Is ANYONE watching "Breaking Bad"?

JCM800's Avatar
Hank gets wounded severely, the other DEA gets killed. Originally Posted by Will Boner
that scenario has already played out when Hank was shot previously and survived.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I have not ever watched the show because I believe it glorifies drugs.
I admit I have never watched it right?
I hate drugs and what drugs have done to people.
I could be wrong about the show but here I am. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
There you are! Good for you, sincerely. I believe people kill themselves with drugs, and as at least some debilitating drugs occur naturally, it is a fair contest.

As for the show, I love it. I have since day one, I missed Brett Favre's last game as a Packer watching BB. Couldn't afford DVR then.

Anyhow, it is not the show it once was. Still good, I feel the need, the pressure, to wrap the show up tidily in a certain amount of episodes is creating some gaps the show as a whole has been better than. But it is still good. Specifically I am referring to any concept that the first four seasons (and some of season five) occurred in the timeframe of one year. It is a long stretch, harder to accept when the actual players age at least five years.

Spoiler, but its freakin' Tuesday, watch the show

I enjoyed Sunday's episode but I was surprised when Walt freaked out so much. That was a long car drive to drive like a maniac. I would have thought some reason prevailed over that time span. But what bothered me more was that, at the end of the episode, you have at least five, possibly seven, men, who are all good with a gun, having a good old stand-off, and, even though there is a several second dramatic pause, time to talk, breathe, and aim, not one of these seven lands a single first shot? I admit in the scene they were creating a lot of panicked misses were inevitable, but somebody, Hank, Todd, his uncle, or the uncle's main man would have landed the first shot. Not necessarily a kill, but a hit.

We will soon see how that plays. Obviously we know Walt lives through the shootout, he makes his 52nd birthday. Im guessing, due to Walt's neighbors reaction to seeing Walt in the first 2013 episode, that by series' end Jesse and most of Walt's family will be dead. Walt will die. At least one of his kids will live, with the money. The Madrigal lady will prevail with a source of blue.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Looks like the spin off to breaking bad is a go:
ChevyGuy214's Avatar
I kinda hope all 3 die or at least get injured.

I like the saul goodman idea though.....His character stands out to me.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
......... But what bothered me more was that, at the end of the episode, you have at least five, possibly seven, men, who are all good with a gun, having a good old stand-off, and, even though there is a several second dramatic pause, time to talk, breathe, and aim, not one of these seven lands a single first shot? Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Yea, I was thinking the same thing, "what a bunch of lousy shooters, where the hell did they get their training from"? Well that is Hollywood for ya! LOL
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yea, I was thinking the same thing, "what a bunch of lousy shooters, where the hell did they get their training from"? Well that is Hollywood for ya! LOL Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
I was thinking that during the shootout. Then, I thought that it was just being very theatrical. On purpose.

The writers wanted us to have that "Oh crap!" moment before ending this episode. It has to be that.

Otherwise, with so many bullets flying, someone just has to get hit, right?

Surely there wouldn't be any type of anti-climatic comedic moment where everyone lives, would there be?

I mean, that would be Breaking Bad, right? To present an extreme set of circumstances and have them all turn sideways?
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 09-12-2013, 08:49 AM
Is it Sunday yet?

*jonesing for my BB fix*
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Is it Sunday yet?

*jonesing for my BB fix* Originally Posted by LNK
Me, too. Helps that I'm so busy, otherwise! Keeps my mind off of things.

Plus, there was the season opener of "Sons of Anarchy" on Tuesday. That helped.

JUST a little bit, though.

Sexy Katrina's Avatar
I love this show! I had to have a breaking bad marathon on netflix and get caught up to the season that is on t.v now.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I love this show! I had to have a breaking bad marathon on netflix and get caught up to the season that is on t.v now. Originally Posted by Sexy Katrina
YEAH! Another female who loves the show. We can't be the only ones, can we?

