It's raining and he wants to play with no coat NEW 2 this what do I do ??

pyramider's Avatar
I wish people would stop being naive when it comes to this topic. First, we ALL know it happens in the hobby far more often than what most would think or admit. I'm not advocating everyone BB all the time or heaven forbid advertise it. I'm saying if both parties are comfortable with BBFS, it is a realistic option and choice. People just need to be educated and not fall for the propaganda some out there are peddling. Having BB sex is perfectly normal. Also, I don't buy the argument that you should think of future clients. I'm sure every provider has BBed with a guy at some point in her life, so she is ALREADY exposing future clients. My point is that each person should make up their own mind. For some, they will BB. Some won't. A lot of us will under the right circumstances. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I think the other way. If I know it maybe abailable, I'm putting the lady on my list of ladies to see. At least, I will research her. If I het a good vibe, I'll probably see her. Doesn't mean I will BBFS with her. Point is, it is another option that I consider when seeing a provider. Originally Posted by Cpalmson

Every woman has barebacked someone before but that would usually be a SO/boyfriend. That does not mean every provider has barebacked a client. It would be irresponsible to go without condoms because you have a comfortable feeling. Since when does being comfortable make it safe for either party? Just because one is clean does not mean disease free, or he is shooting blancks. I would wager that the bareback proponents are not really ready to accept the consequences of unsafe sex. They would be doing the "oh woe is me ..." and contacting attorneys.
Still Looking's Avatar

Give him a punch card and tell him you don't bare back till the 13th session. Then retire after he hits 12.
Raw dog's Avatar
Female condoms now that's a good alternative to the male condom. To me they kill all the feeling
gimme_that's Avatar
Female condoms now that's a good alternative to the male condom. To me they kill all the feeling Originally Posted by Raw dog
When we walk our dogs during the day. And we take a plastic glove and pick up the shit they just spewed on the ground.......when you go back inside your house you wash your hands......and feel everything is normal right.......maybe even make a sandwich.

Having sex with a stranger is just the same. Your putting a plastic glove over your hand to get your rocks off and pick up shit from a providers honeyhole. Sure you could pick it up with your hand .....and maybe wash it after or later.......but the peace of mind with that glove sure feels better.

I know the guys at subway and donut shops wash their hands......but that glove they put on before serving me sure makes me feel better.....and I rarely get sick or food poisoning shits........
1sexyloveANGEL's Avatar
don't do it think about your morals smh there are plenty of other hobbyist that are will to do it with protection I always say you cant smell the color green there fore you don't know what people have look at magic Johnson if it was publicly known he has aids u cant look at him and tell
You'll get preached at all day from both sides, honey, but none of us can make the decision for you. Do your research. Decide for yourself. Know that while the chances are arguably low for deadly or life-altering diseases, it absolutely CAN happen. Yes, even with condoms, but your risk is mitigated by a substantial amount by using them correctly every time. Also know that people WILL talk, so even if you decide to do it secretly for just a few, at least some of the community WILL find out. Getting references may get more difficult, as some ladies will refuse to provide them to you, and may start refusing any clients that have seen you, possibly affecting your business.

However, my suspicion is you will be popular, for at least a while. As you can see, there are those who seek this kind of thing. In my opinion, going this route is short sighted. No one can tell you that you WILL catch anything. You might make a ton of money and cash out in a few years no worse for wear. But you might not. You might catch Hep C, and have to pay $80k for the cure, or slowly lose your liver. And then there is the obvious HIV, which leads to AIDS, for which there is no cure.

All I'll say is don't think it can't happen to you. It can.
He is not the kind of regular clientele that you want. There are way too many gentlemen out there to waste your time and put your health at risk for this loser.

Anyone else notice a pattern here? Not one provider is encouraging her to go for it, but anytime a BBFS topic comes up, you can always count on a few guys raising their hands and saying "Go for it, everyone else does it". My theory is that they think if they repeat the myth that "we all know it happens more often than people want to admit to" that will make it true.

