Socialism, the God That Failed - Again and Again and Again

  • oeb11
  • 04-27-2019, 07:38 PM
Given the NY Times anti-semitic racist cartoon today
The "Democrat Jewish Vote" may be in question
The Socialist party of AOC, Omar, and Tlaib has shown their racism again.
Soialism fails, as does racism
Cannot wait to see Biden all over Harris - "Is that You, Willie?"

I hope SomeOne feels better!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I like how Socialists point to Scandinavian countries as some kind of "it works there so well, so it will work here" kind of example. What they fail at (miserably) is pointing out the differences between the US and the Scandinavian countries...and the differences are HUGE...A few examples: Los Angeles COUNTY has a higher population than any one of these COUNTRIES...these populations are largely HOMOGENOUS...with VERY FEW ILLEGALS...and none of them are the worlds sole superpower. Talk about comparing apples to freight trains...sheesh! Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
the thing with socialism, in order for it to work, there needs to be certain type of sharing mindset. the leftists haven't figured out that we are a very selfish people.

socialism isn't new. its very ancient. it just been rediscovered time again.

I find it interesting that the one place socialism worked was the israeli kibbutz and they weren't very happy there.

socialism is a place of misery. it only works when you have nothing. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Let's cut to the punchline of this joke, shall we?

A fundamental socialist government at its purest has total control of everything. From what the citizens do for work to every blade of grass and grain. One party rule, mandatory voting for party candidates. Who cares if they give you two choices? both are party approved candidates.

This is Socialism. like beer in it's organic form.


of the so-called list of socialism held up by the libtard left as "shining" examples of socialism, only China and Cuba have real one party control and Venezuela controls the resources no matter what party is in power.

None of the other nations like Sweden and other euro nations are truly socialist government, they merely have social programs funded by taxes to their citizens. if Germany and France et el want 70% taxes for a bunch of benefits that's fine.

The left pushes the example of socialism's so-called success using examples that aren't really socialism as a form of government. their goal of course is complete control of resources and government in classic totalitarian socialist style. the "Tax the rich to help the poor!" is just the opening battle cry of their goal.

this might work for the progressive socialists. In about 25 - 30 years. Not at the moment it won't. the short bus is Bernie and his Bro's, Beto O'Taco and Sandy from the Bronx fracture the Democratic party into pieces. This ensures capitalism will remain alive and well for quite some time to come.

Randall Creed's Avatar
The hate for socialism is simple. Those born with a two mile lead in the human rat race think it's fair that they're born with a two mile lead (for some, the lead is several hundred miles).

Socialism would mean that their two mile lead has been reduced. Doesn't necessarily mean an equal race, but shrinking their lead, even down to ¾ or half even a quarter mile is terrifying to them.

Now, if they were two miles behind, their perspectives would be completely different (probably applies to everybody, TBH).

The thing is, we don't need EQUAL PAY across the board. There just needs to be an acceptable minimum for everyone. An. ACCEPTABLE. Minimum....not the bullshit minimal we have nowadays.

That said, if I was rich, why would care that others are at least living reasonably comfortable? I mean, if I was making $100K a year, why should that upset and threaten a multimillionaire??
Randall Creed's Avatar
What's funny is, people act like the word Capitalism is a cool word.

It literally means to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF...and the few are doing it to the many, while convincing some of the many that it's OK.
What's funny is, people act like the word Capitalism is a cool word.

It literally means to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF...and the few are doing it to the many, while convincing some of the many that it's OK. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Does "free markets" sound cooler? Without capitalism, free markets don't work.

That said, if I was rich, why would care that others are at least living reasonably comfortable? I mean, if I was making $100K a year, why should that upset and threaten a multimillionaire?? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
I don't feel threatened. Now get off your ass,stop whining, and start running to catch up.
On healthcare subject, anyone over 50 years old can remember if you got a broke leg or had to go to hospital, you didn't have to mortgage the house. County hospitals would evenwork with those making payments. Difference now is there are too many deadbeats milking the system, insurance fraud, government is involved. Oncology Drs order unneeded tests because government & insurance pays. Going to dentist is just as bad.Fix those problem and no need for a HC plan.
As for socialism, I think it's more of the one world government movement...which is one reason people are trying so hard to get rid of Trump.
I agree. I have no problem with Medicare for all and free college tuition as an ideal. But show me how it is going to be paid for before I sign up. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Much of college is just Democratic Socialist indoctrination. So many graduates have degrees that can't find a job in their field, must less a better than earning wage. We need more skilled workers, not social workers.

