President Trump's News Conference.

Treetop78759's Avatar
Treetop78759's Avatar
This goes both ways buddy. My sister went to a yoga class - she is a huge Trump supporter. When she walked in they all were crying about how Trump this and Trump that and don't you hate Trump..blah,blah. Well, no She doesn't hate Trump - she loves him but she wasn't about to say that in front of these idiots. They just assumed that she was "with them" - they did not have enough respect for her presence to ask her - Well, who are you for? Nope--they just made an assumption - which was wrong- but this is what the left does. Either you are with us - or you are a raciest,blah,blah,blah. They keep that crap up - they won't ever come up in the electorate.

I read comments on this forum and on the ECCIE Worldwide Political Forum. I can't remember people referring to Conservatives as a group and blasting them. Everyday I read derogatory remarks about "Liberals", or "Libtards" or "Lefties" on one of the 2 forums. Every one who is liberal is lumped together and blamed for everything wrong in this world. See post #2 in this thread. And #3. I consider myself a Liberal only when compared to other Texans. I am a registered Republican and never voted for a Democrat until Obama yet I am included with every one left of center, even those WAY left of center.

Second point on hatred. I have never seen such dislike expressed against a group of people as SOME Trump supporters are showing towards Muslims. I can't believe the number of memes posted that are anti-Muslim and totally factually incorrect. As one person said "Get a life". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I feel a little dirty just smirking and knowing I am surrounded by clueless robots who are the ones really getting their orders from corporations like Disney, Viacom, TimeWarner, etc.

My sister went to a yoga class - she is a huge Trump supporter. When she walked in they all were crying about how Trump this and Trump that and don't you hate Trump..blah,blah. Well, no She doesn't hate Trump - she loves him but she wasn't about to say that in front of these idiots. They just assumed that she was "with them" - they did not have enough respect for her presence to ask her - Well, who are you for? Nope--they just made an assumption - which was wrong- but this is what the left does. Either you are with us - or you are a raciest,blah,blah,blah. They keep that crap up - they won't ever come up in the electorate. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This goes both ways buddy. My sister went to a yoga class - she is a huge Trump supporter. When she walked in they all were crying about how Trump this and Trump that and don't you hate Trump..blah,blah. Well, no She doesn't hate Trump - she loves him but she wasn't about to say that in front of these idiots. They just assumed that she was "with them" - they did not have enough respect for her presence to ask her - Well, who are you for? Nope--they just made an assumption - which was wrong- but this is what the left does. Either you are with us - or you are a raciest,blah,blah,blah. They keep that crap up - they won't ever come up in the electorate. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yes, it certainly does work both ways but in your case the people were blasting a single person (Trump) where in my case people are blasting many millions of people who are assumed to think exactly alike because of a dirty label put on them -- Liberal.
I blame Bill Maher.

Yes, it certainly does work both ways but in your case the people were blasting a single person (Trump) where in my case people are blasting many millions of people who are assumed to think exactly alike because of a dirty label put on them -- Liberal. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well I have to admit that it's a great achievement to pissed off the Swedish. Not to just pissed them off but for them to politely say thanks for thinking about us but please don't lie about our country. Let's also not forget that the Swedish are truly now looking at us not with the amusement over the choice of our president that they first had, but true alarmen the over how long we are going keep him as are president.

I hope that is spelled correctly. Damn auto-correct and ph calls at the same time.
Well I have to admit that it's a great achievement to pissed off the Swedish. Not to just pissed them off but for them to politely say thanks for thinking about us but please don't lie about our country. Let's also not forget that the Swedish are truly now looking at us not with the amusement over the choice of our president that they first had, but true alarmen the over how long we are going keep him as are president.

I hope that is spelled correctly. Damn auto-correct and ph calls at the same time. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
I truly hope that the sentiment reflected in the post above is not shared by a vast majority of the USA population.

While it is understandable that political ideologies might clash, the thought that political bias would cause someone to cast their sense of national pride aside is truly horrifying.

Is it really so heinous that Trump started a conversation about the failed immigration policies of Europe? As a USA citizen, are you really that concerned that elected officials in Sweden take offense to having light cast upon their immigration failures?

The point of Trump's comments is that there has been a massive social cost associated with the refugee policies and the immigration policies of Western Europe.

Fifty years of failed immigration policy is now erupting in Europe. The USA is not paying any attention. We’re not drawing any of the obvious lessons from it. It's not working. That's the real point here of Trump's comments.

The European immigration integration policy is an abject failure and it’s in the process of totally changing these ancient cultures into something different and much more volatile and much more threatening. The USA should reflect upon the European failures and have a serious conversation about this. Trump is starting the conversation. What are the lessons we should draw from this? That’s the conversation we should have.

Truth be told, the USA should be wary of comments coming from any elected "leaders" in Sweden. It seems highly likely that the Swedish "leaders" would paint a rosy picture of an otherwise dismal situation.
Bingo. I think I've said this before but I have lots of relatives that live in Germany and friends that live in Paris- the picture they paint is way different than what their leaders say is the condition of their country. Lots of fear over there right now.
And it's all on the down low - like when I'm talking with them they kinda lower their voice over the phone when talking about how bad it is over there with the immigrant situation. Not enough housing,tent cities, ect... It's like they don't want anyone to hear. It's disconcerting.

I truly hope that the sentiment reflected in the post above is not shared by a vast majority of the USA population.

While it is understandable that political ideologies might clash, the thought that political bias would cause someone to cast their sense of national pride aside is truly horrifying.

