CA recall election

  • oeb11
  • 09-15-2021, 09:46 AM
The alleged disparity is based on reported population as it relates to disbursed funds. What it does not consider are the funding for Federal activities in those states that are not reflected in the "disbursements" and it also does not explain why those states are operating at a deficit.

In an effort to justify pissing off money for wasteful projects that are cost prohibitive and unjustified they formulate a fraction to produce a justification for tossing more money in those holes they dig and pour money down like rat quarters.

Look at California's "fast train" .... out of money and want Federal funding ... ala PissLousy!

Can anyone say: "Covid illnesses"? Originally Posted by LexusLover

nazi Pelosi is happy to do anything for her 'nephew' -in crime!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
read that several voters who showed up at the polls were told that they already voted.

looks like the fraud machine was out in full force.
LexusLover's Avatar
nazi Pelosi is happy to do anything for her 'nephew' -in crime!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Did I mention how many individuals and companies in California and New York maintain "income" and "reserve funds" off shore .... that would typically generate Federal funds for the USA?

Did Hunter ever pay income taxes for the funds he was paid?

Here's the "skinny" on these "funding" stats to justify MORE TAXPAYER MONEY disbursed to California and New York!!!!: For years Oregon had income tax and Washington state didn't. Oregon had a lower "consumer tax" on goods and a higher gasoline tax with no self-service, along with a higher real estate residential tax. People lived in Washington State right across the river from Portland and drove across the bride to work in Portland. They gassed up in Washington State and bought their "consumer" goods before they went back HOME to Washington State.

Here are some rich people securing business overseas and protecting their income from U.S. taxes ...

That "green juice" is delicious.
5.8M to 3.2M. It takes a special level of stupid to think fraud was in any way involved. 63% of the people voted to keep Newsom as governor. Anyone still on the fraud train are some of the stupidest people alive. Newsom won everywhere he won in the gubernatorial election and lost only where he initially lost.

He won 18 election with 61.9% democrats of the vote and over 7.7M votes.

Election fraud believers should be embarrassed to be so dumb.
  • oeb11
  • 09-15-2021, 12:31 PM
When teh marxist revolution comes for teh attorneys - 1b1

and they will - as did lenin, mao, Kim, and chavez/ Maduro -

There will be no One to speak for You.
LexusLover's Avatar
Election fraud believers should be embarrassed to be so dumb. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Are you familiar with the California voter qualification laws?

Isn't it ok with you for illegal aliens to vote in U.S. elections?

There's another poster on here who was ridiculing "old geezers" on here for voicing their opinions ... errrr....

... did you ALSO vote for an "old geezer"?
LexusLover's Avatar

There will be no One to speak for You. Originally Posted by oeb11
Some lawyers didn't study much real history before attending law school ... it really is valuable and informative. For instance had one engaged in some serious factual studying of the history of the civil rights legislation in this country one will recognize THE FACT that it was "old WHITE geezers" for the most part that crafted the language, published it for review, and voted for it. Thank God for the "old GEEZERS"! At the same time they might have personally witnessed MLK's remarks. MLK would be pissed today.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Gavin Newsom is a white supremacist.
  • oeb11
  • 09-15-2021, 03:02 PM
Gavin Newsom is a nazi pelosi nephew and nepotist entrance to the Governor mansion - and jsut as much a marxist revolutionary idiot as is his 'auntie'.

And a marxist white supremacist Racist. .

When the DPST party wails about 'tolerance and inclusion - they mean their lily white nominee stage and party management - and Plantation system for the black adn Latino Peoples!

remember will smith in teh first Men in black - crushing an 'auntie' under his shoe????
5.8M to 3.2M. Larry Elder dropped his fraud claim because it wasn’t even close. 2.6 million more people wanted to keep Newsom than wanted someone else. That was 63% of the vote.

Only the most stupid of Americans still fall for the election fraud grift. What’s sad is that there are millions of them. But that’s no surprise. There’s a sucker born every minute. Shit I bet some of you still think WWF wrestling was real and that people get abducted by aliens. How many idiots paid for pay per view on the 11th to hear the former president tell about aliens? I’m sure plenty.

Again I’ll say it for prosperity, election fraud believers should be embarrassed to be so dumb.
  • oeb11
  • 09-15-2021, 03:20 PM
No way any election in the soviet socialist state of kalifornia is legit

DPSTs have institutionalized Vote Fraud - reports are legion
and DPSTs are desperate to cover up their criminality and voter fraud.

Aliens- thank u - 1b1 - Giving aliens the vote - along with every illegal in America- and every non-citizen of America in teh World - is teh DPST plan for marxist control adn revolution
Must be great to send fraudulent ballots to Mars and other solar systems to harvest Votes!

First thing the marxists will do if Successful

"Kill all teh lawyers"!
It has been done before

One would know that - if History were not 'Racist' and forbidden to DPST minions!

and when One believes that the DPST nomenklatura Trillions of $ tax and spend into their own pockets is not inflationary and damaging to America's economy - One shows One's total ignorance of economics.

One believes what nazi Pelosi, Commie Schumer, and lying , senile fiden tell One.

so SAD!
VitaMan's Avatar
Not even worth replying to
No way any election in the soviet socialist state of kalifornia is legit

DPSTs have institutionalized Vote Fraud - reports are legion
and DPSTs are desperate to cover up their criminality and voter fraud.

Aliens- thank u - 1b1 - Giving aliens the vote - along with every illegal in America- and every non-citizen of America in teh World - is teh DPST plan for marxist control adn revolution
Must be great to send fraudulent ballots to Mars and other solar systems to harvest Votes!

First thing the marxists will do if Successful

"Kill all teh lawyers"!
It has been done before

One would know that - if History were not 'Racist' and forbidden to DPST minions!

and when One believes that the DPST nomenklatura Trillions of $ tax and spend into their own pockets is not inflationary and damaging to America's economy - One shows One's total ignorance of economics.

One believes what nazi Pelosi, Commie Schumer, and lying , senile fiden tell One.

so SAD! Originally Posted by oeb11
I don't feel sorry for the people of California. They made their bed now they are going to sleep in it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not even worth replying to Originally Posted by VitaMan
That's customarily what people respond when they can't.

They feel like they have to say something ... just anything ...

... so they say NOTHING!

Are you really a lawyer?
  • oeb11
  • 09-15-2021, 05:24 PM
First thing the marxists will do.............!!!