Many other people never graduated and can't pay off their loan debt.
  • Tiny
  • 05-22-2019, 06:51 PM
The hate for socialism is simple. Those born with a two mile lead in the human rat race think it's fair that they're born with a two mile lead (for some, the lead is several hundred miles).

Socialism would mean that their two mile lead has been reduced. Doesn't necessarily mean an equal race, but shrinking their lead, even down to ¾ or half even a quarter mile is terrifying to them.

Now, if they were two miles behind, their perspectives would be completely different (probably applies to everybody, TBH).

The thing is, we don't need EQUAL PAY across the board. There just needs to be an acceptable minimum for everyone. An. ACCEPTABLE. Minimum....not the bullshit minimal we have nowadays.

That said, if I was rich, why would care that others are at least living reasonably comfortable? I mean, if I was making $100K a year, why should that upset and threaten a multimillionaire?? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Terrible analogy. Socialism is where you shoot both rats in the leg, so they're worse off but more equal. They don't compete and run a race but instead sit around on their rat asses and deposit their government checks.

I kind of agree though that a higher minimum wage would make sense. $100k a year is too much, $15 an hour might make sense. It should probably vary from state to state, and as it is I believe the states are free to set a minimum wage
  • Tiny
  • 05-22-2019, 06:53 PM
What's funny is, people act like the word Capitalism is a cool word.

It literally means to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF...and the few are doing it to the many, while convincing some of the many that it's OK. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
You don't appear to know what "capitalism" or "socialism" means. Capitalism is defined as "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."
Randall Creed's Avatar
I don't feel threatened. Now get off your ass,stop whining, and start running to catch up. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Oh, yay. A silver spooner, born rounding third base, talking shit about how 'awesome and great' capitalism is, though he knows the world is full of weasels who do everything they can to make and keep all the money to themselves.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh, yay. A silver spooner, born rounding third base, talking shit about how 'awesome and great' capitalism is, though he knows the world is full of weasels who do everything they can to make and keep all the money to themselves. Originally Posted by Randall Creed

You're championing the economy of Venezuela as being superior to that you the U.S. The people voting with their feet from Venezuela are proof that you have no substantive argument.

BTW, you might want to check out the fortunes of Stalin, Mao, the Castro's and Chavez who never marketed goods or service for their personal fortunes -- they simply took it from fools who believe in the fantasy of "socialism".
Randall Creed's Avatar
Is that the only example y'all have got....Venezuela???

I mean, I can use one guy that is a rapist to define all guys, but that's not how it works.

The fuck, man. Get some new material.

Before you say anything else, it's not equal pay for everybody, but more....raising the minimum standard.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh, yay. A silver spooner, born rounding third base, talking shit about how 'awesome and great' capitalism is, though he knows the world is full of weasels who do everything they can to make and keep all the money to themselves. Originally Posted by Randall Creed

let me reply to that ...

"Oh, yay. A hard worker, born knowing success is EARNED, talking the truth about how 'awesome and great' capitalism is, though he knows the world is full of losers who do nothing but complain they can't make any money because they don't try hard enough and keep blaming everyone else who can make money "

thank you valued poster!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Is that the only example y'all have got....Venezuela???

I mean, I can use one guy that is a rapist to define all guys, but that's not how it works.

The fuck, man. Get some new material.

Before you say anything else, it's not equal pay for everybody, but more....raising the minimum standard.
Originally Posted by Randall Creed
It's you who needs the "new material'. Every major attempt to adopt Marx's theology has failed miserably. Venezuela is only the most recent example.

Maybe you haven't seen it in the news, but none of those people from Honduras and Nicaragua seeking to improve their lot in life are headed to Venezuela, Cuba or even stopping in Mexico -- they're headed to the U.S. Those people are proof that you have no substantive argument. They are de facto rejecting the absurd notion that socialism is superior to capitalism.