Was Dylann Roof a atheist?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
His "friend" has been interviewed, ... I don't think it is "news worthy"!

The last thing the LIBERALS want is a "Gay Terrorist"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The article sounds like undercount wrote it.

I don't believe it either.
His "friend" has been interviewed, ... I don't think it is "news worthy"!

The last thing the LIBERALS want is a "Gay Terrorist"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, the media probably paid him off to keep his mouth shut and only make statements they tell him to.

bojulay's Avatar
Most definitely a raciest to the third degree.

Most garden variety raciest just slander other races.

Why would the media and others even question that fact??
They act like it is a new concept or something.
He pretended to pray? You mean when he sat in on the prayer meeting, for what was reported to be an hour? Then he shoots supposedly nine people and allows one to live, supposedly so she could tell of the incident. I find that strange. So the question is was he a racist or an atheist or both? Personally I don't think he was either.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Well, I don't think there is much doubt he is a racist. I haven't read or heard anything on his religious beliefs or lack thereof. But, more than anything else, he is fucking nuts.

He'll spend the rest of whatever life he has left living in a cage before they feed him a lethal injection.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Well, I don't think there is much doubt he is a racist. I haven't read or heard anything on his religious beliefs or lack thereof. But, more than anything else, he is fucking nuts.

He'll spend the rest of whatever life he has left living in a cage before they feed him a lethal injection. Originally Posted by timpage
That would be too good for him.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-26-2015, 09:31 AM
I missed that. Is that true?

A gay atheist? I was only kidding when I said that to WTF. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Can you imagine. Dylann fires off his first shot and someone in the group who happens to be armed snuffs out Dylann before he can commit anymore mayhem. That would surely throw a wrench in the gun debates.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I've read the commentary from the whacks about how all of this could have been prevented if the victims had simply brought their guns to church. Do you not get the absurdity of that? Arguing that the solution to crazies like this dude having access to a firearm is that everybody else has to carry a firearm all the time to protect themselves from the whack who has access to a firearm is....nuts.
His "friend" has been interviewed, ... I don't think it is "news worthy"!

The last thing the LIBERALS want is a "Gay Terrorist"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ban gays from owning firearms...........
I've read the commentary from the whacks about how all of this could have been prevented if the victims had simply brought their guns to church. Do you not get the absurdity of that? Arguing that the solution to crazies like this dude having access to a firearm is that everybody else has to carry a firearm all the time to protect themselves from the whack who has access to a firearm is....nuts. Originally Posted by timpage
I think it could have been prevented if they would have locked the front door. Being that it was only a prayer meeting and not a Sunday sermon they probably weren't expecting the usual Sunday crowd.

I think it could have been prevented if they would have locked the front door. Being that it was only a prayer meeting and not a Sunday sermon they probably weren't expecting the usual Sunday crowd.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He asked to join the meeting and they welcomed him. Locking the door wouldn't have helped. They let him in.
He asked to join the meeting and they welcomed him. Locking the door wouldn't have helped. They let him in. Originally Posted by timpage
That's a new one on me. I heard he just walked in and they were receptive to his presence.

He asked to join the meeting and they welcomed him. Locking the door wouldn't have helped. They let him in. Originally Posted by timpage
Bullshit he walked right in. This link has a picture to prove it.


How come it bothers you that I said supposedly? I wasn't there. I never saw evidence of a shooting. Am I obligated to take the MSM word for everything?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
When every paper and newscast in the country says that's what happened? Yeah, that would seem to be the case, unless you think EVERY paper and media outlet is in on some grand conspiracy, in which case you're a fucking idiot.
When every paper and newscast in the country says that's what happened? Yeah, that would seem to be the case, unless you think EVERY paper and media outlet is in on some grand conspiracy, in which case you're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you believe everything you see and hear on television? You tell Christians God's a fairytale cause there's no evidence he exists. Same can be said of this shooting. There's no hard evidence that anyone was shot. Show me the bodies.

So you believe everything you see and hear on television? You tell Christians God's a fairytale cause there's no evidence he exists. Same can be said of this shooting. There's no hard evidence that anyone was shot. Show me the bodies.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So you believe in a sky daddy you can't see and have never seen, but you want proof in the way of bodies that these people were killed? You're lost.