OH2 Companion Security Forum Outting Bad Guys Pictures

TinMan's Avatar
WEC, since you just disclosed in this thread that someone posted pics in the oh2 providers forum from your days at Relax, did they say anything about if you got busted with the rest of the staff when the place was shut down by LE? It appears you avoided jail time, unlike several others.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
And now this thread on eccie has done more to make him famous than the oh2 thread would have, lol..I'd pour one out for him but sounds like he deserved it, so whateva...

Fun thread! Originally Posted by Bald Bryan

No one deserves to be outed no matter how they are or how they are appeared to be by their haters. Besides, how does she know that he is the one that turned her in? Did the property manager send her the emails and his hobby email was on it? I doubt it. She is just guessing and he is the best guess just because he didn't get his discount he has received in the past? That kind of rationale is about as good as being a hater of someone you've never met. Oh, wait a minute......
Bald Bryan's Avatar

No one deserves to be outed no matter how they are or how they are appeared to be by their haters. Besides, how does she know that he is the one that turned her in? Did the property manager send her the emails and his hobby email was on it? I doubt it. She is just guessing and he is the best guess just because he didn't get his discount he has received in the past? That kind of rationale is about as good as being a hater of someone you've never met. Oh, wait a minute...... Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Just because you personally disagree doesn't make it all caps wrong. I said it sounds like he deserved it, I didn't claim that the outting was outright justified, just expressed that it sounds to me like it was. I think if someone outs another person then they deserve to be outted themself, if you disagree it doesn't make you WRONG!, it makes you disagree and that's all there is too it.

Aside from that though...You always throw these "never met in person" remarks on all the threads you spin on like it gives you some license to troll and not be held accountable for your overall attitude. One doesn't need to actually physically meet someone in person to form an opinion or to cast judgement on one's character. If a lady sees that you conduct yourself like a complete droopy and steamy asshole online, then she'll potentially pass word of that vibe along to others and just because you never met either one of them. Same thing if she's a lurker or whatver on the boards, she sees how you conduct yourself, she's not just going to throw everything she's seen/heard to the wayside because she never actually met you. None of that "never met in person" narrative has ever made sense. Same thing for us guys, like I don't need or shouldn't be expected to actually meet you in person to reserve my own judgment/opinion, I don't feel I'd need to as my mind is made up.

Sooooooo much entitlement within the hobby, it's frustrating to witness here in 2023.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Just because you personally disagree doesn't make it all caps wrong. I said it sounds like he deserved it, I didn't claim that the outting was outright justified, just expressed that it sounds to me like it was. I think if someone outs another person then they deserve to be outted themself, if you disagree it doesn't make you WRONG!, it makes you disagree and that's all there is too it.

Aside from that though...You always throw these "never met in person" remarks on all the threads you spin on like it gives you some license to troll and not be held accountable for your overall attitude. One doesn't need to actually physically meet someone in person to form an opinion or to cast judgement on one's character. If a lady sees that you conduct yourself like a complete droopy and steamy asshole online, then she'll potentially pass word of that vibe along to others and just because you never met either one of them. Same thing if she's a lurker or whatver on the boards, she sees how you conduct yourself, she's not just going to throw everything she's seen/heard to the wayside because she never actually met you. None of that "never met in person" narrative has ever made sense. Same thing for us guys, like I don't need or shouldn't be expected to actually meet you in person to reserve my own judgment/opinion, I don't feel I'd need to as my mind is made up.

Sooooooo much entitlement within the hobby, it's frustrating to witness here in 2023. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
As I said, no one deserves to be outed period, there is no agreeing or disagreeing to that. If you feel that he deserved to be outed, then you are wrong.

Having a different opinion on a subject matter does not make you an asshole, nor does getting it fed you by those with agendas and vendettas that a person is an asshole make them one either. In all honesty, unless you plan on going BCD with a hobbyist, it doesn't matter what other guys think about him. But the reason why you decide to degrade someone is because you know that the vast majority providers are gullible and dumb enough into thinking just because it is said on the internet it has to be fact, especially if that person that you talk shit about for your amusement defends themself. I mean, why else would you do it?
And speaking of meeting in person, I doubt any of the keyboard warriors would do so with those who they troll and hate on because if they did, I am pretty sure that a beat down or worse would ensue.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
And speaking of meeting in person, I doubt any of the keyboard warriors would do so with those who they troll and hate on because if they did, I am pretty sure that a beat down or worse would ensue. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
I view the above specific quote as a threat of violence.
Wingman07's Avatar
I know for some reason you believe someone should never be outed in the hobby. For the most part I would agree. If this person is outing providers and is a disruption to the community why do you wanna protect them so badly? I am genuinely curious? If this person does something with the malicious intent to ruin someone's life and well-being. If we protect him as a community why would he stop? Then who's next your ATF or maybe even you specifically. Idk what perception of false brotherhood you have with this fellow. I believe "eye for an eye" was a great outcome in this very particular case.
WEC, since you just disclosed in this thread that someone posted pics in the oh2 providers forum from your days at Relax, did they say anything about if you got busted with the rest of the staff when the place was shut down by LE? It appears you avoided jail time, unlike several others. Originally Posted by TinMan
I will have to do some digging. I am sure someone else made the same claim about being a scheduler at Relax at that time and how they would watch the cameras and video recording of guys.

