bbbj cim vs cbj

Hell, even if you are clean, sometimes it's a taste issue. Diet, water intake, and hell, just preference to not taste cum..

Still.. ain't any of your fucking business to tell women what to do with their bodies.

Find someone willing to do what you like, and leave the rest alone. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
See, you gave a good opinion .. like I wanted to hear .. then you attack .. is this part of the discussion forum etiquette ??
Again .. I gave an opinion of what I thought .. I heard some good reasons why .. but mostly .. All i got from most of you was false accusations and basically just making shit up to suit what you were going to say next? Are you people this judgmental?

Are you simply not capable of discussing in the discussion forum with out leading off in another direction. And leave you alone?
Did I send you a pm or did you not volunteer this information and then tell me to leave you alone for what ??

Most of you womens' responses .. you don't make any sense .. and you tell me things I never said .. then respond on that.

I disappointed in your ability to properly understand basic grammar .. Wow
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-14-2018, 10:24 PM
Dude... are you seriously THIS socially inept that you don't see the error in your OP?

It is OBVIOUS that you don't actually give two shits about a provider's reasoning on why she chooses to cbj. If health isn't good enough then nothing will ever be.

Selfish cock-wombles like yourself only care about what they can get out of others.


Side note - how long is it going to take for someone to create a "cock-womble" account here? BWAHAHA
Then what do you call this you cock-womble?

Sounds much more than an opinion and more like a position of demand.

Good fucking lawd.. If you write contracts, I hope you have a team of people proofreading and checking for *couthness*.

You have absolutely ZERO social skills for this lifestyle and are degrading towards women. Again I say ... SHOO FLY. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Good to see it got you riled up. Zero social skills huh? zero?
Wow. You understand English right .. did I specifically tell you to do something .. or did I say it as a majority opinion of mine? Anytime you start pointing out spelling of words when just talking here .. you've already lost.

You said "Sounds much more than an opinion and more like a position of demand." Which is not a fact of a demand. Yeah, I can write contracts ..

But you're still missing the point ..
If you do CBJ .. then I wanted to hear from you as to why ? the reasons .. you know

If you do bbbj .. then the question and discussion .. wasn't even meant for you .. so which one is it ? ARe you fighting for the sake of fighting ? And the whole world is against you or what?
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-14-2018, 10:34 PM
No, I just refuse to let cock-womble bullies like you tell women what they should or should not do with their bodies. Word lawyer all you want. *snort*
novacain's Avatar
You have to give the hard opinion, and to something they don't won't to hear .. to get them riled up and get them to say why.

I just wanted to know their opinion .. could have sworn up and down this was the discussion forum??

Where I say something .. and then you say something? Most of women here got so mad .. they just start passing judgement on an individual and completely missed the point.

You imply that I'm stupid .. that's not cool .. you know nothing about me or the reason for this opinion .. because women feel strongly about this ... both ways Originally Posted by deep throat me
Ok, the ladies got mad cause......... that was your intent....... "to rile them and get them to say why.", cause just simply asking the question you wanted an answer to, for you just wasn't the way to do it.
You're dumb in my opinion because:
You said you didn't understand why, asked why sort of and then proceeded to answer your own question with a reason that has been given and then tried to negate that reason due to some BS told to you by dental tech.
Dentist.... takes at least four years of college.
Dent Tech........ 18 months vocational school.
You then negate and call into question, any lady that chooses to practice CBJ, place as a provider.
You then use an asinine comparison of DATY using tin foil to a blow job with a condom.
Then as if all that wasn't enough, you try to tell the professional (Yes they are professional, they get paid to do it) dick suckers on here that they are doing it all wrong and your way is the only right way.
Question for you, just exactly how many cocks have you sucked to be an expert on the right or wrong way to suck a cock??
Here's an idea for you, if you don't like how they do something don't see them, or if you strongly feel there is a lack of ladies providing the correct to you blow job, maybe open up your own shop providing bare back blow jobs to all the guys here that feel as you do. You can let us all know how that and affording health insurance works out for you.
If your real intent was to try to start a conversation about this, you failed miserably on all accounts which is why you did indeed double down of stupid.
As an aside, maybe you can't get a decent blow job due to your severe lacking of interpersonal skills that you've shown here, maybe work on that before you go wondering why others here do what they do.
This is just my opinion.
Boltfan's Avatar
I would say hand him a shovel, but he is doing just fine on his own.

Dude, you should just really stop digging.
Ok, the ladies got mad cause......... that was your intent....... "to rile them and get them to say why.", cause just simply asking the question you wanted an answer to, for you just wasn't the way to do it.
You're dumb in my opinion because:
You said you didn't understand why, asked why sort of and then proceeded to answer your own question with a reason that has been given and then tried to negate that reason due to some BS told to you by dental tech.
Dentist.... takes at least four years of college.
Dent Tech........ 18 months vocational school.
You then negate and call into question, any lady that chooses to practice CBJ, place as a provider.
You then use an asinine comparison of DATY using tin foil to a blow job with a condom.
Then as if all that wasn't enough, you try to tell the professional (Yes they are professional, they get paid to do it) dick suckers on here that they are doing it all wrong and your way is the only right way.
Question for you, just exactly how many cocks have you sucked to be an expert on the right or wrong way to suck a cock??
Here's an idea for you, if you don't like how they do something don't see them, or if you strongly feel there is a lack of ladies providing the correct to you blow job, maybe open up your own shop providing bare back blow jobs to all the guys here that feel as you do. You can let us all know how that and affording health insurance works out for you.
If your real intent was to try to start a conversation about this, you failed miserably on all accounts which is why you did indeed double down of stupid.
As an aside, maybe you can't get a decent blow job due to your severe lacking of interpersonal skills that you've shown here, maybe work on that before you go wondering why others here do what they do.
This is just my opinion. Originally Posted by novacain
It's just the oppisite.. I see several ladies here .. and they will vouch for me about being respectful and always treating them right. OK?

