Inauguration Day Countdown

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5 Golden Showers
Pray for the Retards... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Lol....omg. Dontcha just love Mark Dice's commentary on sh*t like this? "I will Survive".....good gawd, that's hilarious!

Whatta shame that two of my fave actresses were part of's true, I really have the hottts for Amy Adams and Emma Stone ('s a redhead-thing I got; don't know what it is...can't help it.)
I don't care, this is just funny! MAGAMAN2017


I didn't watch/listen to the "farewell" narcissistic rendition, but I was trying to remember having seen/heard a former President give one. Of course, if I thought it was actually "farewell" it would have meant something to me, but I still didn't want to see/hear him again. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Was it part of his SECOND apology tour ? ! Mebbe his trip to Shitcago was to keep his options open for a return to his " glory(hole) days as Bath House Barry ? Ya never know how a lib former President will try to milk people for their " foundation " or for Hamas !
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Four Calling Ladies
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2 Losers out the WH door!
Thank GOD this 8 year nightmare is almost over. Good Riddance Odumber!
Thank goodness for the 20th amendment, or this cocksucker would be in office until March 3rd.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That's why I don't think we will hear a lot from this idiot in a week. He was not able to form a meaningful coalition with anyone inside or outside of this country minus a bunch "globalists." Now that he doesn't have a pen or phone, he has been emasculated.

As I wrote many times, Obama never understood political capital. He spent it all on Obamacare and insisted he had it even though his party comrades were voted out in droves. He was left a crypto-facist with an adoring media and an over inflated approval rating based on people who didn't want to be called 'racist."
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And a Kenyan in a pair tree
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With the Pipers Piping.....

...down at the glory holes at the truck stops!

Coloring books and comfort pets for all in the Anti-Democracy Crowd!
One goose egg laying Muslim GONE!