Review response and responsibility a repost

Mikey Blue,

Your posts are welcomed here whether people like them or not. Eccie has really turned into a forum of endless debate. (I personally am growing tired of taint here, but its good to look at for entertainment value). Most of the people who post things on here against you will probably never get the chance to say those things in person. It is, what it is.

Thanks for being honest about your negative reviews. For some reason, it seems like too many provider's always have a rebuttal about a bad session that could have been better. But alas, there is a side to every story. In the end, some things just don't "click".

Hell, if you've been in regular relationships, you know damn well you can't make everyone happy. Same said for men & women in this industry!

Thanks about being honest about not seeing AA men or having a preference of seeing a type of client. Its nice to see a woman assert her preference through a world full of strangers behind handles I suppose. Maybe she also has someone doing selective "scheduling" for her. Who knows and really who cares.

But all in all Mickey Blue, whoever you are, thanks for posting this. It was a great toilet read.
Brick Tamland's Avatar
Guess what everything you read here is not true. A lot of times there are alterior motives for things being written about providers this happens to be one of those cases.

If anyone who is actually interested in seeing me would like to know the real story as to why I am being slandered please feel free to pm me.

I've been a good provider here for a long time and The people who know me personally know this is false. I am hoping others who are considering seeing me will judge me on my 70 something other positive reviews and not one false one. Sure I could have thrown a fit and had my regulars call bullshit but I was really hoping my reputation would speak for itself here.

I do thank you for your concern

Have a wonderful day Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Commas are your friend.
Brick Tamland's Avatar
I forgot, I need to add a smiley to make my post humorous rather than mean...

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I forgot, I need to add a smiley to make my post humorous rather than mean...

Originally Posted by Brick Tamland

Haha, good one

Yes, say anything you want as long as a smiley or lol is at the end of it!
pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint makes grammar unnecessary.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Just what is it that you are trying to say in plain and simple English....
I forgot the topic, as Jules' boobs had me distracted. Her nether-yay-yuh is not to shabby, either

People DO have ulterior motives when they post. Especially, in my opinion, the sheep-like white knights.
Why, just a few days ago I commented on the stupidity of the "DALLAS" pimp brand. Guess what?? That night, I received several 'anonymous', threatening texts.

I must have hit a sore spot. Which is fine, because I live for that crap.

Sometimes it is difficult for *some* people on this SHMB to sort through the truth and the bullshit. No one wants to know or hear the truth.

(Think of the song by Don Henley, "Dirty Laundry". Link for the youngsters:

My best advise: mind your own business unless someone else drags you into theirs (Hi, DALLAS!! "I'll be seeing you around", as he said to me. I will see him WAY before he knows who the fuck I am, believe that!)

I totally disagree with the OP that YMMV "is a given with every provider out there." That is crap. There is a reason why some of us last longer than most, and have years upon years of steady gentlemen friendships.

And no, I am not "new" by a long shot.

FWIW, the Summer's Eve mudslinging was possibly one of the more lowlife comments I have seen on here in a while. Alas, desperate people do desperate things.

LOVE YOU FOREVER, JULES! Keep being YOU and don't change for anyone.
  • Caleb
  • 10-30-2013, 04:35 PM
I forgot the topic, as Jules' boobs had me distracted. Her nether-yay-yuh is not to shabby, either Originally Posted by Molly Chandler
Just spent the last hour reading this post and have no idea what you said after this. I do have a great new fantasy.
pyramider's Avatar
I forgot the topic, as Jules' boobs had me distracted. Her nether-yay-yuh is not to shabby, either
Originally Posted by Molly Chandler

Jules has boobs? She needs to post taint.