Warren calls for massive student debt relief and free public college tuition

You would be wrong Levi. Obama saved not only GM but the entire country after Bush 43 crashed the economy with his tax rebates to the rich and his wars in the middle east. Hope fully Trump wont totally crash the economy. He will just bleed it dry Originally Posted by themystic
Again you don't know your stuff...https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckde.../#38d7ac7e5850https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/ob...ot-back-trump/https://www.americanthinker.com/blog...come_back.html
How many more links would you like to prove you wrong again...YOU'RE TOO EASY!!
  • Tiny
  • 04-30-2019, 09:35 PM

From an interview with Ken Griffin, successful capitalist, this week:

Griffin said education, not the capitalist system, is broken in America. Government subsidies for student loans have created profound economic distortions, he said.

You have a generation of students who are “completely disillusioned with their economic prospects given the huge amount of debt that they’ve been saddled with, courtesy of the U.S. government, combined with the extraordinarily high cost of education they’ve been paying, courtesy of the U.S. government," Griffin said in a separate interview earlier Tuesday at the conference with former junk bond king Michael Milken.

Griffin, 50, was adamant that socialism isn’t the answer, calling its track record "one of complete failure."

He pointed to the current economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, where the nation’s opposition leader has called for a military uprising in an effort to unseat socialist President Nicolas Maduro’s regime.

The millennial generation doesn’t appreciate the downside of socialism like former generations, Griffin said.

To tackle income inequality, policy makers must tackle education and criminal justice reform, said Griffin.

I wish Warren, Sanders et al would take this in. If they and other members of the progressive left would put the same energy into building up the poor and disadvantaged as they do into tearing down the capitalists, we'd have a more prosperous and equal society.
  • oeb11
  • 05-01-2019, 06:33 AM
Thank you- Tiny
Bernie spent his honeymoon in soviet rusia - he is a Communist Totalitarian.
The DPST religion is not amenable to reason

Idiot-ideology based in Marxism - is not something changeable in the minds of those who will not see the Truth of the failure of Socialism-communism Totalitarianism
See - Venezuela- Maduro; Cuba - Castro, etc, etc,etc.
rexdutchman's Avatar
How true ,Quote( Idiot-ideology based in Marxism - is not something changeable in the minds of those who will not see the Truth of the failure of Socialism-communism Totalitarianism
See - Venezuela- Maduro; Cuba - Castro, etc, etc,etc. )

That's why History gotto go and why the liberal/ socialist are pushing that agenda.