Aunt Flo

Wayward's Avatar
I've had it happen in session and we moved to the shower or grabbed a towel, like Termite you have to laugh about it. What's wrong with finding a little humor in what we do?
Shit. I guess my sarcasm and innuendo is lost on youz guyz.

Have none of you ever seen any of the feminine hygiene products commercials?
Have you never been sent to the store to purchase any of these things?

Okay. Remember this thread's topic.

Now follow the bouncing ball..we'll start with

Bloody1 hell, what's with you people?

This thread is enough to make a person want to drip blood
2 . Period. 3

You wimmins and mens dudes need to find a new and improved,4 more carefree
5 topic to discuss; one that will stayfree6 or maybe show some new freedom7. This topic has been discussed the maxi8 and it's almost as if it's a monthly occurrence9 with some of you people. Discussing the same thing each month10; month after month;11 it's enough to give a person a Mydol headache.12

I'm not trying to pad
14this thread but I am afraid that if I don't say something there's going to be more posts and that will give the discussion wings15 and along with those wings16 comes the feeling of extra comfort,17 security18, and confidence19. I thinck it's called the wings20 / funnel-dot21 theory...?

I'm just hoping that someone will pull the string
22on this toxic and shocking23 conversation because it needs to go away quickly and in one big discharge24 instead of letting it drag after day after day25; like it always does.26

Jeez, I come here hoping to find a light day's
27 conversation and instead I find this thread soaked with a heavy flow28 of innuendo, seeping with double entendres...

It just gives me a not so fresh feeling
29 Do you ever experience that? 30

I can't be the only one whose spotted
31.this? Hopefully there's a rising tide32 of sentiment of those who agree with what I've said.

Anyway, I apologize for being so cranky
33 and irritable 34today. I really don't mean to rag35, but it's been a very heavy day36 for me.

My cousin's mother's
coming into town37 and I can't stand her. She always comes over, unannounced38, overstays her visit,39 makes a mess40...

Damn, I get the cramps
41 just thinking about it.

So I apologize. I just felt that this needed to be said so I winged-it

Originally Posted by Termite
Now does it make any sense?

I never was pissed. But I'm laughing even harder than before so thanks.
easily_amused's Avatar
Bug: that was one of the punniest (?) things I've read in a long time. If that's original, you missed your calling +1 on the effort!
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Punny stuff, Termite. You musta worked on that awhile.
Ok, I have a question since we are on the Aunt Flow subject. If I get it wrong, then I'm just the messenger. If a woman is being visited by aunt flow, and she is hanging around other women at work, etc., the other women's aunt flow cycle will get triggered and start too even though the other women don't know she's being visited by aunt flow.

True or false???
Big Johnny, think moon phases before contagion.

Just call SP Hunter. He'll finish her off for you and throw in a certificate.

Red River Club Originally Posted by Pearl Man
Is that why he wears Red Wing Work Boots to every session? It always makes providers grin when he struts in holding his throbbing member down, wearing a suit and those steel-toed boots laced up over his slacks.

He's always had his own style.

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Termite... your post was the funniest thing i have read here in a while, and i 'Got It' immediately.

but my new funniest post was from gptxman where he just totally didn't get it at all. went right over his head. i love that shit... the going over some clueless guy's head thing, not aunt flow stuff.

Ok, I have a question since we are on the Aunt Flow subject. If I get it wrong, then I'm just the messenger. If a woman is being visited by aunt flow, and she is hanging around other women at work, etc., the other women's aunt flow cycle will get triggered and start too even though the other women don't know she's being visited by aunt flow.

True or false??? Originally Posted by Big Johnny
You've got the right concept, but the wrong demographic. Women who actually live together through a few cycles will start to come into sync. Something to do with the pheromones or some such. As a long-time niece of Aunt Flo, I have experienced this phenomena my self.

While we're on the subject, I have used those diaphragm-likr cups and it is true that only more more well-endowed clients even tell it's there. I try to make it a habit to alert the gentleman to the current situation and let him make the decision of whether to or not to reschedule. It doesn't matter a whit to me either way. That's what towels were made for!
I shall swim the mighty red river, but I shall not drink from it ! Originally Posted by Biscuit
  • 69
  • 03-27-2010, 10:37 AM
I know that I am new and haven't contributed a lot of content to this site yet but at the same time I can be kind enough not to have a "Bloody hell" fit over what is here. If you don't like the thread you don't have to read it. Better thing is if you don't like the thread start some of your own that interest you. As of now you have no thread starters or reviews (no site contribution) you created so possibly you can start some threads that don't "Bloody hell" cause you irritation. Originally Posted by gptxman
Take a Midol, dude. I thought Termites post was rather clever.
LazurusLong's Avatar

AWESOME post. Sorry that some may not have gotten the humor.

I'm really curious as to how many that didn't get it hit the RTM flag?