What's the strictest screening you've seen?

Still Looking's Avatar
Dude, really? Aren't there several threads, even some you've started on this?

What does that have to do with this??? Originally Posted by SugarBeth
I do believe you missed an important word.. I'll high light it RED for you!

"What happens if we lie about our age and send pictures taken years ago?"

The "we" references Hobbyist rather than providers where much discussion has taken place! I'm certain if you read back to Boemech post (Directly Above Mine!) he delineated a provider requesting a picture! I hope that clears things up dude!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
When she doesn't return my calls, emails, pms, etc.,...that's really strict screening. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I don't think that's strict screening Chuck....that's just getting blown off! An unspoken "Fuck you". Happens to all of us too, at least to me.

Rather than a polite "No, thank you", its a rude No response. Maybe I should put this in the piss me off thread!
Still Looking's Avatar
I don't think that's strict screening Chuck....that's just getting blown off! An unspoken "Fuck you". Happens to all of us too, at least to me.

Rather than a polite "No, thank you", its a rude No response. Maybe I should put this in the piss me off thread! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Another thought... certain providers take note that published pictures that might be a little old is not appreciated by some hobbyists more than others. This can some times explain to no response. I once received a PM from a provider telling me she was not interested because I tend to frequent younger providers! He age published was 27!? Think that’s her real age? I'm betting not!
When she doesn't return my calls, emails, pms, etc.,...that's really strict screening. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I don't think that's strict screening Chuck....that's just getting blown off! An unspoken "Fuck you". Happens to all of us too, at least to me.

Rather than a polite "No, thank you", its a rude No response. Maybe I should put this in the piss me off thread! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You're trying to twist my words, CC, which is somewhat surprising for a mod. I think that violates the respect guideline. That is not what I said and you know it. There are a thousand reasons for for no response, and to assume you're being blown off is your take on it, not mine.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
A thousand reasons? Other than she didn't get your message in time, shes telling you she's not interested. But you are correct, that's my take on it and only mine.

I'm not JUST a mod, but also a practicing hobbyist as well. One who faces these same situations as all hobbyists do, I am not allowed to have an opinion and comment just as everyone else is?

No disrespect or word twisting intended towards you. My comments were directed towards the ladies who have these poor business practices and do not or will not respond to appointment requests. My personal apologies to you.
I'm a dinosaur then too Joe!

My process is simple, here is my P411 request. You can easily see my bio info and every reference I have. Call who you want, don't call...whatever. That is every bit of information you are going to get about me...take it or I take my cash elsewhere. No skin off my nose if you you don't want my money.

That's why I have P411 and why I maintain it. If your not a P411 lady, you will never hear from me. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
The only time I require additional screening information or references concerning P411 is when the gentleman has P411 OK's that are a year or older on his profile. I do understand that some men take hobby breaks for what ever reason, but sometimes it does give me a red flag. You can never be too careful. I feel more comfortable with more recent references like within the past 3 months or so when things are still fresh on a lady's mind and she can still remember you!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thats the beauty of P411. YOU get to pick and choose who you want to contact. I just lay it all on the table and you get to do whatever you want with it to get to your comfort level.
Still Looking's Avatar
Not going to name names, because this provider seems to be UTR these days, so I will respect her privacy, but in addition to the usual references, part of her screening process required the gents to actually send her a picture of themselves.

The reason she gave was that she was extremely low volume and actually wanted to be, at least somewhat, attracted to who she agrees to see.

In other words, she was doing it almost as much for her own enjoyment as the money, which I can respect, and it turned out to be one of the best experiences with a provider I have ever had.

Of course, had I not passed the screening process I might be singing a different tune. LOL Originally Posted by Biomech
Gosh, I hope this doesn't catch on!

