Provider Solicitation via PM or email

My handle was especially formulated to minimize provider solicitations. She who seeks the empty wallet will find an empty wallet. My initials also help (EW). My evil twin, Full Wallet, is another story. I did not want to be completely repulsive, so I avoided: permanentrash, deathstink, KingBO, lotsopus etc. Except for my own handle, all handles in this post were made up on the fly. Any similarity to a reader's handle is coincidental and no offense was intended. EW
Still Looking's Avatar
Top Ten Answers to Unwanted Solicitations

1) I’m on my period!
2) I’ll need to ask my wife first!
3) I can meet you just as soon as I get out of the free clinic!
4) How many teeth do you have? Can you send me a resume?
5) Do you give group rates, there is 7 of us I'm the retarded one?
6) Is it OK that I’m a Vice Detective?
7) Can I get my wheel chair to your room?
8) Can I bring my kids with me?
9) I have $13.00 how many hours do I get for that?
10) I’m at my wife’s funeral right now; can I call you when it’s over?

Top Ten Answers to Unwanted Solicitations

1) I’m on my period!
2) I’ll need to ask my wife first!
3) I can meet you just as soon as I get out of the free clinic!
4) How many teeth do you have? Can you send me a resume?
5) Do you give group rates, there is 7 of us I'm the retarded one?
6) Is it OK that I’m a Vice Detective?
7) Can I get my wheel chair to your room?
8) Can I bring my kids with me?
9) I have $13.00 how many hours do I get for that?
10) I’m at my wife’s funeral right now; can I call you when it’s over?

Originally Posted by Still Looking

pyramider's Avatar
Do any of these solicitations have coupons?
To answer the actual question at hand, I would never blatantly solicit (PM/email/call) business from gents on boards or even previous patrons. That's what ad's & website updates are for.

The only way I'd ever think to contact a gentleman to let him know I'm available is if he is a consistent LTR & even then, it would feel slightly intrusive to me. If a guy wants to meet with me, he'll contact me with his availability. If he's an LTR, in my experience, you get to where you have a regular schedule with each other & know you're going to see that person once a week or whatever.

My 2 cent's.
Soonerman12's Avatar
From owning my own business, I can respect a provider that gets after it. One thing I hate to do is to go through deep chasing routines with providers.. did that once for an ex-wife.. I'd rather go through the better and cheaper option of making a business transaction with someone who is incredibly attractive and going about my life.
Still Looking's Avatar
From owning my own business, I can respect a provider that gets after it. One thing I hate to do is to go through deep chasing routines with providers.. did that once for an ex-wife.. I'd rather go through the better and cheaper option of making a business transaction with someone who is incredibly attractive and going about my life. Originally Posted by Soonerman12
Were you married to a provider?
Mr Blonde's Avatar
Top Ten Answers to Unwanted Solicitations

1) I’m on my period!
2) I’ll need to ask my wife first!
3) I can meet you just as soon as I get out of the free clinic!
4) How many teeth do you have? Can you send me a resume?
5) Do you give group rates, there is 7 of us I'm the retarded one?
6) Is it OK that I’m a Vice Detective?
7) Can I get my wheel chair to your room?
8) Can I bring my kids with me?
9) I have $13.00 how many hours do I get for that?
10) I’m at my wife’s funeral right now; can I call you when it’s over?

Originally Posted by Still Looking
11... you called me...i charge $$$/Hh no cim no greek

now for the more disturbing part...i thought you were refereing to girls that you have already seen...which happens...but random chicks you have never met before trying to get on the team...thats just wrong.
Still Looking's Avatar
11... you called me...i charge $$$/Hh no cim no greek

now for the more disturbing part...i thought you were refereing to girls that you have already seen...which happens...but random chicks you have never met before trying to get on the team...thats just wrong. Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
It's wrong, but I have a lot of fun with it! LOL I've had two believe the funeral thing!
Mr Blonde's Avatar
It must be your avatar pic that has them going crazy
Still Looking's Avatar
It must be your avatar pic that has them going crazy Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Real life baby picture avatars work great! LOL
Real life baby picture avatars work great! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Lol that is one creepy baby.
Still Looking's Avatar
Lol that is one creepy baby. Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly
Thank you!
Thank you! Originally Posted by Still Looking can't stop laughing...maybe its the wine...hell I might wake up naked...lmao
Still Looking's Avatar can't stop laughing...maybe its the wine...hell I might wake up naked...lmao Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly
On my way.....