Alert: member is a rapist and threatens lives

DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
Thanks already been at hospital and with LE now alone in my room trying to deal with ordeal and the trolls who chose to defend a rapist and blame me.
DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
You know what, the photos are evidence to the rape, and ever horrible detail is not something I feel I can continue to post as I'm reliving it every minute right now . But as soon as he is arrested I can put every sick and disgusting detail on here, so you can get yourself more turned on by what he did, instead of thinking of the damage he did to me. You are the reason most women never report abuse, rapes, coz you blame the victims while defending the criminal.
You know what, the photos are evidence to the rape, and ever horrible detail is not something I feel I can continue to post as I'm reliving it every minute right now . But as soon as he is arrested I can put every sick and disgusting detail on here, so you can get yourself more turned on by what he did, instead of thinking of the damage he did to me. You are the reason most women never report abuse, rapes, coz you blame the victims while defending the criminal. Originally Posted by DaniDoesDoIt
so you stated before that you were so concerned that if you posted his handle on this thread, then he would see it and "run" before the police had a chance to "arrest" him..

so why did you post on here in the first place?

don't you think he'll see the thread you created and "run" anyway?

i mean.. don't you think he'll figure out that you're talking about him??

just curious
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-08-2018, 12:08 AM
You know what, the photos are evidence to the rape, and ever horrible detail is not something I feel I can continue to post as I'm reliving it every minute right now . But as soon as he is arrested I can put every sick and disgusting detail on here, so you can get yourself more turned on by what he did, instead of thinking of the damage he did to me. You are the reason most women never report abuse, rapes, coz you blame the victims while defending the criminal. Originally Posted by DaniDoesDoIt
Who you directing your last two post/comments to? All I said and what I meant is that I wouldn't be answering ISO's trying to catch tricks or even here after a rape

You've done the rape test and made the report with LE, good for you and hope it works out. There's bad people in the hobby and unfortunately, this is a possibility among other things
DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
I posted a alert to let the ladies know to be safe. I do care for others and believe we have the right to be safe . But as for your continued harassing me over this ordeal, seems like you already know hi., maybe buddies , but ILL BE DAMN IF ILL LET YOU MAKE ME FEEL I DESERVED THIS. Please leave me alone as I'm struggling to find a reason to continue in this world after what he did and your making it hard not to just stop and finish what he was trying to do, take my life. So if that's your goal is to push me over the edge your so close to doing it , I hope you find joy in knowing I'm struggling right now as to doing that or not.
txexetoo's Avatar
Man, shut the fuck up and leave this woman alone.

You don't know enough to be talking all this shit...unless you're worried that you're the rapist. Originally Posted by Randall Creed

Well said.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
As soon as they arrest him it will be posted. Please refrain from the statement it this story is true, as you may not believe me, but I know it's true and will not continue to defend myself to you. You are causing me more stress and believe it or not, I can't handle much more. Life right now is hardest thing to keep doing right now, as I feel like I'd be better off not surving what that monster did to me. So I'm hoping I can sleep and not continue to see what happened over and over all night. If it makes you feel good to cause me more pain, then you must be the happiest many on earth. Coz I'm crying, shaking and deeply afraid from what happened. Ive never caused any problems nor done anyone wrong, so please let me deal with this horrible attack the best way i possibly can. Originally Posted by DaniDoesDoIt
If true, so sorry that happened to you, but as has been said, other than to unnecessarily rile people up (not that it takes much on Eccie to get the trolls to make an appearance), the thread is absolutely useless without a handle name. There is nothing wrong with others asking you fair and legit questions, Dani. Hindsight being 20/20 and all, you should have kept this in the ladies only area(s) until his hopeful arrest, then alerted everyone else and reveal his handle doing so. As honest_abe said, he probably has seen this open board thread and who posted it, then you saying the police are after him, and left town.

Now as far as stress goes, even as serious as this topic is, you can see from the previous condescending and rude speculative comments to one another (and there will be more), the very last kinds of people you want to commiserate and deal with are folks on an internet whore board, especially this drama laden site.

Turn your computer/phone off and get some rest, be with those you love and that love you.
Was there an upcharge for this service?
Mavs fan's Avatar
I see why some might question this young lady's claim. My biggest question would be if a man decided to be a Serial Rapist why would he register on a site like ECCIE? Doing so would almost guarantee that he would be caught. We have only heard one side of this story and in our system the accused is always presumed innocent until proven guilty. It's fair and ok to ask questions. We all agree that rape is horrible and rapists should be punished. However falsely accusing someone of rape is just as bad as rape. And it does happen all the time. I am not saying that is the case but the Jury is still out on this particular case.
Was there an upcharge for this service? Originally Posted by Souper

Was there an upcharge for this service? Originally Posted by Souper

I don't even care if I get in trouble for this comment.

What you posted towards a situation such as rape, is pure disgust.

***You dumb piece of shit***

Simple minded individual. Can't even imagine anyone wanting to visit with someone that thinks this situation is in anyway humorous.

Any one of us providers can possibly get raped. People in your family can have those unfortunate events happen as well. No one is immune.

Leave it to someone behind a keyboard to crack jokes just to amuse other idiots that think the same.
Ronin3's Avatar
She has 117 Yes reviews and 0 No's...obviously, she's untrustworthy...right?

Moron. Originally Posted by SisterTwister
Pretty much what I was thinking. We're so fortunate to have this lifestyle available. Unfortunately, there is a subset of damaged people that are hell bent on fucking it up. When a woman says no, to anything, if you proceed, it's rape pure and simple.
TexTushHog's Avatar
how in the hell can anyone defend anyone they don't even know??

right now your story is pure allegation.

if it's true, then the police should have already arrested this guy by now..

actually since you stated that the police already knew who he was/is, they should have arrested him a long time ago..

i look forward to you posting his handle in the immediate future (like by tomorrow) Originally Posted by honest_abe

It’s pretty hard to arrest a man if you dint know his name. What to the police do? See who answers to the name Honest Abe or TexTushHog? Thieve things take time. I’ll admit that there are a lot of details that we don’t know, but frankly, we don’t need to know them now, and I’d think the police have asked Dani not to say anything that might tip off the alleged rapist and cause him to flee or go underground. She may well be wresting with the difficult task of balancing her desire to follow those instruction with her desire to provide a heads up to other women so they can be forewarned.

I’m not criticizing you for asking for details, but just noting a few factors that might counsel us to be more patient in this instance than in the garden variety he said/she said thread.

Dani, I’m sorry this happened to you and I’m glad you’ve come forward. It was a brave decision and the right thing to do.

All the best, Tex
You people are a bunch of heartless idiots!! Suprised by how people cant relate or simply dont have right and wrong morals anymore! Hope this creep does get caught fast

why didn't you mention that he "beat" you in your original post?
Originally Posted by honest_abe

My God. How could any provider see this guy after this?

I think the fact that she was raped covers the abuse angle. I think at that point being beaten is kind of secondary.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-08-2018, 10:14 AM
I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry this happened to you.
You have 12 pages of yes reviews and have been on here forever. In my opinion that fact, and how upset you obviously are, gives credibility to your story. I strongly suggest you seek a professional to speak to about this as I can only imagine what you must be going thru.
If I were you I don't think I'd even come back to this thread and read these responses. Maybe just post an update when you know something if you feel it will help yourself or others.