What do you do between pops?

Sugar Ray: What if we made love real hard for 35 minutes then drop off into a deep, coma like sleep?

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn

cckid2006's Avatar
I usually gabber until someone puts something in my mouth!! Bwahahaha Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
I like the way you think
Oh gosh you're too sensitive. I don't know you to insult you. My apologies Originally Posted by Naomi4u
you are to much!! Me, too sensitive?? EXACTLY, you do not know me
so why make claims that are untrue?

how does me asking you politely not insult me, make me to sensitive? oh well
Naomi4u's Avatar
My apologies Originally Posted by Naomi4u
you are to much!! Me, too sensitive?? EXACTLY, you do not know me
so why make claims that are untrue?

how does me asking you politely not insult me, make me to sensitive? oh well Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Well I did apologize. Have a great day!
AcesHigh's Avatar

That is a wonderful image!

I have considered myself a 1 and gone but have found that ladies who insist on a second pop out of me can usually get it. Three in an hour session is a fantasy for me.
Whispers's Avatar
Between the first and 2nd POP I like to DATY until I feel life returning and then 69 is in order....

Unless the first pop was greek in which case I'm in the shower.