Dilemma - To Review or Not to Review

In most sessions, possessions from both client and provider are tossed all over the place resulting from rather spontaneous and wild passion and often one or both retires to the restroom leaving the other in control of all those possessions. It is best for both to take necessary precautions before meeting to make sure their is no potential for misunderstandings in this area. Also, if possessions are misplaced or left behind, neither should be responsible. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Great point, WC, but, that [ALL of the above] only happens with the pros! Great point!!!

If someone calls me a...
MF, I demand ProMF (ima professional MF)
AssHole, I demandProASsHole (damn it!)
Bitch, again, Ima pro, ProBitch (damn it!)
etc. well, you get the point...
I am a very U.T.R. kinda guy and don't post much (lurker of sorts), so this review will be very beneficial. Please do so...if she were concerned, she would've chimed in by now...so do your shit!

Caution: WK's may f' you up (depending on the provider) so be ready for some serious retaliation. I saw one guy from Austin get takin' to the cleaners...provider "outted" him, f'd up his personal life, and WK's keep f' with him to this day...this (hobby) is NOT what it seems. You may even wake up one day a turd...ijs From one hobbyist to another, be careful with the 'NO' reviews...but, I NEED to know, so do IT!

Example: I f'd a provider one day, a gorgeous blonde, the "Mold" for fems, well actually, I f'd her mouth and damn she was good...Ahem, 'woke the next am in the hallway of the notel with my underwear thigh high, clothes strewn on the floor, wallet intack though, but I noticed something was missing...not cash, not credit cards...it was my "mancard". I talked with her not too long ago, and she told me I had to drive to Louisiana to get it...FUCK! All I remember is her calling me a "bitch" as the door closed...

Dude, it's rough out there for us Hobbyists. I wrote all of this in the review and subsequent posts to that review. I even have pictures of her. So, do your thing...I lost my manhood and have to go to Louisiana to get it back...the guy from Austin, well, let's just say, "He's Back"...but went through 'Hell'!!!

Do Your 'Thang'!!! Do us all Hobbyists Justice Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Are you prepared to just live with it if she decides to do it again and rips somebody else off. Then you be will to blame also. Write the review and let people decide for themselves.
Yes, Yes, Yes...
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
At the end of the day the moral of the story is don't leave your wallet unattended at a session, and possibly turn an honest provider into a thief. Originally Posted by senor_verde
This is officially the dumbest thing I have ever read on the internet. You have got to be freaking kidding me?!? You don’t turn an “honest” provider into a thief by leaving your wallet unattended.

She was a thief before she met you, and now thanks to you being a sucker, she will continue to be a thief after you.

Thank God our country was not founded by men like you who don’t care to stand up, get involved, and help others out.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm interested in feedback from hobbyists and providers on this one.

I went into the bathroom to clean up, and when I pop out she's near my wallet. Very near. Now I did not actually see her with my wallet in her hand, but I see that she had taken the money out of it (which was only $42). But 5 mins earlier I had put the money in there and now it was in her hand. All this while her donation was right there on the table.

She said "no no you have it all wrong, this money was on the table and I thought it was the donation." I said "I don't think so, I know I put it in my wallet. Your donation is over there." She said I was wrong she's not like that. Originally Posted by senor_verde

"We" are not at fault for "tempting" thieves.
I only see hookers who have high moral standards.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
If a provider went through your wallet that's alert worthy not review worthy.
blowpop's Avatar
Here's a lesson from this: Don't bring stuff you don't want stolen into a session. Most providers wouldn't steal from you, but some would, and unfortunately you can't always know for certain who's who.

So leave your fat bankroll, your credit cards, your ID, your Rolex. Bring enough cash for the session.

If it's not in the room, you don't have to worry about it being stolen.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Thank God our country was not founded by men like you who don’t care to stand up, get involved, and help others out. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
brooke, that's way over the top and out of line!

You don't know anything about this guy, yet you made that comment about him. He's stuck in a dilemma and it appears he doesn't know what to do. By posting this thread, he came to the membership for a suggestion, so let's not slam him like you did.

How about making a suggestion to this guy, and moving on.
LexusLover's Avatar
If it's not in the room, you don't have to worry about it being stolen. Originally Posted by blowpop
And make sure what you do bring, remains in the same room with you ....
..... while you're there!
rcinokc's Avatar
At the end of the day the moral of the story is don't leave your wallet unattended at a session, and possibly turn an honest provider into a thief. Originally Posted by senor_verde
Let me make sure I understand. Leaving your wallet in sight turns an honest lawbreaker into a dishonest lawbreaker ?
LexusLover's Avatar
Let me make sure I understand. ... turns an honest lawbreaker into a dishonest lawbreaker ? Originally Posted by rcinokc
Well, one would expect, at least, that there be some honor ....

.... among lawbreakers!
It doesn't seem like you are 100% sure, but if you have a feeling in your gut...go with it and tell. It may not make a difference for either case...