George Zimmerman Arrested -- Finally!!

nuglet's Avatar
No, it's actually for me to consider him not guilty of anything until he has his day...just as I do you or anyone else.
He has not had a day in court, I wasn't there, I don't get to decide.. Obviously you have inside, personal knowledge.. Do everyone a favor and never, ever, serve on a jury.. or vote.
What I "doubt", is, that it's a good idea to get make judgements based on TV and internet reports.
No, it's actually for me to consider him not guilty of anything until he has his day...just as I do you or anyone else.
He has not had a day in court, I wasn't there, I don't get to decide.. Obviously you have inside, personal knowledge.. Do everyone a favor and never, ever, serve on a jury.. or vote.
What I "doubt", is, that it's a good idea to get make judgements based on TV and internet reports. Originally Posted by nuglet
Dude, we're not sentencing him to second degree murder here, we're only trying to determine if his actions were racially motivated. "F***ing Coons" pretty much closed that topic for me.

Incidentally, you don't need any inside information to form an opinion here Nuggie. Here's what we know, or at least I have yet to hear anyone claim otherwise:

1. Zimmerman was carrying a weapon. Guilty of violating Neighborhood Watch rules.

2. Zimmerman broke Neighborhood Watch rules and defied law enforcement in pursuing a teenager who was doing nothing more than minding his own business. Guilty once again of defying Neighborhood Watch rules, and further guilty of stupidity in following someone after specifically told not to by law enforcement. Even further guilty of racially profiling someone based on nothing more than their appearance.

3. Zimmerman approached and confronted Martin. What was said or done, no one really knows, but we do know this. That by approaching and/or confronting Martin in even a remotely threatening way, Zimmerman became the instigator and/or the aggressor hence forfeiting any and all claims to self-defense.

4. Martin was found to be completely unarmed, and Zimmerman, with the exception of a few scratches, completely unharmed. I fail to see based on these unquestionable little nuggets of information by themselves how Zimmerman could ever have felt as if his life was in peril. Again, getting punched in the face is not cause to shoot and kill someone. I would most likely have punched Zimmerman in the snout too had he been stalking and then approached me in a threatening manner at night.

5. The D.A. has filed Second Degree Murder charges against Zimmerman. They did this in lieu of filing a lessor charge of manslaughter. Why do you suppose that is? That tells me that the D.A has evidence to support according to Florida law:

a. The victim is dead;
b. The death was caused by the criminal act of the defendant;
c. There was an unlawful killing of the victim by an act imminently dangerous to another and demonstrating a depraved mind without regard for human life.

We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out from here, but I've love to hear you try and argue these points.
PornPet69's Avatar
When I first read the story, I felt outrage that this over zealous neighborhood watch captain was not arrested and charged on the spot. He killed a kid going to get skittles for his little brother. That is how the media wanted you how to feel. But now that we are getting more information and more recent pics of how the two look now. It is a totally different story, the only reason he was arrested and charge was because of the media pressure and racial tension going on there. I believe Zimmerman did shoot him in self defense and will get off. Then we are gonna have another L.A. Riot. Get your guns ready!
When I first read the story, I felt outrage that this over zealous neighborhood watch captain was not arrested and charged on the spot. He killed a kid going to get skittles for his little brother. That is how the media wanted you how to feel. But now that we are getting more information and more recent pics of how the two look now. It is a totally different story, the only reason he was arrested and charge was because of the media pressure and racial tension going on there. I believe Zimmerman did shoot him in self defense and will get off. Then we are gonna have another L.A. Riot. Get your guns ready! Originally Posted by PornPet69
What "other information", and what exactly makes you believe Zimmerman shot him in self-defense? Are you seriously basing your opinion on nothing more than how "the two look now"? If you can't do better than that, you're just as guilty as Zimmerman of racial bias.
sixxbach's Avatar
F Sharp, you have all the facts of the case? Were you there? Dude, I am a minority, and my gut tells me it was not racially motivated.

