The Deficit and the Debt under Trump

  • pxmcc
  • 02-11-2018, 01:59 PM
^^It was Bill Clinton.
VitaMan's Avatar
Not according to these records

Bill Clinton

Added $1.396 trillion to the federal debt
32 percent increase from the $4.4 trillion debt at the beginning of his administration.

2001 - 133 billion
2000 - 18 billion
1999 - 130 billion
1998 - 113 billion
1997 - 188 billion
1996 - 251 billion
1995 - 281 billion
1994 - 281 billion
VitaMan's Avatar
Here is the record. You have to go back to Coolidge to see a decrease. Not our greatest president.
Debt is really a function of how much you can afford, and what you spend it on. A person going to college is going to accumulate plenty of debt. Hopefully, it is spent on something that provides a benefit (college is debatable, a whole nother topic).

Roosevelt is the whopper - over 1,000 % increase. Bought a lot of good stuff (tanks, airplanes, guns). Kept the world alive.

Obama is responsible for the most dollars of debt. Was it spent wisely ?

Woodrow Wilson - a huge amount of increase for the time.

Total US debt: 20 trillion

Change in deficit by per cent increase

Obama 68
Bush 101
Clinton 32
Bush 54
Reagan 186
Carter 43
Ford 47
Nixon 34
Johnson 13
Kennedy 8
Eisenhower 9
Truman 3
Roosevelt 1,048
Hoover 33
Coolidge 26 decrease
Harding 7 decrease
Wilson 727

Obama gave us the most debt. Almost 8 trillion. Year by year additions:

2016 - 1.423 trillion
2015 - 327 billion
2014 - 1.086 trillion
2013 - 672 billion
2012 - 1.276 trillion
2011 - 1.229 trillion
2010 - 1.652 trillion
MisterMeat's Avatar
Anytime an obama fan goes off on President Trump, I can hit hard right back stuff like Benghazi, uranium to Russia, illegally laundering billions to Iran, muslim sympathizer, etc. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Anytime a Trumplestilskin goes off on President Obama, I sit back and laugh, because they’ve sold their soul to a failed businessman, a sexual predator, and a serial liar, and I instantly know they have no common sense whatsoever.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2018, 05:41 PM
appreciate the comments, however let's try to stay on topic. other threads have addressed other aspects on the left/right, and Trump/Hillary in particular.

VitaMan, I need to study your numbers. Not saying you're incorrect, but did you distinguish between the deficit and the debt? a president should be judged on whether he ran a deficit, first, and by how much. Telling us that Obama added most to the debt may not be illustrative if most of that was interest from previous admins' deficit spending, i.e., the interest on previous debt incurred.

VitaMan, is it your position, just to be clear, that Clinton ran a deficit in all 8 years of his admin, and never paid a nickel of the debt off? Again, if that's your position, not saying you're wrong yet, but I'm trying to see what we might disagree on before i research the numbers myself.

Any household or business owner knows that when times are good, that's when you pay down debt and try to start to amass savings for the next rainy day (or the next Hurricane Harvey, or the next world war.)
we need to constitutional ammendments

one that puts a reasonable cap on taxation

the other that puts a cap on spending and debt tied as a ratio to the income capped in the first ammendment
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Hillary is still around.........why, why, why ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Yep, and her world is collapsing around her right now. Bottom line is that she attempted to buy an election. I hope to see her do the perp walk one day soon, and pretty soon it's going to be proven that this was handled within the walls of husseins white house.

If the deomcRATS attempt to win in 2020, they had better have a better person running than Trump, and they had best have a candidate that leans toward the middle left. Those far left wingers aren't going to cut it.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
we need to constitutional ammendments

one that puts a reasonable cap on taxation

the other that puts a cap on spending and debt tied as a ratio to the income capped in the first ammendment Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Add to this term limits.
VitaMan's Avatar
Thomas Jefferson constantly spoke about the evils of debt.

Sadly, he was in debt his whole life, and big amounts - because he spent a lot.
Add to this term limits. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
and prohibition against abortion

I'd also like to see one five year presidential term

fresh candidates every election.
[QUOTE=DEAR_JOHN;1060496522].....hope to see her do the perp walk one day soon, and pretty soon it's going to be proven that this was handled within the walls of husseins white house.......QUOTE]

I've no opinion on the OP's question....Slick and I just stopped by to say Hey....

The Noob's Avatar
I think Trumps ideas are pretty solid. He’s a numbers guy and will grow that amount of taxable income to the US while lowering the amount that citizens pay. One thing that pisses me off is politicians campaigning and telling us that our big corporations are why we are failing. Corporations dgaf. Either they can do business here, or they can’t. If they can’t, then they leave. If they can, they invest and create jobs.
This is old school Democrat shit that he’s doing. Back when they were the workers party. It’s just too soon to put a number on it. All attempts to calculate him and his policies have been bass ackwards from day one. Reelection comes up in 2020. That’s a fair time to evaluate everything and make more decisions. I won’t be voting socialist for sure, but there is a good reason to be hopeful.