Do you have an emergency plan?

It is always good to think about "what if" in advance and have a contingency plan. It is likely that few reading this forum would be aware, or remember, but a former Vice President of the United States, Nelson Rockefeller, expired in the middle of the night in the apartment of a young friend, about 50 years his junior. Details released at the time were later contradicted, but basically he died of 25 over 75 (not his blood pressure) and may have survived had not the young lady, Megan Marshank, called her girlfriend first and the two of them delayed before calling for trained medical assistance. Since most of those involved who had the political power to influence the reporting of the event are long since dead themselves, there is a good bit of information available and if anyone is board it makes for interesting reading, in somewhat twisted way.
Interesting read....Glad you shared.

RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Mr. Lester,

I'm sorry if bringing this old post bothers you, to be honest, I was bored. But more so, I didn't want to start a new topic that has been remade a million times already. Plus, I honestly thought that this topic was pretty interesting.

What do you want done if you died during an appointment?
What would you do if the provider died on you? Originally Posted by ClaireBarsett
That would be an ideal way to go.

I have seen men die in many other fashions, but screwing a teenage girl would be something.
normalguy21's Avatar
That last post reminded me of a story a thai provider told me of a guy she saw who was very over weight and showed up intoxicated.

He was on her missionary and started to get winded then vomited all over her rolled over and said he was having a heart attack ,

She is in the country at the time kinda not maybe who knows legal eh.?

He wants her to call 911

She freaks out and he vomits all over her .

What do you think happened ?