Sabrina Nicole want's some info plz.......

I knew clicking back in this thread later in the day would give me a chuckle......Thanks Dallas co-ed.
You know, thats a fascinating question Dodger. I'd love to conduct some research into that matter.
Originally Posted by DecemberLove
December, all puns are bad.
Dharma--- are you gonna PUNish me now?
Dharma--- are you gonna PUNish me now? Originally Posted by DecemberLove
Don't get me wrong I am not anti-matter, please stop me before I pun again.
dodger's Avatar
Wow! Now this is thread hijacking at its worst. Originally Posted by looiecypher
Ah, but ... using quantum theory ... in some alternate universe, this thread has already led to me having a double with The Dannie and December Love .... and that can't be bad!!! In fact ... perhaps in multiple alternative universes ... universii ... multiverses? I mean .. if something uses "uni" as a prefix .. can there be more than one?

Shooot ... I'm going off to find a place in which I'm doing DATY on The Dannie while December Love researches my third dimension ... or some similar combination, and the mathematically possible combinations are mind boggling. Must remember to take my meds. And I'm not coming back until I FIND IT!!!! DAMMIT!!!!
Maybe, just maybe, by hijacking the thread and discussing alternate spacetime dimensions, we have stumbled across the answer to why Sabrina Nicole was using Mastermind's account to post another one of her annoying threADS.

Could it be possible that she has been studying theoretical physics and perhaps stumbled across 'the answer'? Then, armed with this knowledge, Sabrina set out to travel the various dimensions...and somehow manipulated spacetime (possibly using the information paradox to her advantage), but something went terribly wrong and now Sabrina is trapped in Matermind's body, and Mastermind is trapped in Sabrina Nicole!!

It could happen.
Where are your WK's when you need 'em, right Sabrina? Such slackers!
Indeed, strange things happen in the spacetime continuum. Perhaps she found an "information" worm hole and came out the other side trapped in Mastermind's body or more likely his mind. Be afraid be very afraid. I am not anti-Matermind, did I not ask you to stop me before I pun again?
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
CERN must have fired up the Large Hadron Collider. That could be the only explanation for this wrinkle in the time-space continuum.
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 09-17-2010, 05:50 PM
Wow! Now this is thread hijacking at its worst. Originally Posted by looiecypher
More like thread hijacking taken to its next dimension, and the next, and the next...

Perhaps that is what happened to Sabrina's login credentials?
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 09-17-2010, 05:53 PM
Indeed, strange things happen in the spacetime continuum. Perhaps she found an "information" worm hole and came out the other side trapped in Mastermind's body or more likely his mind. Be afraid be very afraid. I am not anti-Matermind, did I not ask you to stop me before I pun again? Originally Posted by LuckJack
anti-Maters are used to make anti-pasto...for before the trip through the wormhole
Over half of the universe is made up of "dark energy", another approximately 22% is made up of dark matter. The remainder of the universe is made up of matter and energy that can already been seen and experienced.

(goodness ... I must be awfully bored, today)

AND ... iirc ... my P411 profile warns providers that I enjoy talking about science .. and myself. Originally Posted by dodger
I am matter and energy that can be seen and experienced.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Maybe, just maybe, by hijacking the thread and discussing alternate spacetime dimensions, we have stumbled across the answer to why Sabrina Nicole was using Mastermind's account to post another one of her annoying threADS.

Could it be possible that she has been studying theoretical physics and perhaps stumbled across 'the answer'? Then, armed with this knowledge, Sabrina set out to travel the various dimensions...and somehow manipulated spacetime (possibly using the information paradox to her advantage), but something went terribly wrong and now Sabrina is trapped in Matermind's body, and Mastermind is trapped in Sabrina Nicole!!

It could happen.
Where are your WK's when you need 'em, right Sabrina? Such slackers! Originally Posted by Dannie

But I am extremely hard right now.

Could it be possible that she has been studying theoretical physics and perhaps stumbled across 'the answer'? ...!! Originally Posted by Dannie
But we already know the answer. It's 42.
(It was in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
All I can say is wow. What the hell have I missed?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
It was hijacked probably because everyone knows Mastermind1 is Sabrina's tow truck driving boyfriend and it's just another threAD. Originally Posted by Sawyer

I’m surprised he & she have not be banned. His posting history speaks volumes.

It is clear he has motives and is using this board to promote his product.

They both do not deserve to be here.