Is it really so heinous that Trump started a conversation about the failed immigration policies of Europe? As a USA citizen, are you really that concerned that elected officials in Sweden take offense to having light cast upon their immigration failures?

The point of Trump's comments is that there has been a massive social cost associated with the refugee policies and the immigration policies of Western Europe.

Fifty years of failed immigration policy is now erupting in Europe. The USA is not paying any attention. We’re not drawing any of the obvious lessons from it. It's not working. That's the real point here of Trump's comments.

The European immigration integration policy is an abject failure and it’s in the process of totally changing these ancient cultures into something different and much more volatile and much more threatening. The USA should reflect upon the European failures and have a serious conversation about this. Trump is starting the conversation. What are the lessons we should draw from this? That’s the conversation we should have.

Truth be told, the USA should be wary of comments coming from any elected "leaders" in Sweden. It seems highly likely that the Swedish "leaders" would paint a rosy picture of an otherwise dismal situation. Originally Posted by veedub63
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Well I have to admit that it's a great achievement to pissed off the Swedish. Not to just pissed them off but for them to politely say thanks for thinking about us but please don't lie about our country. Let's also not forget that the Swedish are truly now looking at us not with the amusement over the choice of our president that they first had, but true alarmen the over how long we are going keep him as are president. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
I have come to understand that a minority segment of the population cannot at all understand why people find the Trump presidency to be alarming and worrisome. It is understandable that this minority segment does not understand that the sentiment reflected in the post is shared by the vast majority of the US population. It is also shared by the vast majority of the world.
I have come to understand that a minority segment of the population cannot at all understand why people find the Trump presidency to be alarming and worrisome. It is understandable that this minority segment does not understand that the sentiment reflected in the post is shared by the vast majority of the US population. It is also shared by the vast majority of the world. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Any while the simple minds worry needlessly over the election results; riots break out in Rinkeby - a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden - commonly known as Little Mogadishu.

The world burns while the Liberals believe open borders and a big hug will cure all the world's ills.

Thank goodness the grown-ups are in charge now.
Little Monster's Avatar
One really must ponder if the Trumpoids are really this fucking dumb & ignorant or if this just a comedy act. I mean to even begin to try and defend an Asshole who trully cannot be defended really does make one scratch their head and crack up at the same time. Talk about clueless, gullible, "Robots"
Someone should them that they would sound a lot smarter if they would just own up to their stupid shit, rather than trying to defend Asshole, just say "Yeah I voted for a complete dumbass who has no clue what he's doing, so what!!"

But instead they keep on trying, and when they start getting their asses handed to them (which is really not hard to do) they just start gloating about a victory which has already been proven to be nothing to brag about, I mean asshole did get his ass beat in the popular vote by a wide margin. Or they start pointing fingers at Hillary& Obama (STILL!) Why??? cause they can't defend that worthless Asshole.

Since taking office the only thing of significance Asshole has done has been struck down by the federal courts TWICE! HAHA!!!!
Since taking office Asshole has lied about the size of the attendance at his inauguration, he lied about about millions of illegals voting, he lied about his campaign having contacts with Russia during the election, lied about Sweden. How does his followers respond, "Well we won and you lost, you're just a sore loser". psssshhhh gimme a fucking break.

And how does Asshole respond to all of his lies, he holds a news conference where he gets his ass ripped apart and makes a complete ass of himself. While the uneducated saw a "President" give good press conference, the rest of the world saw it for what it truly was, and that was a Jackass having a meltdown

What happened when Sweden asked him WTF was he referring to, he immediately pointed the finger at Fox News and claimed he was just reporting what he saw on "Farce News" the night before. Fox News, the laughing stock of all cable news networks.

If Asshole really wants to make America safe then he should start by deporting all the conservative white men, and put their stupid asses on a deserted island and then use that island to test out nuclear bombs. Cause truth be told white men are a much bigger threat to our safety than any Muslim refugee by far.

Case & point right here!!!

All the talk about immigration problems in Sweden, from a man who's married to a foreigner. Oh the irony. And the irony that things like the Orlando killing, etc were by self radicalized Americans (can't wait for Trump to say we must restrict internet to prevent that). Or how about the Boston bombers being from a country not banned (it actually use to be part of Russia so no way they were getting banned). Or how about the amount of non Muslim Americans shooting up movies, schools and churches? Or how about the rise of anti Semitic acts (like a Jewish cemetery being vandalized). Yeah immigrants can commit crimes but we have no issue with that without them. The whole idea that I talk to people in other countries who feel it's unsafe is laughable. Yeah I'm sure your friends have similar views. I'm sure you could find other people who feel differently but then that doesn't fit your narrative. I will maybe believe the guy cares if he puts Saudi Arabia on the list. But he won't because of business ties.
lustylad's Avatar
So Millsy, which of the 7 countries on Trump's temporary immigration ban list would you like to vacation in this year?


Libya - Failed state, civil war, big ISIS presence.
Somalia - Failed state, civil war, home base for al Shabab terrorists.
Yemen - Failed state, civil war, home base for Al Queda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
Syria - Failed state, civil war, 300k+ killed, 3 million refugees, home base of ISIS.
Iraq - Failed state, civil war, ISIS strongholds in Mosul and Anbar.
Sudan - Ruled by Islamist regime, carrying out genocide against Darfur, 480k killed, 2.8 million refugees.
Iran - Largest state sponsor of terror on the planet, fanatical Islamic regime.

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 02-20-2017, 11:32 PM
Perhaps we've just been too nice for too long. Rich Uncle Sam is tightening the purse strings, has stopped sending sympathy cards and replaced them with rule books.

Be Nice.jpg