Ok What is "BLUE WATER"

Timk48's Avatar
NOW I remember that thread...oh my....it was funny.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
DH drank some blue water.........Forget what TMFT said. Originally Posted by boardman
I forget more than that ... everyday.... I think... not sure... can't remember ...

DH drank some blue water......... Originally Posted by boardman
Metaphorically speaking.... then he embraced all that it represented... had an epiphany ... and developed the concepts of hooktard, fucktard, bluewater... and as a prophet spread the word ... one session at a time ... DearHunter.... the Great communicator...
dearhunter's Avatar
Thats actually how this started... a Hobbyist who later became a stalker and got a lifetime ban ... hired a BP provider for outcall ... she showed up ... immediately asked where the bathroom was... came back and said she was afraid to use the toilet since it had "Blue Water" in it and had peed in his tub instead ... opened his 'fridge ... asked if he had any beer and before he could answer ... proceeded to dig thru the fridge until she found one ... based upon this promising start he decided to engage her in conversation ... he noted that "she couldn't even cuss right" ... saying her favorite expression was something to the effect of "Fuck Bush's Ass Shit" ... after which he stated there was some confusion about what she thought she was supposed to do and at what fee structure and shortly thereafter ... promptly bodily ejected her from the property... when asked if he was concerned he had invited this individual into his home replied, "Naw... I live in a gated community"

And there you have it... granted in my condition... I may have forgotten some details ... but that was the gist of it... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
WTF.....I'll open up a little bit........

In the context of "blue water = hooktard with poor communication skills who can't get a fucking session correct".........

sofia bounced into the room in all of her hooktard glory......everywhere she turned, she created chaos wrapped within the armour of providing "co-op" pussy to fucktards.

I saw the irony of this........sofia represented the hooktard who couldn't pee in the blue.........the fucktards who stepped into her drama were represented by the fucktard with the blue water in his toilet.

Of course, I couldn't use that analogy......it would have been an obvious checker move and would have gotten me on the chopping block.

So, I had to turn a checker move into a chess move.........I made the "blue water" sofia's incall.........a place where fucktards and hooktards like the two mentioned above could meet and pee all over themselves without being any the wiser........because the blue water hides pee from the casual viewer.........so, blue water was in fact a slam on sofia.......being the checker player that she was, she advertised it and ran with it like a dog with a bone.

There are other levels to the chess move that I will not share............did that help clear things up for you?
internet_inventor2's Avatar
DH, I believe that you have put many people in check. Dont unleashed the higher level, that would be MATE. BTW, I was MATED a while back.

She did used to run with that, now it is even MORE funny.
WTF.....I'll open up a little bit........

In the context of "blue water = hooktard with poor communication skills who can't get a fucking session correct".........

sofia bounced into the room in all of her hooktard glory......everywhere she turned, she created chaos wrapped within the armour of providing "co-op" pussy to fucktards.

I saw the irony of this........sofia represented the hooktard who couldn't pee in the blue.........the fucktards who stepped into her drama were represented by the fucktard with the blue water in his toilet.

Of course, I couldn't use that analogy......it would have been an obvious checker move and would have gotten me on the chopping block.

So, I had to turn a checker move into a chess move.........I made the "blue water" sofia's incall.........a place where fucktards and hooktards like the two mentioned above could meet and pee all over themselves without being any the wiser........because the blue water hides pee from the casual viewer.........so, blue water was in fact a slam on sofia.......being the checker player that she was, she advertised it and ran with it like a dog with a bone.

There are other levels to the chess move that I will not share............did that help clear things up for you? Originally Posted by dearhunter
(Speaking in a cheezy Hollywood Chinese accent...)

Ahhh, thank you Great Master for that knowledge. But would you please tell Grasshopper about the 'coin-op' you speak of?
dearhunter's Avatar
(Speaking in a cheezy Hollywood Chinese accent...)

Ahhh, thank you Great Master for that knowledge. But would you please tell Grasshopper about the 'coin-op' you speak of? Originally Posted by stavinChain
It helps if you don't stumble over your question.........since I didn't call it a "coin-op" in the above commentary........I would say you already know.
pyramider's Avatar
Ok so did DH drink some "BLUE WATER" ? Originally Posted by miss alyssa
He said it tasted like chicken.
dearhunter's Avatar
He said it tasted like chicken. Originally Posted by pyramider
THAT is a chess move..........
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Wow so intresting , I thought the Tom cat had some silly accident with blue water . Your not such a bad cat after all. But please do not ever pee in my shower.
dearhunter's Avatar
Your not such a bad cat after all. But please do not ever pee in my shower. Originally Posted by miss alyssa
Then, might I recommend blue water at your incall.............
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Then, might I recommend blue water at your incall............. Originally Posted by dearhunter
No sir, blue water seems tacky. I will add some dawn dish liquid... so you can make blue bubbles for me...lol
onehitwonder's Avatar
It wouldn't be the first time......... Originally Posted by dearhunter

Nor the last Smart-ass!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Wow so intresting , I thought the Tom cat had some silly accident with blue water . Your not such a bad cat after all. But please do not ever pee in my shower. Originally Posted by miss alyssa
Not again... first we had the "can't take a dump in my incall" ... and now we can't take a wizz either ... WTF ... with the diuretic the Cardiologist gives me ... I spend a lot of time going to piss, pissing and returning from pissing. It's bad enough not getting head because I'm going to the head ... but now I have to spend session time looking for a public piss palace ... now I'm really pissed .. thanks a lot Alyssa ... for raining on my parade ... that is rain... right ...
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Not again... first we had the "can't take a dump in my incall" ... and now we can't take a wizz either ... WTF ... with the diuretic the Cardiologist gives me ... I spend a lot of time going to piss, pissing and returning from pissing. It's bad enough not getting head because I'm going to the head ... but now I have to spend session time looking for a public piss palace ... now I'm really pissed .. thanks a lot Alyssa ... for raining on my parade ... that is rain... right ... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Tmft...You can pee in my toilet , it just doesn't have Blue water. what rain? Are you getting a golden shower? LMAO!