CBC Approved Ho's


Let me say for the record Mia Christine is great at what she does. And is just nice to hang out with and talk to as well....

Hows that, better? Originally Posted by Toyz
Yes, As a matter of fact...
You've earned yourself an extra oiled up, happy ass slap!
Everyone knows you are a sweet heart if they have the chance to look at your post and threads it shows. Plus great rates. Originally Posted by Austins1hobby
Someone's been peeking at me!
Great thread! Count me in. Wouldn't consider myself a cheap bastard but I'm all for the movement...or idea of affordable rates making better business for everyone. Not telling anyone how to handle theirs but it would save time for guys to know who's able to meet their financial/physical needs. Unless there's a search feature I don't know about.... I mean there's screening, post history research, references - plenty of ways to make sure the guy isn't a total dick. Smaller budgets don't always mean the guy's a creep.

I understand both sides: Would a woman rather see one guy for 300 in an hr or 2 guys for 120 hhr each? Would a guy want to pay 300 for an hr with one lady or 240 for hhr with 2? Of course, money rules. I, myself, prefer quantity over quality, yes both are preferred but I'd take quantity first. I want good company, real chemistry and repeat visits. Otherwise, I can rub one out and keep my lil money, if it was all about bustin' a nut.

I didn't join the hobby to get married. Couldn't care less about how many clients a woman has. Really, I don't see how it could be an issue if the woman is taking care of her business. If I go over my rate preferences, it's usually a second visit or someone I really wanted to see. Some dates were so hot, I just had to tip 'em. Others? Well, I don't post bad reviews, but if I did - I could think of 4, off the top of my head, that failed. 3 were on the higher end of the scale. I dunno, it could've just been me....I've also never enjoyed a $100 steak that was "to die for" either. Maybe I am a cheap bastard, haha. Just my 2 cents....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-27-2014, 09:45 PM

hmm well sense what presumably started out as a teasing joke seem to be turning into a serious standing i'd like to put up a few things for consideration
I will try and what was that word...oh yea summarize for the sake of those who get dismayed everytime I post :P

*some ladies have higher prices as a filter
-some potential dates harass/haggle (but really harass) ladies for a lower rate for them and they have ill intentions misbehave/play no pay/ etc. Yes it is well known that this happen in this hobby and no wanting a lower rate does not mean you have ill intent BUT ladies have noticed there is an eerily High correlation.

"Ladies have noticed there is an eerily high correlation"

I am and have always been very involved in numbers. Do you have valid statistics to back this up? Has there been any surveys, tangible data, compairitives to support this claim? If not, this honestly sounds like a very biased spin to support your position.

-some guys I have experienced this too will ask a lady for a lower rate but has a handful of reviews where his seen ladies at their asked rate which may be equal or sometimes Higher then the lady he is currently trying to haggle down. which if I'm to be honest makes one think the the guy must think the experience with her will not be as great or he doesn't suspect she'll be worth spending what he usually spends. which quite frankly is insulting and why approach her at all?

What you fail to realize is that MOST girls-who do give a special rate-ask us SPECIFICALLY not to state the rate given. And honestly, you are 120/200 posted...you would not be considered on the high end at all.

*Some ladies do not Want to be High volume or realize the a high market rate allows the not only the freedom NOT to be HV and have a comfortable lifestyle. (please note I said comfortable not luxury living.)

High volume is a misnomer and I discussed this in a previous rebuttal. Time in the saddle negates any "high volume". And honestly? Most of us have fucked each other by proxy after a short time in the hobby anyway... Say you see 3 guys a day...and they have seen 5 girls a month...do the multipier and we all cross dicks theoretically anyway...

-lower rate means the lady depending on her financial need would NEED to be High Volume just to be have a comfortable living. that's a Lot of sex. let me ask you at what ever YOU do in RL to earn your money how hard do YOU work four 120 compared to how hard you want the lady you see to work for 120 (which wouldn't even cover a car insurance bill. I was only in the hospital for a couple of hrs and the baseline for the was 150.) just sayin.

This might be true for the full time provider. But how many girls only use this as a part time gig, or jump in-meet their goal-and leave? What it says to me is the full time, or long term, provider will battle with all her heart and soul to keep the rates high so she doesn't have to work as hard....that's understandable. But its also understandable that we (the tricks) might not feel its our responsibility to pay more than is necessary... Just sayin'.

say a lady is CBC friendly and see guys at CBC rate. her financial need require XXX amount how many of you does she have to see to meet that? and how frequently will you CBC guys willing to see her YEAR ROUND so that every month she can afford to take care of herself? nice incalls aren't cheap. are you willing to start vising providers at no tell motels or HV hotel or cheap seedy motels...?

