Is a gated community

he lives here. And he wonders why he can't get outcalls..............

Attachment 18034
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Huntsville has a very exclusive gated community..............I don't thinck they have internet access though...........Some fucktards around here should check it out!!!! Originally Posted by boardman
Yes they should ....

Boardman's look cooler
Huntsville has a very exclusive gated community..............I don't thinck they have internet access though...........Some fucktards around here should check it out!!!! Originally Posted by boardman

Don't forget the Hooktards....they deserve to go to the gated community tooo!!
boardman's Avatar
he lives here. And he wonders why he can't get outcalls..............

Attachment 18034 Originally Posted by angelinadream

Reminds me of a blue water coin-op.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 09-27-2010, 01:51 PM
Yes they should ....

Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
When is notanewbie getting out?
Reminds me of a blue water coin-op. Originally Posted by boardman
all fancy n stuff......
boardman's Avatar
all fancy n stuff...... Originally Posted by angelinadream
No, all the metal and bullshit surrounding it keep my cell phone from working and calling S.W.A.T.
Have you heard of Cat Calling?
onehitwonder's Avatar
Reads a little paranoic to me, records of me going in and out of a gated community do not prove anything, and it would not be any different than going in and out of a hotel (unless you go in disguise). I for one do not have a problem with gated communities, I take them over a hotel, notel or not gated community. As someone stated earlier it gives me a sense of security and a sense of being at a up scale location (in most instances) Originally Posted by Toreador_one

Yes but the traffic could cause problems for the provider......... I read something not too long ago exactly along these lines.......LE was called in by property management..........So...if folks are checking in at the gate and security is recording info like names and plate #'s that could be a serious problem. It would'nt take the slowest of persons very long to figure out whats going on..........
LexusLover's Avatar
Reads a little paranoic to me, records of me going in and out of a gated community do not prove anything, .... Originally Posted by Toreador_one
#1: If "they" are really after you, you are not paranoid.

#2: This isn't about "me" (as in "you") ... unless you are the ONLY ONE.

The primary reasons for most arrests and convictions is because the person arrested ASSUMED that he or she was smarter than the police, engaged in repetitive activity at the same or similar location with the same or similar MO, and there was some "recording" of the event or events to substantiate the LE or witnesses observations of the activity .....

example how many times have "we" seen a photo or video of a "person of interest" (cough) purchasing materials at a store that were tied to the crime, either before or after?

How do you think LE "discovered" the person was at the store buying stuff?

Records of "you" entering and leaving a "gated community" prove:

1. you were there
2. when you arrived
3. how long you were there
4. what apartment/house you were visiting
5. who you were visiting

and if cameras are around

where to find the pictures/video of you and your vehicle, and
the owner of the vehicle.....which means name, address, social security number, etc., etc.

Why not go ahead and use your real name when posting and reviewing?

What does that prove?
boardman's Avatar
Ever tried calling a cat? We never answer.......

If people want to hobby in an airtight steel sphere in orbit around the Earth to avoid LE, I guess that's their choice. Long ago I accepted the fact that what I do can get me I trouble and am perfectly fine accepting the consequences in my life if I'm caught. I don't take, in my opinion, unreasonable risks. If I sat down and thought about all the things I did on a daily basis that could get me caught, I'd quit doing it, and THAT'S not going to happen.

I like gated communities. I like apartment complexes. I like private homes. As long as I have somewhere safe to park my car, I'll fuck you...
boardman's Avatar

If people want to hobby in an airtight steel sphere in orbit around the Earth to avoid LE, I guess that's their choice. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Hey, That's kinda like what this is:

except it isn't air tight, or in orbit and it's not really a steel sphere. I thinck it is on earth so it's sorta similar.
LexusLover's Avatar
I like gated communities. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Me, too. But I do NOT "assume" that .....

"records of me going in and out of a gated community do not prove anything, ...."

and anybody who does is NOT aware of ....

.... "what I do can get me I trouble and am perfectly fine accepting the consequences in my life if I'm caught."

Some people reading these threads may believe the former statement, while at the same time failing to do a "cost-benefit" analysis as in the latter statement.