Poll says Most Registered Voters Support Mass Deportation

texassapper's Avatar
Source, please. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000 migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings at the border has national security 'vulnerabilities'

JFC, if you are unaware of this, you need to catch up. Originally Posted by texassapper
I was soooo hoping you would post another POS source like this. You never disappoint.

tx-dot already tore you up pretty effectively about this, so I don't need to do much more. Other than to say....you used a source owned by "The Daily Mail"? Good god. How desperate.

Like I said in another thread, Russian bots do this better than you.
Originally Posted by texassapper

... Anybody want to discuss the poll where 62% want
to send out the illegals with mass deportations??

The American people want the illegals OUT!
CBS News has shown that.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
See my post about "Angels" above.

...but representative democracy is not meant for an immoral people. Originally Posted by texassapper
What in the everloving fuck does that even mean? Again...source please! Because maybe that will help me understand this. You can try to mansplain it to me also, but I don't have much hope. And god forbid if you made that one up yourself. Though THAT would make sense of...why I can't make sense of this!

(you didn't quote WYID by chance, did you? This is the kind of harpy nonsense that he likes, and THAT would make sense also! So obtuse and weird. I keep feeling there is a double negative in there somewhere that I cannot extract)
ICU 812's Avatar
See my post about "Angels" above.

What in the everloving fuck does that even mean? Again...source please!

Originally Posted by gladi8r
I would ask you the same question regarding ANGELS
texassapper's Avatar
What in the everloving fuck does that even mean? Again...source please! Originally Posted by gladi8r
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

That you can't figure out what it means proves Adams was right.
ICU 812's Avatar
So then, let us talk in terms of secular literature:

There is a passage or scene at the end of "The Lord of the Rings", the climax of the overt action actually, where the forces of Good, under Gandalf and several kings etc, are drawn up before the gates of Mordor ready to do battle. Then the gates open and the forces of darkness come out in a mass so vast that they surround them in a sea of Goblins, Orks and other vile creatures. Raad he books if you have not.

Today watching the news, I sometimes feel as though I am standing there ,along with those I old close, and we are on that hill with Gandalf, the Elves and Hobbits and Dwarves etc . . .and all I can see around us are the powers of darkness.

The really scary part is that as I look out there, I can see my buddy from high school (our valedictorian), my college roommate (now a PhD in math), my brother and sister-in-law (again, both PhDs) and many others I have known well when we were young.

Allegory perhaps, but no angels.