Providers setting your bar high for civilian women

sixxbach's Avatar
Sure I can totally understand not having to deal with the emotional aspect of a civie. It is very frustrating but I think we can both agree that both have their pros and cons with all things considered....

hobbyprojb's Avatar
Sure I can totally understand not having to deal with the emotional aspect of a civie. It is very frustrating but I think we can both agree that both have their pros and cons with all things considered....

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
True..Just like everything in life. Sometimes my wishful thinking gets the best of me.
awl4knot's Avatar
The delights of the hobby have ruined me for the plain jane fare available in civilian life. I am constantly being "set up" with nice but unexciting women but I can't tell my friends' wives why I'm one and done with their friends. This does cause tension, but I can't see women who don't excite me.

jughead1171's Avatar
My thoughts about provider vs civvy relationships is that the old adage "you get what you pay for" holds true
hobbyprojb's Avatar
The delights of the hobby have ruined me for the plain jane fare available in civilian life. I am constantly being "set up" with nice but unexciting women but I can't tell my friends' wives why I'm one and done with their friends. This does cause tension, but I can't see women who don't excite me.

Awl4knot Originally Posted by awl4knot
Welcome to the Club!
Cpalmson's Avatar
To answer the OP question, no. Seeing as I don't get any action in the civie world, it is hard to compare. Also, how would you define the civie world? For some, the civie world means looking for that soul mate. For others, the civie world may mean looking for a hook up, NSA sex or one-night stands. If this were the case, then maybe being in the hobby would tend to set the bar higher than normal. Then again, there seems to be a plethora of hook up sites that it is quite possible to meet a civie girl that easily rival the providers.
Being in this lifestyle has definitely altered my perception of how the civilian world should work. For one, my trust is at an all time low. Sometimes I forget to turn off the "entyce" so when I go out, I expect people to approach me with an appropriate attitude and be fully prepared to treat me the same way the hobbyist I see who consider me their ATF would treat me' with respect, adoration and sheer lust. I want my time to be valued. I've come to expect some type of financial gain to be attached to any heterosexual experience I have. That in itself will answer the question I am often asked, "why are you single."
hobbyprojb's Avatar
Being in this lifestyle has definitely altered my perception of how the civilian world should work. For one, my trust is at an all time low. Sometimes I forget to turn off the "entyce" so when I go out, I expect people to approach me with an appropriate attitude and be fully prepared to treat me the same way the hobbyist I see who consider me their ATF would treat me' with respect, adoration and sheer lust. I want my time to be valued. I've come to expect some type of financial gain to be attached to any heterosexual experience I have. That in itself will answer the question I am often asked, "why are you single." Originally Posted by exoticentyce
I could understand how a provider's perception is changed in the civie world also. Like you said..Somtimes it's hard to turn it off.
I would like to think that I have a good balance on the way I approach dating and being a companion. I think this comes from being comfortable in my womanhood.

Because there's no difference to my thought process about dating as opposed to civvie relationships, meaning that the person I am with my clients is the person I really want to be in civilian dating, there is no difference for me. You are a man to me and I am a woman. I am as accommodating to a deserving boyfriend as I am to my clients. The only difference is the selection process, but only slightly. My being a companion is not a guarantee of admission for potential clients, just as being a woman is not a guarantee of admission in civilian dating. Either way, you show me your ass, I show you the door. I feel that despite how I meet a man, as long as I open the door for a respectful interaction, there should always be respect given. I don't take crap in any part of my life. And I don't give it out either.

My expectations of sexual prowess or looks is the same as it is in the hobby, since looks aren't the first quality I look for in a man. Sex is a matter of connection, and that connection must be allowed to develop, as with any interaction between women and men.