What if you fall in love

rakuguy's Avatar
You can look inside another world.
You get to talk to a pretty girl.
She's everything you dream about...
but don't fall in love...
She's a beauty ---
one in a million girls,
she's a beauty.
Why would I lie?
Why would I lie?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
You can look inside another world.
You get to talk to a pretty girl.
She's everything you dream about...
but don't fall in love...
She's a beauty ---
one in a million girls,
she's a beauty.
Why would I lie?
Why would I lie? Originally Posted by rakuguy
i'm willing to bet that is the first time the Tubes have been quoted here.

TheGiftedOne's Avatar
All relationships end at some point...divorce...breakups...o r death. They all end eventually. I say enjoy whatever relationship you have if even for a brief period of time. Is it love? Who knows...but if you "think" it is then enjoy the ride...
rakuguy's Avatar
i'm willing to bet that is the first time the Tubes have been quoted here.

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
it was long overdue.
Pull your panties up man.....come on now.....
Kayla, I hear what you're saying and what happened to you, I wouldn't wish on anyone. I'd say it really depends on the people involved and what they're willing to do. (not that any of my statement applies to Kayla) I can really only speak for myself though. If I fell in love and those feelings were reciprocated, we'd need to have a heart-to-heart, being completely honest. I'm not looking but I've thought about it and for the right person, at the right time, I'd walk away from the business and never look back.
TinMan's Avatar
RUN THE F#CK AWAY. Let me tell you about my little experience someday. And I'm the sort of Girlfriend that will Bathe you, feed you, and fuck you every single day. It's a bad deal babe. The numbers say it will fail, and everyone alive thinks their love is different and will survive. If you do it and get screwed, you can't say you weren't warned my friend. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
Finally...some sanity in the room.

Best. Advice. Ever.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
been there, done that, got the shirt

All parties involved were damaged at the end of our relationship. It may be possible to make the situation work, but your more likely to hit the lottery.
Transfer your bank accounts to her name and then see how long the love lasts - whether she is willing to stay with you or not.
She is your fuck mate not soul mate..Stop the love train before it turns into a big mishap !!
You make it sound like a provider is less than human and is incapable of having human feelings. I agree with you, The Gifted One. If ya'll enjoy each other, and have feelings for each other, enjoy it for what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. For the rest of you, if you are this jaded about life, why not just shoot yourself in the head and get it over with.
I would bet that most of the folks on this board have been married at least once before. Most of the men on here probably still are married. You married a civilian girl, right? The fact that you are on this board means that marriage ain't exactly great. I'm not saying this is a great place to find "true love", but how's the civilian relationship working out for ya' so far?
I have been a provider for 11 years now and have had a handfull fall hard. You never really know a person. I had one guy I had seen regularly for 4 years. He started out as a really cool person to talk to. He was very generous and was there for me everytime I needed. We became really good friends. Then, we started talking on a deeper level... Next thing you know he was stalking me. Popping up places and harassing me. I never even implied I would quit. He started out just happy to have me. Then he just took it all too far. You never know what could happen. It could be a dream come true and turn into a fatal attraction... In your case, you really don't know if what she says is really from her heart. It is my job to make my guys feel like kings. It's my job to fulfill fantasies. I am in this for many reasons but love is not one of them. I have not once heard a story about a provider who fell in love with a hobbyist and lived happily ever after.. I can only tell you my story-I can't tell you what to do. But, I do not advise it. It's okay to have deep feelings and even love for one. But, protect yourself! Are you sure it's really love and not infatuation? Just be careful. The human heart is a fragile thing. Sometimes it's better to leave things as the are or just walk away.
I would bet that most of the folks on this board have been married at least once before. Most of the men on here probably still are married. You married a civilian girl, right? The fact that you are on this board means that marriage ain't exactly great. I'm not saying this is a great place to find "true love", but how's the civilian relationship working out for ya' so far? Originally Posted by wolfeman
That's funny and soooo true!
You can look inside another world.
You get to talk to a pretty girl.
She's everything you dream about...
but don't fall in love...
She's a beauty ---
one in a million girls,
she's a beauty.
Why would I lie?
Why would I lie? Originally Posted by rakuguy

Thanks for reminding me of that one. That's a great song! ("She'll give you every penny's worth, but it will cost you a dollar first!")


Is it love or lust:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails...

I'd run if I were you...or in other words:

Pull your panties up man.....come on now..... Originally Posted by berkleigh
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
I've had a shitload of hooker girlfriends and I've had just as many civvies and there is very little difference between the two. Both situations had drama and without fail most all ended badly, the common demoninator was ME. That being said I take responsibility for being bad at relationships regardless of who they are with. TGO pretty much said it, find it where you can with whoever you can and fuck anyone that judges you for what you do or who you are. My relationships have ended in a train wreck because I'm a train wreck. If I were a well adjusted individual I imagine that I would have had better luck, but I'm not and I haven't. If you're as fucked up as I am then you might tend to attract people that are just as fucked up. It's probably not a very popular sentiment around here but people that choose this life tend to color outside the lines a bit, and I'm not talking about just hookers. If you're paying for pussy then at some level you have some issues of some kind whether you wish to admit it or not, I should know, I have and I do. Nonetheless I have elected to live my life the way I have and I toast those of you that do the same, i.e. "do it your way on your terms". I have always been entertained by these type of threads that say run from the hooker you're in love with but haul serious ass to Jared's for the psycho sorority bitch that will fuck your shit up ten times as bad. She went to Vassar? Big fucking deal. I've seen more "hookers" at Country Club dances then I have at hobby socials, the only difference was method and terms of payment. If in the end it's going to end I say select the ride that best suits YOU because sooner or later when the ride's over the carnival operator is going to raise the safety bar and say "get the fuck off or buy another ticket"