Had I been in Zimmerman's predicament, I would not have had to shoot Martin, I would have handed him his ass bare handed but unfortunately for him, he ran into someone, who has to rely on a gun and backed up by state law

PornPet69's Avatar
What "other information", and what exactly makes you believe Zimmerman shot him in self-defense? Are you seriously basing your opinion on nothing more than how "the two look now"? If you can't do better than that, you're just as guilty as Zimmerman of racial bias. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Hahaha, now I'm racially bias as Zimmerman. Why do you keep putting race into this? Trayvon is a young teen 6'3" and is a good athlete, Zimmer older and shorter. Trayvon wins in a fight easy. Yes it is a tragedy that could have been avoided but it is what it is. It took them 44 days to charge him because they know it will be hard to get him convicted. But all the media hoopla out pressure on them to do something. I'm not Nortradamas but I'm just calling it how I see it.
I love these kind of comments! "Your gut tells you it was not racially motivated." You might want to explain to your gut that Zimmerman's single reason for stalking and confronting this kid was because he was black and walking the street at night. How could it possibly get any more "racially motivated" than that? Then again, Zimmerman referring to blacks as "F***ing Coons" in the 911 call doesn't help his case much either.

And yes PornPet, your comments make you just as guilty of racial bias as Zimmerman. By your own admission your opinion changed the minute you saw a recent picture of Martin. Have you ever even bothered to ask yourself why? You think Martin's guilty of "something" for the same reason Zimmerman stalked him that night. Fact is, he was doing absolutely nothing wrong and Zimmerman had no real reason to stalk and ultimately approach him for absolutely any reason other than being black at night.
I told myself I would try not to form an opinion until more time passed and more evidence was brought to light. It's no secret the media skews our views. For that reason, I haven't been following the case closely. The first thought that popped into my mind was someone carrying a gun for a neighborhood watch seems like a person ready for action. It seems way overzealous. I honestly think the guy was a ticking time bomb racially motivated or not.
I told myself I would try not to form an opinion until more time passed and more evidence was brought to light. It's no secret the media skews our views. For that reason, I haven't been following the case closely. The first thought that popped into my mind was someone carrying a gun for a neighborhood watch seems like a person ready for action. It seems way overzealous. I honestly think the guy was a ticking time bomb racially motivated or not. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi

As I was not there and am not getting paid to get headlines and sell ads on TV, I have no idea what happenned and truthfully no matter what is eventually decided in a court of law, we may still not know what really happenned. Unfortuynately today, many cases are tried in the media before they ever make it to court. I think it should be illegal to report information about any open investigation. Thaty would at least give all parties involved at least an opportunity to view the evidence that has been collected with an open mind. As it is this one is so polluted, it will be impossible to gather 12 people that are capable of being impartial, that is unless you get your jury from one of those lost tribes in South America!!

That being said, I do take exception to the ticking time bomb statement. There are lots and lots of people that carry firearms that NEVER are faced with a stiuation in which they use them. If a person is licensed to carry a firearm or in Texas if they are in their own vehicle anyone is allowed carry a concealed weapon as an extension of the castle doctrine (the castle doctrine states that you have a right to defend and protect your home/castel and that right extends to your property including your land and your vehicle). That doesn't mean that they are looking for an opportunity to use their firearm at the drop of a hat. In many cases it might mean that they are just being prudent. If I were on neighborhood watch and I was licensed to carry, I would do so. What sense would it make to not carry, given that you had gone to the effort and expense to get licensed. Think of how tragic it would be to be licensed, but you left your firearm at home and then ran into a situation where it could be needed, perhaps someone gets badly hurt or even killed and you could have prevented it if you had just had your firearm with you. Would you ever be able to forgive yourself??
Carrying a firearm does not necessarily make one overzealous or a "ticking time bomb".

Just my opinion for what little it is worth!!!

If I were on neighborhood watch and I was licensed to carry, I would do so. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
And in doing so, you would be breaking a very fundamental rule of Neighborhood Watch...NO FIREARMS!

What sense would it make to not carry, given that you had gone to the effort and expense to get licensed. Think of how tragic it would be to be licensed, but you left your firearm at home and then ran into a situation where it could be needed, perhaps someone gets badly hurt or even killed and you could have prevented it if you had just had your firearm with you.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
As already mentioned, it would make perfect sense given the fact that carrying a firearm is against the rules of Neighborhood Watch. Tragic or not, Neighborhood Watch is to do just that, watch and report, NOT INTERVENE! By 1. carrying a firearm, and 2. intervening in a situation he had no business intervening in, Zimmerman was BEGGING for trouble and as described "a ticking timebomb". No, the simple fact of carrying a firearm is not the sole reason, it's the circumstances under which he was carrying the firearm and ultimately behaving with it in his possession.

I can't find Sanford's rules specifically, but here's a sample of Neighborhood Watch rules from a town called Spring Mount in Pennsylvania. As you read this, you might start asking yourself why in the hell was Zimmerman involved with Neighborhood Watch at all? Apparently, it was an organization he knew absolutely nothing about, and based on his actions in the case, held a position within that organization he was absolutely clueless about performing.