Does BBFS happen? Yes. Is it a common occurrence? No. Should it ever happen? HELL to the mother-fucking-NO it shouldn't be happening at all. We are all swimming in the same pool and those idiots who choose to piss in the pool put all of us at risk.
Raw dog's Avatar
He is not the kind of regular clientele that you want. There are way too many gentlemen out there to waste your time and put your health at risk for this loser.

Anyone else notice a pattern here? Not one provider is encouraging her to go for it, but anytime a BBFS topic comes up, you can always count on a few guys raising their hands and saying "Go for it, everyone else does it". My theory is that they think if they repeat the myth that "we all know it happens more often than people want to admit to" that will make it true.

Does BBFS happen? Yes. Is it a common occurrence? No. Should it ever happen? HELL to the mother-fucking-NO it shouldn't be happening at all. We are all swimming in the same pool and those idiots who choose to piss in the pool put all of us at risk. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

You are right!! There isn't one provider on here tell you to go for it. And there never will be either. I'm a customer and your customer wants more. You can do it and keep your customer or not and possibility lose your customer. Does the guy tip well?? But if you lose him ask the other providers to chip in for the rent this month and see what u get out if them. The guys are paying the bills around here.!!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
...I'm a customer and your customer wants more. You can do it and keep your customer or not and possibility lose your customer. Does the guy tip well?? The guys are paying the bills around here.!!! Originally Posted by Raw dog
And there are plenty of guys, so losing one, or more means nothing. So kick the dog to the curb.
jbravo_123's Avatar
You know what's also bad for business? Catching a STD.

That being said, it's really up to each individual to weigh their acceptable level of risk in what activities they decide to partake in.
Ross B's Avatar
The risk isn't worth it. As I like to say " Safe sex and paychecks". Losing one client will not hurt you.
You are right!! There isn't one provider on here tell you to go for it. And there never will be either. I'm a customer and your customer wants more. You can do it and keep your customer or not and possibility lose your customer. Does the guy tip well?? But if you lose him ask the other providers to chip in for the rent this month and see what u get out if them. The guys are paying the bills around here.!!! Originally Posted by Raw dog
You are laboring under the delusion that keeping your business matters. It doesn't. There are plenty of gentlemen out there who not only would never consider asking for BBFS, but will also scratch a woman off his list permanently if he knew she did BBFS. Those are my regulars. I don't care how loyal you are, I don't care how much you tip.

Ask me for BBFS and I will show you the door, period. No exceptions. I will also cancel my P411 Okay for you if I have given you one, and I will put out an alert on you.

I pity the women who are new enough and naive enough to fall for your line of BS. Any woman who has been around a while knows full well that she does not need to BBFS just to keep a client. But keep peddling that line to the new girls. I am just glad Lotus decided to come here for advice before she fell for that line. Good for her.

Now, go pollute the hobby pool you swim in.
You are laboring under the delusion that keeping your business matters. It doesn't. There are plenty of gentlemen out there who not only would never consider asking for BBFS, but will also scratch a woman off his list permanently if he knew she did BBFS. Those are my regulars. I don't care how loyal you are, I don't care how much you tip.

Ask me for BBFS and I will show you the door, period. No exceptions. I will also cancel my P411 Okay for you if I have given you one, and I will put out an alert on you.

I pity the women who are new enough and naive enough to fall for your line of BS. Any woman who has been around a while knows full well that she does not need to BBFS just to keep a client. But keep peddling that line to the new girls. I am just glad Lotus decided to come here for advice before she fell for that line. Good for her.

Now, go pollute the hobby pool you swim in. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Good stuff. Hope she reads this.
Listen to Caroline Davenport and SinsOfTheFlesh... they are wise ladies who will not steer you wrong. As always, Caroline has said what I was thinking but expressed it much better than I would have.
Red Roxie's Avatar
No do not do it !
Men always say stuff like that ..
In or out of the hobby .

Don't do it , !

Stay safe!