I heard that cbj always say .. for health reasons .. but those who do bbbj .. swear up and down .. that health .. is not the issue .. so I stirred the hornets to see if they would say something other than health .. and they didn't .. I knew what I was doing about that opinion .. was surprised to hear that so many men are "dirty" tho .. never expected that one. I just thought every man had the decency to be clean for goodness sake.

Pure research and was hoping to get more from them .. but all I got was insults .. from women I have no interest in seeing, because the women who do bbbj .. don't understand those who don't.

I thought I would be cool and get the reasons why ... but nope. Just got hammered for giving a strong opinion and called names. Which .. really .. understandable .. I guess .. but passing judgement on a strong opinion by me ... and loads of other ladies .. and I ask them what they think of women who don't do bbbj .. and they say all kinds of reasons .. but when you try to ask the cbj directly ... they start on a rampage from hell ...

I would say hand him a shovel, but he is doing just fine on his own.

Dude, you should just really stop digging. Originally Posted by Boltfan

Not worried about that hole you think you see.

Pier is dug and we hit the water table .. OK.

See response above yours please.
novacain's Avatar
You never asked direct, you asked in a way to get the responses you did, so don't try to bitch about it now.
Besides, why do you think it's your job to ask this "question" for these other ladies you supposedly know? Can't they do that for themselves........ or are you........... nawwww couldn't be.
No, I just refuse to let cock-womble bullies like you tell women what they should or should not do with their bodies. Word lawyer all you want. *snort* Originally Posted by ~Ze~
LOL ... you are a feisty one alright

Again lady .. where and when did I tell you what to do??

Your posting for the sake of posting and continue to distort the facts .. Wow

I want you to show me .. where I told you what to do. That opinion was a broad spectrum , extremely opinionated point of personal view.

Go back to school and learn English Comprehension .. ok ??

LoL .. Wow
You never asked direct, you asked in a way to get the responses you did, so don't try to bitch about it now.
Besides, why do you think it's your job to ask this "question" for these other ladies you supposedly know? Can't they do that for themselves........ or are you........... nawwww couldn't be. Originally Posted by novacain
I guess, the discussion forum is for something else rather than discussion.

I call it talking to the other ladies.. when I ask them that question .. or .. you trying to control my conversations with the ladies I see?? Why does everyone stray off of and just make shit up to make them sound important?? What's wrong with you people? I guess a complex and complicated issue .. is above everyone's comprehension level around here.

I thought I was asking adults and not smart ass teenagers.
novacain's Avatar

And if you're going to give head to a man ... then do it right .. bbbj cim .. bare minimum. You don't have to swallow ... but at least do it right.
Originally Posted by deep throat me
You asked......... here it is...... looks pretty demanding to me........ but yes I know you'll claim........ it's just your opinion. If you're going to keep playing your word game like you do checkers, you'll not last long.
novacain's Avatar
There's conversation and confrontation... I think you have the two confused... here let me help.
noun: conversation; plural noun: conversations
the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words.
"the two men were deep in conversation"
discussion, talk, chat, gossip, tête-à-tête, heart-to-heart, exchange, dialogue; More
informalconfab, jaw, chitchat, chinwag, gabfest;
formalconfabulation, colloquy
"he may have overheard our conversation"
an instance of this.
"she picked up the phone and held a conversation in French"

noun: confrontation; plural noun: confrontations
a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties.
"a confrontation with the legislature"
conflict, clash, fight, battle, encounter, faceoff, engagement, skirmish;

Do you maybe see the difference now...... or do you need the
remedial courses?
adjective: remedial
giving or intended as a remedy or cure.
"remedial surgery"
provided or intended for students who are experiencing learning difficulties.
"remedial education"
firelips's Avatar
I fucking heart you Mia. *smooch* Originally Posted by ~Ze~
That makes two of us
WinterNicole's Avatar
Thank God I only do cbj so I know I will never see your name in my inbox. CBJ does not effect my skills at all as a provider or while sucking a dick. Infact, it encourages me to work harder and still learn new tricks.

Aluminium foil?!? Are you kidding me? At least make a similar comparison such as dental damn. No provider is asking you to crumble up something with sharp edges and points to put on your dick. Although after reading this maybe I should suggest it to you.

If you don't like cbj just move on. It is sad that you were so bored and lonely with nothing to do that you felt the need to insult ladies you don't even know. I suggest finding another hobby to help fill your time as well as this one.