Delaying The U.S. Elections

  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 10:20 AM
In the United States, Election Day is the annual day set by law for the general elections of federal public officials. It is statutorily set as "the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November" equalling "the first Tuesday after November 1".[1] The earliest possible date is November 2, and the latest possible date is November 8.

election day - is set by Law - not the Constitution specifically - and since trump brought up the idea ( as I remember) to try to safeguard vulnerable folks from Wuhan virus, and not trusting ( justifiably) the DimLib mail-in vote ( for dimLib fraud) justifiably - the matter would have to go to Congress to change the date - and the DimLibs being DimLibs - automatically oppose anything Trump - it would not get through the House and Pelosi.

Dead issue.

Now - if Trump really wanted to delay the election - he should be advocating not changing the day/date - and pelosi and the House would happily be manipulated into doing just that out of Trump hate and TDS!
matchingmole's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I have no interest in running this country...and from the looks of things..neither does Trump
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 10:44 AM
How can One 'see' when One only has XiNN and LSM for information.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Let me s'splain it to you Lucy. if Trump came out and said the election must proceed as scheduled, what would the tard-Left say? They always, I mean always, go against whatever he says he wants. So he said we should postpone, then the predictably tard-Left has to say hell no. So congratulations - ya'll just hooked up to the stated election date and there is no hanging your sorry song later. Own it baby. Be a pity if some breaks don't go your way along the way, 'cause it's habbinin, 'cause ya'll said so.

I'm not sure what gives some of you the opinion that he "owned the libtards". Nobody.. and I mean NOBODY has called for the November election to be rescheduled. Particularly not liberals.. who want the opportunity to hopefully get rid of him at the soonest possible date.

Trump does not... DOES NOT... like to lose. And he's nervous... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
The bone spur in chief knows he is one and done. He will even get more stupid, if that's possible, for his ignorant racist rednecks and putin supporters. It's gonna be fun to watch the final meltdown from the self appointed stable genius
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The bone spur in chief knows he is one and done. He will even get more stupid, if that's possible, for his ignorant racist rednecks and putin supporters. It's gonna be fun to watch the final meltdown from the self appointed stable genius Originally Posted by Tsmokies

i'm quite sure you thought he'd never win in 2016. now if you want fun wait till Joey has to come out of his basement and debate Trump. of course you like every other goombah Trump hater here claim anyone can beat Trump. are you willing to put that to the test with this guy?

good luck with that

I have no interest in running this country...and from the looks of things..neither does Trump Originally Posted by matchingmole
From what you post on a regular basis it's evident that you can't run your own life less a country. You rely on the government to think for you, lol.
For everyone stating this was some sort of "4D Chess move" to trap the Dems into committing to Election Day, I don't see how that helps the president. COVID-19 is nowhere near finished, and, thus, the economy for the average American (not the people making bank off of the wild swings in the stock market) isn't going to have enough time to recover. Unless a ton of people stay home who would have voted for Biden, things are not looking good for Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
For everyone stating this was some sort of "4D Chess move" to trap the Dems into committing to Election Day, I don't see how that helps the president. COVID-19 is nowhere near finished, and, thus, the economy for the average American (not the people making bank off of the wild swings in the stock market) isn't going to have enough time to recover. Unless a ton of people stay home who would have voted for Biden, things are not looking good for Trump. Originally Posted by SecretE

we'll see what his chances are when they have to get Joey out of his basement to debate Trump. i'll predict they will try to get out of debating. probably something to do with the wuhan chinko virus however modern tech will make that a hard sell.

i thnik you are either overestimating Biden or underestimating Trump. the Dems and their far left friends in the press are trying to make the economy Trump's fault but only hard core Trump haters really believe that if at all, it's more of a rhetoric talking point. the majority of people regardless of what they think or Trump personally know he didn't cause the collapse it was all due to an external event, the chinko virus. in fact i think no president could have kept this from affecting the economy and containing it in such a way as to have little to no impact on the US. there isn't really any other country large or small that succeeded either.

what many people will remember despite the repeated press slant against Trump is the economy was clearly better than at any point of Obama's terms and they'll see Biden as being dragged so far left just to chase the small voting block of Bernie Brotards while alienating the majority of democratic and independent voters. that's what will decide this and that does not look good for Biden.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

what many people will remember despite the repeated press slant against Trump is the economy was clearly better than at any point of Obama's terms and they'll see Biden as being dragged so far left just to chase the small voting block of Bernie Brotards while alienating the majority of democratic and independent voters. that's what will decide this and that does not look good for Biden. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Fact checking (correcting) isn't a press slant. It's the truth. He is inept and corrupt.

You sound desperate, Wacky.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 06:56 PM
And YSL is a Racist meme - 9500- Shame , shame , shame!!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Let me s'splain it to you Lucy. if Trump came out and said the election must proceed as scheduled, what would the tard-Left say? They always, I mean always, go against whatever he says he wants. So he said we should postpone, then the predictably tard-Left has to say hell no. So congratulations - ya'll just hooked up to the stated election date and there is no hanging your sorry song later. Own it baby. Be a pity if some breaks don't go your way along the way, 'cause it's habbinin, 'cause ya'll said so. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

LMAO-- you're so adorable when you're clueless.

Its nice to know that there are two forms of TDS.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 07:04 PM
WYID writes Truth.
Grace Preston's Avatar
WYID writes Truth. Originally Posted by oeb11

He writes what you want to hear. That doesn't make it "truth". Its just like calling CNN "truth" or Fox News "truth". Sure it is-- when it supports your pre-existing confirmation bias.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 07:14 PM
We all have a bias based on our life experience.

factual truth is what DimLibs deny consistently.