And yes, it is curious that he would avoid any issues when they got busted. Of course, there is one way to not get busted when an illegal business gets raided and closed. Hmm..
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I know for some reason you believe someone should never be outed in the hobby. For the most part I would agree. If this person is outing providers and is a disruption to the community why do you wanna protect them so badly? I am genuinely curious? If this person does something with the malicious intent to ruin someone's life and well-being. If we protect him as a community why would he stop? Then who's next your ATF or maybe even you specifically. Idk what perception of false brotherhood you have with this fellow. I believe "eye for an eye" was a great outcome in this very particular case. Originally Posted by Wingman07
I never said he should be protected. IF he did report her to the apartments that she was using the apartment as an incall for P4P, then his handle should be put on blast.

As far as an eye for an eye goes, cyberbullying/winning on the internet is equal to participation trophies. You want to be true WK, find out where he is and get in his face, standing up for the damsel in distress. Then, you can report back and tell everyone what you did the free pussy you got from her by doing so.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
WEC, since you just disclosed in this thread that someone posted pics in the oh2 providers forum from your days at Relax, did they say anything about if you got busted with the rest of the staff when the place was shut down by LE? It appears you avoided jail time, unlike several others. Originally Posted by TinMan
Like a few folks, would like it to be, this thread is not about me. I know it is hard to not talk about me, especially for those people that are obsessed with me (no names need to be mentioned as they know who they are), but let's keep this thread on topic shall we?
TinMan's Avatar
Like a few folks, would like it to be, this thread is not about me. I know it is hard to not talk about me, especially for those people that are obsessed with me (no names need to be mentioned as they know who they are), but let's keep this thread on topic shall we? Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Well, the topic is about what is being shared in the OH2 provider’s forum, and since it was on-topic enough for you to disclose your employment at Relax I followed up with a question on what else regarding that incident may have been disclosed in that forum. Kinda like my question about broncos…since the OP brought it up, I thought I’d ask (btw, thanks to the OP for being straightforward in his response).

I’d be happy to start a new topic thread on your now-public relationship with Relax2013 if you’d like. Otherwise, I’ll assume your non-answer to be the extent of your disclosures for now.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Well, the topic is about what is being shared in the OH2 provider’s forum, and since it was on-topic enough for you to disclose your employment at Relax I followed up with a question on what else regarding that incident may have been disclosed in that forum. Kinda like my question about broncos…since the OP brought it up, I thought I’d ask (btw, thanks to the OP for being straightforward in his response).

I’d be happy to start a new topic thread on your now-public relationship with Relax2013 if you’d like. Otherwise, I’ll assume your non-answer to be the extent of your disclosures for now. Originally Posted by TinMan
I disclosed where the pictures came from, which pictures that have been published and the OH2 companion security forum is the topic of this thread (see thread title for more clarity). Anything else other than that or nude pictures in the ROS is not on the thread topic.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I view the above specific quote as a threat of violence. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan

If I wanted to do something to somebody, I certainly wouldn't threaten to do it. What I made was just a general statement that would more than likely happen. Now the only ones who would take that as a personal threat would be keyboard warriors who troll posts.

Look at post 54 of this thread: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php...post1063145085 a portion of that post, "Its a power trip for them because they can say things here behind the internet they would get beat for anywhere else." which pretty much mirrors the same post that I made.

You didn't RTM that post like you did mine......... oops I forgot, you don't follow his posts around the internet like you do mine, never mind.

Back on topic, there are many guys whose pictures have been posted in the companion only forum on OH2. Most of them were done out of spite more than any security issues. As I have said before, pictures are always good in reviews because they had more reality to the review.
Why would anyone PTM that post? Other than you, of course. BLM and I did not agree on a subject. So what? We were actualy pretty civil to each other. I know I did not feel disrespected and I doubt he did either. But then, both of us are actualy grown-ups with big boy pants on. And how would you know if any post other than yours were reported?
Daaaaaaamnnnn.... This escalated quickly
Bald Bryan's Avatar
You didn't RTM that post like you did mine Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Don't flatter yourself. I've only "RTM"d one post here in all my time. It was on a review where a comment had outed RW information about the lady being reviewed. I figure the mods are plenty busy/annoyed af with the likes of you and a handful of others that get all trigger happy with that option. Sorry, but nobody here is important enough nor do I take all of this nearly as seriously as some of y'all to even bother reporting things to mods. The two blatant lies/rumors you started about me? The one where you said something about how I threatened a provider's business and then the one where you said I was shit talking someone else in private areas (technically that would have been a point-worthy leak on your part if it was true). Nope, didn't "RTM" any of that nonsense either even though you went on an on about all that baseless, shit even though I know what's up and how that really played out. But hey, is this even on topic? Could have sworn that I saw you barking at someone earlier for being off topic when questioning you about a relax gig that you had brought up, but yet here you are....doing your thing again...