The absolute worst client I have ever met (and that includes my backpage days)

Gonzo76's Avatar
just drop this shit you two
R4's Avatar
  • R4
  • 01-22-2012, 11:15 PM
Check out these links and tell me if this doesn't sound all too familiar!
Originally Posted by Still Looking
The goodbye eccie thing, maybe similar, the rest, not in the least. And believe me pro is the kind of guy to apologize if he feels he did something wrong. you, not so much. that was a ncns, this was blackmail. oh and the leaving eccie thing, like MANY other providers I would LOVE to leave but I also love nice things and everyone seems to be on this site. And for the guys that are decent guys reading this feeling offended, Again, not saying everyone, just the HUGE amount of them on this forum.
Closing Again
OK...we are going to re-open this tread...keep it classy OK?
bojulay's Avatar
OK...we are going to re-open this tread...keep it classy OK? Originally Posted by surfindick
Classy, really. Well there's no chance that won't happen.
With everyone on here having class to spare.
OH BROTHER! Well I'm out of here.

Good Night and God Bless.
you through you at least got a sl dallas tour t shirt out of the deal.
omg pro you are a mind reader!

and then you Elysa you are very beautiful and very understanding and sweet in your post. But I think you care more about your eccie account than I do lol. Oh and guys, I dont know if you noticed but a much LOVED Dallas provider quit posting ads on here because of the overflow of assholes. I don't know how the nice guys stand it. Originally Posted by Katie Foxx
Newb2010's Avatar
And I had my review of Katie pulled for what reason mods?...because she said it wasn't so and i lied about my description of her even though it has been consistent with others? This place is such a's the zoo being run by the animals!!! ..I must say it's quite nice not having to go to the race track to see a crash of this magnitude.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Classy... yes boss... got it.

I'm going to change the direction of this. Not an open attack, just observation of what I've seen....

To the young and new providers that are reading this in the back ground....

When you start working in the hobby, you follow the number one most important rule that was ever invented for finance. Pay yourself first. Put aside 10% (or number of your choosing) before you pay any bills. I don't care if your phone bill is due and you need every penny. That's how the poor stay poor. You take that money and open yourself an interest bearing account of some kind (money market is good enough but the interest is very low.)

You live by "save during feast so you may eat during famine." There is an ebb and blow, I mean flow, to the hobby that will always exist. If you follow just these two rules you will never, and I mean NEVER, want for anything.

DO NOT GO OUT AND BUY AN EXPENSIVE CAR. That is one of the most common mistakes young providers make. You go get something that has a decent crash record and can get point A to point B with no issue. Don't get a beater but don't get a Lexus either. You are young... this is the time to SAVE YOUR MONEY, NOT spend it. The ignorant and dismissive of good hard earned advice do these things. Sadly, most of you will follow in the same footsteps and have NOTHING to show for any of your work when you hit 40.

Do NOT come on a public board and trash ANYONE. Ever. Every word you post is tied to you FOREVER. You will never, and I mean NEVER escape poor choices you make on the internet. This stuff is forever. What the OP has done is damage herself very badly. That's literally the only thing she has done. Don't make the mistake of underestimating the posters and lurkers here. Most of them are sensitive, intelligent people that see the big picture... and usually a much bigger picture than providers because they are blessed with more experience than the average provider.

Do not EVER brag about a very expensive life and say you need money in the same thread, much less the same post. It makes you look like a liar. You are obviously lying about one or the other. Besides that, a lavish lifestyle now will translate into poverty for you when your titties start to point south and you need a vagina lift. You are only young today. Tomorrow you will be the one irritated by some young know it all. I guarantee it.

Do not post publically about your private life. Someone, somewhere, at some time WILL use it against you.... and usually in a very horrible way that will hurt many more people than just yourself. Even if you don't have kids now... ever plan too? Think ahead. I never did till a couple years ago and holy frying pan it has cost me.

I'll come back for part II here in a bit if the thread isn't closed.

The OP is a good example in a teaching way. It's neither good or bad, but the results she get's WILL be one or the other.

Oh and NEVER never EVER, make fun of or call out us fat old providers.... Who do you think bails your skinny dumb ass out of trouble later? The ones that have been around the block and learned the lessons you have not.
And I had my review of Katie pulled for what reason mods?...because she said it wasn't so and i lied about my description of her even though it has been consistent with others? This place is such a's the zoo being run by the animals!!! Originally Posted by Newb2010

Lemme guess? It was not stealar like Prolonus wrote?
And I had my review of Katie pulled for what reason mods?...because she said it wasn't so and i lied about my description of her even though it has been consistent with others? This place is such a's the zoo being run by the animals!!! Originally Posted by Newb2010

Lemme guess? It was not stealar like Prolongus wrote?
Wakeup's Avatar
You crazy northerners make me laugh. You guys put something in the water up there or something? Down south we know how to deal with these types of things...

BOTH posters get a...

Maybe a...

Possibly even a...

The mods go, "Yep, that's what happens", and we move on with our lives...
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-23-2012, 12:05 PM
Well the title of your thread is "The absolute worst client I have ever met (and that includes my backpage days)"

I wasnt there....the few who were there are the only ones that really know what happened and even they will have their own perspective. I have no issue with somebody standing up for themselves, to set things right, to give their perspective.
I can't see how your reaction in your posts on this thread can be justified....EVER. You had a problem with SL. A FEW members and providers shared their opinion on the subject. You then in one thread insult the ENTIRE ECCIE membership and just about every provider.


Go fuck youselves


we can get together and have a few drinks and talk about all the idiots on here

I LOVE the fat old chicks with all the advice for us young providers that get as many emails in a day as they do in a month

I would LOVE to leave but I also love nice things and everyone seems to be on this site
Originally Posted by Katie Foxx
I really don't care that you're "pretty fuckin pissed right now and dont give a shit"
I don't remember ever seeing behavior like this on here or on ASPD.
BigPurdy's Avatar
oh and the leaving eccie thing, like MANY other providers I would LOVE to leave but I also love nice things and everyone seems to be on this site. And for the guys that are decent guys reading this feeling offended, Again, not saying everyone, just the HUGE amount of them on this forum. Originally Posted by Katie Foxx
Just curious about a couple of things. Are you leaving or staying?

Are we all "piece of shit assholes" or just some of us? What is the basis for calling "all" of us assholes?

I agree with the concensus that I am offended and don't know what I did.