking Wuss that you are I have no idea why they always ask if your coming.... I just tell them your getting your ass beat by one of the Adorables..... that seems to upset them a little.....

Even that beatch Ceales seems to wanna suck tit on you and asks if you were partying and that little prick RRRabit waited 4 hours for you to show....

We all took turns doing your shots asswipe..... So you were at least there in "spirits"..... (get it? Alcohol... spirits?..)

Call me a fucking cunt in my own thread?...
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 11-11-2010, 04:08 PM
I'll be there tonight to clean-up anything you guys and girls left behind...
If the waitress takes an hour to bring me a bottled beer, she's being a bloody cunt.
Surely I jest

My aussie friends call their friends and family "cunts" all the time. But the kiwis I've met hate the word "cunt" so much that I got cock blocked by one.
It's a matter of context and culture.
missi hart's Avatar
basing it in light of our culture, i find it to be an abhorrent word. i have never used it and never will, anymore than i would use a racial epithet. at least "asshole" isn't gender based. this whole topic says all i need to know about the poster---very disrespectful.
Such an odd question.

There's this word. It is probably the most offensive word for a woman you can think of and uniquely applicable to women so at least a whiff mysoginistic, hence it's choice for this discussion.

So the question is "When is it appropriate to use the most offensive possible word to refer to a women".

There are really only 2 possible answers:

1. Never because you're starting your attacking someone in part for their gender and/or it is more innately hurful than you realize (the empathetic politically correct answer).
2. When you absolutely unequivocably irreversibly want to try to offend a women. (the pragmatic answer).

Some people will think (1) and they will have no ability to consider the possibility of (2). Some people will think (2) and they will be amused by (1).

I will say this though, if you call someone a cunt anonymously over the internet, you're a pussy.
Whispers's Avatar
this whole topic says all i need to know about the poster---very disrespectful. Originally Posted by missi hart
Seems like a lot of folks are enjoying the topic.....

Your just now catching on to my attitude?

disrespectful of whom?