Should I get a provider phone? or keep booking through email??

  • anita
  • 10-25-2010, 07:34 PM
I have always figured that if I put my number on my ads I will get too many useless phone calls that dont lead to sessions. I am a lower volume provider and keep busy with my other jobs so I cannot always answer my phone. But I wonder if this is a turn off or red flag kind of to some hobbyists?? Originally Posted by stargirl3355
I suggest you do not include your phone number in your ads. Too many phone calls and texts...especially if no one else around you knows about that phone.
Give them your phone number after screening. At the end of your meeting let them know the hours that are more appropriate to call, at other hours they can email. I am just saying.
I ONLY use my phone to confirm appointments 1 hr prior to meeting...everything else is conducted through email.

I've tried placing my number to my ads;I still do on occasion, but I keep the phone turned off and allow the calls to go straight to voice mail...serious gentlemen will leave a detailed message!

There are prerequisites that lead to direct conversation...
F I R S T . . .
Did you read my website?
Did you fill out my reservation form?
Do you have your reference information together (her name, website, email etc)
Do you have a SPECIFIC day and time in mind?
Did you check my schedule to make sure I'm available in your city?

I don't want to waste time conversing with someone who is NOT ( serious ) prepared with the requested information prior to contact OR asking questions that are CLEARLY stated either on your ad OR website.

In the conversations (almost) never led to a appointment, however, gentlemen who book through email are MORE serious and ALWAYS leads to a CONCRETE appointment.
Email, rather than phone conversation (at least in my case) proves most successful in weeding out the bs!

So...if you're thinking about getting a phone, but all means do so...
but if you think you're going to be inconvenienced by the flutter of calls...give it a little more thought! Originally Posted by Gabriella4u

Dammm Can you be my manager...hint hint pimp!!!

On a real note very smart i been thinkn about this alot since i dont work that much anymore then this seems like a good way of doing business as far as the phone thing goes---thanks girl
oldsalt's Avatar
Who cares??
some thoughts about using a phone instead of email (or to help)
email is saved/printed so it can be show what was mentioned for scheduling etc.
the phone can be used for arrival time instructions. if he is to be there at 1 pm, then in the last email you send him confirming you give him the # or get his # and you give final instructions as to exact address.

if its used like this then a normal cricket phone will suffice.

if all that is discussed over the phone is apartment #, hotel room # or address, AND NOTHING ELSE, then even if they record it, there is nothing incriminating.

Emails can be saved (think Gmail) and therefore even if they bust you and they claim they did not say something in email you have the email saying otherwise. It might not help but it does show they are willing to lie.
Love, this idea. It's like two phones in one. (For some reason I heard two phones repeated three times like I was a night time salesmen. weird) But yeah Google voice is awesome. It's also way better at keeping voice mail. No "your box is full" crap. And if i'm not mistaken, those calls don't show up on my bill. Might have to do some checking.

Amaya, you pretty. Originally Posted by Blackbuddy05
well I think the google # you associate with your phone shows up... but that is all.
and if you need to ever change the google #, for a fee of 10.00 you can change it...... all the while retaining your original cell #
im going to have to give that google voice a try. i have an android phone for personal and have a seperate work phone, so this would definately reduce my monthly spending on phones and sounds like a very easy to use app.