Did they turn it back into a Meat Packing Plant

You guys have got to read the reviews online of this place! It sounds a lot more like they were describing the apartment building from that new judge dredd movie than a real life place! I've never read a review for anything that says, "if you value your life do not go there" much less multiple reviews saying that! Oh, and if you keep going through Google search pages you'll see that registered sex offenders live there too. Originally Posted by redman1501

since I frequent this place more than most (or at least post on here versus those I see there that don't post about) you will some of the craziest shit all things considered. I could not imagine actually booking online and showing up at this place. just driving by I'd be like oh hell no. the proximity to the restaurants makes it seem like it would be an ok location but on any given day you see all the crazies of NW Hwy in one central location... sometimes I just swing by to see what the entertainment of the day will bring.

I had one of my regulars from there text me over the weekend and ask me to bring her 50 because her and her friends were partying and she wanted to contribute to 'the fund' told me I was welcome to come join 'the scene' and of course she would do anything for it... I'm good thanks