Perhaps Gates retired at the right time?? ===> you know damn well he knew about it..).

oshins's Avatar
HEY OSHINS!! DON'T DO THIS ONE, LET ME DO IT. THIS ONE'S MINE!!! Originally Posted by Rodram
Yes I do get annoyed when people post those goofy as propaganda emails, but remember I am a centrist with fiscal conservative tendencies. I would probably be a republican if it weren't for the religious right wanting to inject their religion into everything. Well that, and the Tea Party... wingnuts.

As far as I am concerned, goofy ass extreme propaganda is annoying whichever side its from.

Personally, I think you take this whole debate too seriously when you start ranting and attacking people the way you do. I prefer civil discourse, even if at the end we (the parties involved) just have to understand that our beliefs are so profoundly different that we will never see eye to eye. The old 'agree to disagree'.

Rodram's Avatar
Yes I do get annoyed when people post those goofy as propaganda emails, but remember I am a centrist with fiscal conservative tendencies. I would probably be a republican if it weren't for the religious right wanting to inject their religion into everything. Well that, and the Tea Party... wingnuts.

As far as I am concerned, goofy ass extreme propaganda is annoying whichever side its from.

Personally, I think you take this whole debate too seriously when you start ranting and attacking people the way you do. I prefer civil discourse, even if at the end we (the parties involved) just have to understand that our beliefs are so profoundly different that we will never see eye to eye. The old 'agree to disagree'.

O Originally Posted by oshins
oshins, first, if I was worried about what you think or care that we see eye to eye, I would pander to you and address your concerns, but I'm not a fence sitter or an ass-kisser. I have the truth on my side and I fact check before I open my mouth and thats all I need. Since when have I ever relied on anything you've ever said? Believe me, you're not a mental giant.
I don't know what your standard of civil discourse is, but if you regard lying and posting racist bullshit like I've seen 3 times already as civil discourse, then your judgement is certainly suspect.
I operate by one standard and that is that you have a right to your opinion but not your own facts.
All I asked of you was not to post snopes before I responded and I never needed or meant to imply that you were some ally of mine .
Gladman's Avatar
(you can't tell, but I'm blushing with pride!)

Keep up the great work, RR. With the sitcoms in reruns (hmm, coincidental "rr" there?) for several more weeks, I can use the laughs. Oh, and the advisor you noted, while highly qualified, didn't write the book/script, did he? Well, you need to improve your research and reading comp, but your comedy writing is still strong.
Rodram's Avatar
Thank you Mokoa for your note about keeping this thread in check and online.

A reminder the intent was to bring into focus that active duty and veteran's groups are well aware of the intent of the current resident in the White House.

satexasguy - you are so totally correct in your thoughts and I thank you.

What truly amazes me is the apparent fact that some in this thread have absolutely no conception what it is like to serve our country. Even more amazing to me is they have absolutely no idea nor what our backgrounds are as they vigorously copy and paste every little thread of what they perceive as God's honest truth about how we AS AMERICANS want to live.

The man who shoots things for a living called it right folks about the whores on Babcock..... Originally Posted by dennisrn
Does anyone remember what I said about cognitive dissonance?

I don't have to know anything more about anyone if what they're saying is not based in fact. I don't gave a shit how you live dennisrn, but when it comes to public policy I will not allow ignorance to prevail because you're messing with my pocket book.
I'll tell you what is amazing dennisrn, it is the misinformation that you and your cohorts post here that is so out of context and misconstrued, it makes me wonder what your motivations are.
If what you say is correct and righteous, then prove me wrong.
Rodram's Avatar
(you can't tell, but I'm blushing with pride!)

Keep up the great work, RR. With the sitcoms in reruns (hmm, coincidental "rr" there?) for several more weeks, I can use the laughs. Oh, and the advisor you noted, while highly qualified, didn't write the book/script, did he? Well, you need to improve your research and reading comp, but your comedy writing is still strong. Originally Posted by Gladman
You're blushing with pride or is it because you're a drunk? Hey, don't take that as an insult because then you would have an excuse for your stupidity.