1. DO NOT lay a hand on any individual except in self defense.

2. DO NOT get out of your vehicle except to visually investigate the extent of injuries to a crime or accident victim.

3. DO NOT render first aid to any victim unless certified by the Red Cross.

4. DO NOT perform any criminal or security investigative functions such as checking doors, searching between homes, etc.

5. DO NOT shine a light at any person or into the windows of any vehicle or occupied dwelling.

6. DO NOT discuss what you see or hear while on patrol. Do not cause discomfort or embarrassment to any individual. Federal Law prohibits disclosure of any information heard on the police or neighborhood watch radio.

7. DO NOT involve yourself in any way with the work of the Police at an emergency scene unless specifically ordered or requested otherwise by a Police Officer.

8. DO NOT become involved in high-speed pursuit of vehicles.

9. DO NOT have any weapon in your possession or in your vehicle while on Neighborhood Watch patrol, even if you are licensed to carry one. Your weapons are your eyes and ears.

10. DO NOT get near any person/s with a weapon in their hands (Police Officers or possible criminals). If you see any Police Officer with a drawn sidearm (gun) or shotgun, or with a tazer, etc. withdraw immediately to a safe location.

11. DO NOT violate and traffic regulation. Neighborhood Watch vehicles are not emergency vehicles.

12. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages or drugs are to be consumed by Neighborhood Watch members on patrol.

The rules and regulations above have been formulated for the protection of all Neighborhood Watch volunteers and the success of the Neighborhood Watch program itself. Any violations of the Neighborhood Watch Rules and Regulations may result in disqualification from the program.

Your failure to observe these rules CAN result in:

* Personal Injuries

* Civil Liabilities

* Criminal Liabilities

* Interference with Critical Police Activities

* Loss of Community and Police Support for Neighborhood Watch

You can get involved in many situations not covered by these rules. You are responsible for using your own common sense and discipline while on patrol.
I am not familiar with the rules of "neighborhood watch" associations and therefore would adjust my statement to say that if I were licensed to carry and joined the neighborhood watch, I would comply with their rules.

That being said, if you are familiar with the responsibilities that come with the right to carry a concealed weapon in TX (and many other states as the statutes are similiar in most of them so reciprocity between states can exist), you may very well be unable to fulfill one of the responsibilities that licensed persons are expected to fuflill by the statute. It is a catch-22 in a lot of situations.

F-Sharp communicated what I was referring to and trying to communicate. It was more of his offensive behavior surrounding the whole thing. Having said that, I am not going to draw a conclusion based on just that, nor do I think carrying a gun is a bad thing if the person is RESPONSIBLE. That is all "The smiley face makes it all better". KLK
I am not familiar with the rules of "neighborhood watch" associations and therefore would adjust my statement to say that if I were licensed to carry and joined the neighborhood watch, I would comply with their rules.

That being said, if you are familiar with the responsibilities that come with the right to carry a concealed weapon in TX (and many other states as the statutes are similiar in most of them so reciprocity between states can exist), you may very well be unable to fulfill one of the responsibilities that licensed persons are expected to fuflill by the statute. It is a catch-22 in a lot of situations.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Do those responsibilities include harassing people walking down the street who are minding their own business? Do they also include shooting and and killing those people when they object to the harassment verbally, physically or otherwise? Zimmerman apparently felt this way didn't he? Remember, it was Martin who was being stalked here, not Zimmerman. Martin was the one who was fearful, not the guy with the concealed firearm who was acting completely inappropriate and not following the rules of Neighborhood Watch, or the advice of law enforcement.
if Zimmerman is such a racist why is is best friend a Black man?

the media fuked this up so bad with their rush to convict who knows what will come of it all...because Producers always get fired ...

were any of you there watching.. NO, so quit playing he said she said until
all the facts are out I will sustain from any judgements, as I suggest yall do too

and if he did say 'fucking coon', perhaps there was a raccoon near by
  • Sabor
  • 04-15-2012, 09:53 AM
"A raccoon near by", unworthy of you Ralphey, if some one used a racial epithet around you I don't believe you would be so cavalier, I know I wouldn't.

People tend to have friends who are more like themselves and only true bigots judge and convict by color only, Zimmerman's fault was to make an assumption by stereotyping, going outside the bounds of neighborhood watch guidelines and ignoring a 911 response. An innocent man is dead. He should bear the responsibility of his actions.