Note to self: Find photographer who can do miracles! Search show cases seems there are several!
Note to self: Download a picture of George Clooney. Originally Posted by Still Looking
There, fixed that for ya.
Still Looking's Avatar
There, fixed that for ya. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I was thinking Richard Gere... hell I look just like him!
check out my screening form (it actually needs updating, but i haven't gotten around to doing so yet) I offer several different options for screening..I prefer of course the least amount of personal info possible (mainly to keep the guy's mind at ease) THE VERY LAST RESORT is personal info...it sucks but if you can't comply with any other options then that's that...give it up or don't see me... that's pretty much it....

i have a question tho, if you're using p411 why are you contacting the references? (maybe i read wrong if so sorry!)
I have had other providers do this in the past, called or emailed asking for a reference on a guy I had recently ok'd thru the site... I don't really get why tho...i mean and OK is my reference! if there was an issue I wouldn't have recommended whoever the ok was on (even if I did meet him)

Maybe that's not the norm tho, i'm curious now...???
i have a question tho, if you're using p411 why are you contacting the references? (maybe i read wrong if so sorry!)
I have had other providers do this in the past, called or emailed asking for a reference on a guy I had recently ok'd thru the site... I don't really get why tho...i mean and OK is my reference! if there was an issue I wouldn't have recommended whoever the ok was on (even if I did meet him)

Maybe that's not the norm tho, i'm curious now...??? Originally Posted by Brittanybellastar
I thought the same as you...wtf are you calling p411 oks?

So, I'll ask the question: Gina was talking about adding a "review" section to the OKs, but I don't know if she did or not. Someone might enlighten us.

In any case, maybe the ladies that are calling on P411 oks are interested in getting more intel than just the ok: attitude, cleanliness, bizarre requests?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2011, 09:44 AM
i have a question tho, if you're using p411 why are you contacting the references? (maybe i read wrong if so sorry!) Originally Posted by Brittanybellastar
I have had a few ladies write to my P411 or DC OKs. I have never minded but I was curious==just as you are saying--so I asked both ladies. Their responces were essentially the same:
--Some of my references are a year or two old, so they wanted to see if anything had changed
--The sometimes have specific questions not covered in a basic "OK"--such as clues what I like to eat and drink for a sleepover at her place.
Because an Okay can mean "Yah I saw him, great guy, would repeat" but it can also mean "He didn't rob me"

We have standards on P411 that we have to adhere to with the okays. You can't refuse to okay someone because you had a personality conflict or he's a bad kisser or seemed like one day he might be a creeper.

I have given Okays to guys that were fine and safe but would never see again due to several factors. Pushing me on my rules is a big one.
Mature Companion's Avatar
WHY? It's simple. SAFETY!!!!!!!

There's no harm whatsoever in confirming that the guy contacting you is ACTUALLY the guy who owns said P411/d-ck profile ID. And if said hobbyist bitches about the lady wanting to contact his p411/d-ck OK, to allow said lady peace of mind & comfort where her safety is concerned. Then they're not a MAN worth seeing!! (my opinion as there's plenty of real respectful men in the hobby worth enjoying!!!)

Even IF one has P411=d-ck-- it's WISE & BEST to always ask for his email/cell and complete physical description as well as have him confirm his hobby board handle.
And FOLLOWUP & contact his ref. from p411/D-Ck and make sure that everything he provided to you is the correct info he provided to them. Down to the physical description. Because one never knows if LE or someone they know has compromised their accounts (YEPPERS it's happened!!!!)

AND ask HOW said hobbyists overall BCD behavior was!!

I want to KNOW whom I'm going to spend time with and thus I will always contact references! NO if and or buts about it. If men on p411-d-ck don't like it. There's a easy solution. Go see someone who doesn't screen nor give a hoot about their safety.

FYI: Gina has indicated many times over the years that it's best that ladies follow up with the references.

Hobby safely & wisely!

i have a question tho, if you're using p411 why are you contacting the references? (maybe i read wrong if so sorry!)
I have had other providers do this in the past, called or emailed asking for a reference on a guy I had recently ok'd thru the site... I don't really get why tho.
?? Originally Posted by Brittanybellastar