Sexy Katrina's Avatar
Wow I didn't really read every page but have we been the only women on this thread? This show is awesome !! Chemistry professor turned into a Drug Lord..
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wow I didn't really read every page but have we been the only women on this thread? This show is awesome !! Chemistry professor turned into a Drug Lord.. Originally Posted by Sexy Katrina
I have spent years, decades really, without a television until about three years ago. Never cared for it much.

However, what a difference a few years make! Television these days is just different than it used to be. Now, shows are very riveting and makes you "think".

We still got that "riveting" type of feeling with shows like Dallas when "Who shot JR" happened, if anyone here remembers this.

But generally, most shows weren't the compelling. At least not to me.

With Breaking Bad, it's the type of show that just begs to create dialogue.

Like many ladies in this business, I'm a bit isolated at times and so watching something like this show, and being able to discuss some of the philosophies behind it, is just a lot of fun for me.

Glad to see your responses.

Sexy Katrina's Avatar
Yes this show def. makes you think a lot. I didn't get to watch the whole thing because I was also isolated by work but I went on Nextflix and had a breaking bad marathon lol
We will soon see how that plays. Obviously we know Walt lives through the shootout, he makes his 52nd birthday. Im guessing, due to Walt's neighbors reaction to seeing Walt in the first 2013 episode, that by series' end Jesse and most of Walt's family will be dead. Walt will die. At least one of his kids will live, with the money. The Madrigal lady will prevail with a source of blue. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Well, the actual time period of the show's time line is closer to 2 years, not one year. He was 50 in the first season. In this season's 2nd half opener, there is a "flash forward" in which he is making a "52" with bacon on his breakfast. He was also buying a belt fed machine gun from an arms dealer and had grown some hair back.

But I don't get the feeling that the "flash forward" scene is more than a couple of months in the future from the shootout scene in last Sunday's episode. So, i think we have to be closing in on two years from the start: Walt just can't survive much longer after the shootout on Sunday.

He shouted out a confession to Jesse on the phone while he was driving to save the money. He admitted to poisoning the kid and killing Gus and killing a few others. All because he wanted to help his family by making money. If that phone call was recorded by Hank, then assuming Hank and/or Gomie survives the shootout, they have a confession and the money barrels (once they are dug up) to convict Walt - not to mention the shootout itself, which Hank caused.

But even if Hank and Gomie are killed, Hank's wife knows he had just arrested Walt. So, when she finds out Hank is dead, she will tell the DEA and they will STILL be all over Walt.

In any event, I think Walt is a man on the run after the shootout is over.

Also, in the flashforward, Walt goes into his burned out home and retrieves the vial of ricin hidden inside the power outlet. His neighbor sees him and screams.

So, how did his house go on fire? Did Jesse survive the shootout and come back to finish the job?

Why did the neighbor lady scream? Did she know what Walt was a psycho criminal wanted for mass murder?

And what is Walt going to do with the ricin and the machine gun?

There is a lot of shit left to resolve, but I think it plays out over a 2 month time frame.
I am confused about one thing.

How did Jessie figure out that Saul removed the poisoned cigarette from his cigarette pack?

As you may recall, Jessie was standing on the street waiting to be picked up by the guy who specializes in giving people new identities. Saul had persuaded Jessie to go into hiding to avoid both the cops and being killed by Walt.

But Jessie pulls a cigarette pack out of his jacket pocket and appears to have a revelation. He goes back to Saul Goodman's office and beats him into confessing that at Walt's request, he (Saul) had removed the ricin-laced cigarette - the one intended for Gus Fring - from the cigarette pack.

When Jessie's girlfriend's son got sick, Jessie was persuaded by Walt that Gus had gotten the cigarette and poisoned the kid. Later we learn that Walt had himself made the kid sick by giving him berries from a "lily-of-the-valley" plant.

The kid recovered, but only after Jessie helped Walt kill Gus.

So, how did Jessie figure out that Saul got the ricin cigarette out of the pack?