That giant gulping sound you hear is not from Fani

Fucking stupid trumped up bullshit. This has nothing to do with the indictment charges.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Nah, Levi. txdot is hardly missing the point. Just because you don't agree with his position means jack and shit. The only thing Fani Fan and Nate Nate are guilty of is shit judgment. IMO, they are continuing to show their poor judgment by not just stepping aside. Regardless, they have committed no actionable crime.

On the other hand, Trump is guilty as fuck for what he has been criminally charged with. Again, why they don't just step aside is beyond my comprehension. Why take the heat off Trump by letting his lawyers possibly delay this case beyond the election?

Trump is a scumbag law breaking criminal. Criminals belong in jail and/or prison with other scumbag law breaking criminals.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The truth is that Trump and his allies conspired to fraudulently steal the electoral college votes from Biden and assign them to Trump... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Let us examine said "truth" of yours a bit more closely (in spite of the fact it is a bit far of field from the OP topic)

Trump and his allies - aka We The People
conspired to fraudulently steal the electoral college votes - aka peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Stated more simply - too frick'n bad if they don't like being held accountable to the people they are there to serve.

Notwithstanding that 37 States changed their mail-in voting laws, most extra-judicially, aka illegally, because of the covid, which as we know is officially downgraded to the flu, which it always was. Stuffing drop boxes illegally, late night pauses in counting, fake floods in counting locations, 37 people living at 7-11 stores, etc. and viola! Biden won.

Net-net - total bullshit.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm thinking that attorney Ashleigh Merchant erred in interviewing her witness, Terrence Bradley, the way she did. As you may recall from the OP, every time she asked a question, he looked at his owners to gauge their reaction before answering and had a whole lotta I don't knows and can't recalls, the telltale signs of fuzzy memory syndrome - so often exhibited by lying Demonicrats. Clearly she should have put up a projection TV screen, with Wade behind the screen, and projected a text message session between her and him.

These are some screen shots of their conversation prior to trial.

"Chris" referenced here is Chris Campbell, a law partner of Nathan Wade

Seems to recollect a whole lot about a whole lot and didn't have any symptoms associated with fuzzy memory syndrome.
I'm thinking that attorney Ashleigh Merchant erred in interviewing her witness, Terrence Bradley, the way she did. As you may recall from the OP, every time she asked a question, he looked at his owners to gauge their reaction before answering and had a whole lotta I don't knows and can't recalls, the telltale signs of fuzzy memory syndrome - so often exhibited by lying Demonicrats. Clearly she should have put up a projection TV screen, with Wade behind the screen, and projected a text message session between her and him.

These are some screen shots of their conversation prior to trial.

"Chris" referenced here is Chris Campbell, a law partner of Nathan Wade

Seems to recollect a whole lot about a whole lot and didn't have any symptoms associated with fuzzy memory syndrome. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You would hope the Judge would see through the Fani/Nathan web of lies, but alas, he is up for election in Fulton County, a cess pool of Democrat support. If he rules against these two scumbags, he will soon become “former Judge”.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Cesspool. Nice.

If he doesn’t rule against them, then the MAGAs will make death threats against him, his staff and their families? That’s what you mean, right? T is their way.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What is up with all this? You boyz don’t watch the Young and the Restless anymore?
Nah, Levi. txdot is hardly missing the point. Just because you don't agree with his position means jack and shit. The only thing Fani Fan and Nate Nate are guilty of is shit judgment. IMO, they are continuing to show their poor judgment by not just stepping aside. Regardless, they have committed no actionable crime.

On the other hand, Trump is guilty as fuck for what he has been criminally charged with. Again, why they don't just step aside is beyond my comprehension. Why take the heat off Trump by letting his lawyers possibly delay this case beyond the election?

Trump is a scumbag law breaking criminal. Criminals belong in jail and/or prison with other scumbag law breaking criminals. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If Trump is guilty of a crime he would have been convicted and sentenced by now.
DNinja69's Avatar
If Trump is guilty of a crime he would have been convicted and sentenced by now. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Interesting claim given the number of charges currently pending.

But then again Trump never did nuthin anyway and if he did it was someone else's fault or OK since he was once President.

I will be glad when this drama is over and the Georgia case can resume. Of all the legal hurdles Trump faces the claims of election interference are some of the most troubling. If in fact Trump tried to sway the outcome illegally then we have a much different narrative come election time.
Interesting claim given the number of charges currently pending.

But then again Trump never did nuthin anyway and if he did it was someone else's fault or OK since he was once President.

I will be glad when this drama is over and the Georgia case can resume. Of all the legal hurdles Trump faces the claims of election interference are some of the most troubling. If in fact Trump tried to sway the outcome illegally then we have a much different narrative come election time. Originally Posted by DNinja69
I look at the totality of this whole situation with Trump. He was a political target of the Democrats the minute he announced he was running for President. Out of the blocks Trump was not to have a successful run. when it looked like he was gaining ground that's when the Democrats went to work to fabricate the Russian Collusion narrative. It's been one thing after another ever since. Of course the Dems stole the 2020 Election that's what they do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If Trump is guilty of a crime he would have been convicted and sentenced by now. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Tell his lawyers that!

Lol, that there’s funny, Levi!

txdot-guy's Avatar
If Trump is guilty of a crime he would have been convicted and sentenced by now. Originally Posted by Levianon17
A typical example of a logical fallacy.

A logical fallacy is an argument that may sound convincing or true but is actually flawed. Logical fallacies are leaps of logic that lead us to an unsupported conclusion. People may commit a logical fallacy unintentionally, due to poor reasoning, or intentionally, in order to manipulate others.
A typical example of a logical fallacy.

A logical fallacy is an argument that may sound convincing or true but is actually flawed. Logical fallacies are leaps of logic that lead us to an unsupported conclusion. People may commit a logical fallacy unintentionally, due to poor reasoning, or intentionally, in order to manipulate others. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Oh bullshit, there are no accidents here it's all done by design. I can guarantee you if Trump is nominated and wins the election the Democrats will come up with another made up scandal. It's what they do.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Oh bullshit, there are no accidents here it's all done by design. I can guarantee you if Trump is nominated and wins the election the Democrats will come up with another made up scandal. It's what they do. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You mean like the DA sleeping with the Prosecutor. That kind of made up overblown scandal.
You mean like the DA sleeping with the Prosecutor. That kind of made up overblown scandal. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
it's not overblown it actually took place. It was proven through emails, phone calls and testimony. The case in Georgia was a high profile case Trumps Lawyers were able to legally exploit it in Trump's favor. I view it like a Chess Game, Fani Willis was put in Check Mate.