Conversion to Islam question

More ignorant fuckbabble Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's all he's capable of. He is the king of fucktardery.
  • DSK
  • 10-14-2015, 08:16 PM
You tell'em Mr. DOTY 3 TIMES ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He is an old white liberal, too fucking stupid to realize the Muslim invaders of America are going to fuck him and his faggot buddies up big time.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck you faggot, err, JL! You're a disgrace to the Diaspora!
southtown4488's Avatar
more racism from republicunts. . . yawn.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fuck you faggot, err, JL! You're a disgrace to the Diaspora! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
says the wayward heeb from Clarksville that would allow Obama's bad deal to destroy to his distant homeland. have you no shame assup?
LovingKayla's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

OMFG THIS!!!! I was reading along on the thread and up pops this extraordinarily well done meme. Well freaking done man. You've made my sleepless night!!

Hey and BTW to the nimrod that said "Let's just let the crazy mutherfuckers have at it" Have you been missing the coverage of the "crazy mutherfuckers"? They are coming for you. YOU. Death to America.... hmmmmmmm I just honestly don't know what to say after that. If you can really argue, I'm willing to listen cuz I am totally out of understanding for the guys that want to kill and rape us and our way of life. But seriously... Floor is alllll yours. I've got to go back and finish the thread...

PS It'll look better if you have a good argument here and not just another poorly constructed insult for which a 12 year old would beat your ass. We are all very aware I'm a crazy peanut and that I suck dick. mmmm kayy.
  • DSK
  • 10-16-2015, 05:53 AM
OMFG THIS!!!! I was reading along on the thread and up pops this extraordinarily well done meme. Well freaking done man. You've made my sleepless night!!

Hey and BTW to the nimrod that said "Let's just let the crazy mutherfuckers have at it" Have you been missing the coverage of the "crazy mutherfuckers"? They are coming for you. YOU. Death to America.... hmmmmmmm I just honestly don't know what to say after that. If you can really argue, I'm willing to listen cuz I am totally out of understanding for the guys that want to kill and rape us and our way of life. But seriously... Floor is alllll yours. I've got to go back and finish the thread...

PS It'll look better if you have a good argument here and not just another poorly constructed insult for which a 12 year old would beat your ass. We are all very aware I'm a crazy peanut and that I suck dick. mmmm kayy. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Kayla, they seriously do not understand that they are playing into the hands of the people who want to kill them. They are so comfortable with their ingrained and canned answers dismissing everything a Republican or conservative says as racism the don't even consider the underlying issue, which is the long term, slow and stealthy invasion of America disguised as immigration by "peaceful" Muslims.