AS I prefer OC's this doesn't apply to me that often. And you keep alluding to the fact that taking a few $ off rate is taking a girl from the Hilton to Motel 6...I find that laughable. Your "scenarios" tend to be written to only support your views

-some of you CBC guys preferably don't wanna be with a lady who's too "High Volume" and yet you want the prices of a High volume lady....lol catch 22 much? how do you plan to remedy this?

Honestly? Your prices are in the range of "High Volume"...I don't see your current asking rates as being outrageous.

AND are you even willing to raise your CBC rates to match the rising inflation so the ladies you want to see can even afford to see you? or as things get progressively more costly will you stay stead fast and only see them at those rates and leaving them to suffer the financial blow?

No one can predict the future...a year ago 100-120 HHR was the norm, now its edging towards 150-160+...sorry, that's not inflation, that's price gouging....

I know you've all dubbed yourselves the CBC but I also know that your argument has be you want what you precieve to be "reasonable" rates but have y'all actually stopped to consider how reasonable your asking rate even are? statistically? logistically?

Absolutely...as expressed above...heres what you are missing. We are not SAYING you have to lower your rates....we are saying we will see those with acceptable rates & fully realize not every girl, or even the majority, will join in. And as I have heard ad nauseum how very "busy" every HDH is I don't know what the fuss is because a few guys say 'NO MORE MEATLOAF FOR ME MA"!! And refuse to pay... Now, what I DO find exceedingly funny is when I see a supposed "I get all the business I need at my HDH rate" scrounging through ISO and replying to several cattle calls...makes me wonder if they would just knock a bit off their rates if they would have sufficient fundage to keep from trolling the want ads...

*BP rate vs CBC rate
-basically what you are seeking are BP prices but I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) Not the type of girls BP is notoriously known for producing. again how "reasonable" are your reasonable asking prices? o.O

My ATF started on BP...she is now in the financial industry & lives on the West Coast...just sayin'. Now since YOUR rates are within 95% of the CBC request, what are you bitching about?

-did you know there is a stigma against ladies at both "high" prices and "Low" prices? ladies with lower BP prices are considers to be more "risky" are you willing to fight this stigma for the sake of your CBC providers. so they are respected not put down for it. after all it IS hard to be constantly looked down upon and some may wish to raise rate to avoid that.
are you willing to see your CBC providers frequently WITHOUT judgment so they remain financially secure and can continue seeing you at those rates?

Confused...WTF did you say? I am in and out of the hobby....but basically see the same girls (who still play) that I was seeing 4 years ago...so I guess the answer to your question is a resounding YES in my case...

you all talk about Lower rates! lower rates! but you never say anything about the personal or economic consequences. the pros and cons or hell you never even mention any benefits to the ladies for that matter. if you truly want a successful change it can't just be about you. especially since what you want affects your provider.

Hows this for benefits? My ATF got gifts every visit...from nice bottles of wine to a pair of 1/2 carat diamond earrings...yeah, its true...a girl I am rather fond of I took out for two recent '"dates" out of the hobby...spent in excess of $300 on EACH date...cause I consider her a friend as well as a provider...have helped numerous times with real life issues...but then you get labeled as a romantic or worse. Now, those are NOT the kind of thing one comes on and says "hey if we happen to become friends through our sessions, I'll be a REAL friend to you and not just a client"...but am guessing that's what you mean?

feel free to discuss amoungst yourselves. HC AND PM will consider your request only After we can be assured you have actually considered all of that. then maybe an open dialog can begin and end in some sort of accord.

Its really not a negotiation, and you really don't represent anyone other than yourself...get real. We as the consumer are saying prices are moving too high & we will only pay so much...its a decision each girl will need to make for themselves. Maybe they make it public, maybe they PM CBC members (as several have to me), with fair offers...they just don't want it publicized. There is no true HC or PM...its fantasy....

your voices have been heard.
Originally Posted by Secret_Amore
My responses are in pretty purple above.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Jus' so y'all know, Ah've found way cheaper gals hangin' 'round tha Greyhound Bus terminal. They's thar day 'r night but they's mo' desperate and a willin' ta drop they price late at night. Tha gals with no shoes an' dirt on thar feet an' no make-up usually gots tha lowest prices. But it's been so long since they had a decent meal, they'll suck yer pecker so hard fer thet bleach-smellin' pro-teen treet thet it fuckin' hurtz! So, ya might want to treat 'em ta a Slim Jim furst, 'afore ya seal tha deal if'n yer skeered thet they might bite yer cock off outta starvation before yew kin blow yer load down thar gullet and paint thar gizzard wif yer l'il soldiers. Jus' so y'all know.
Secret you are so noted and I appreciate your input. We all know prices for everything has gone up and we all have to pay for them however, rates here have gone through the roof and most of the service has remained the same. As a mamber here I don't believe too many people rely soley on income from here and if they do, good luck. As a hobbiest we have to have a job to pay and luke wise the providers should have a job usiny this as extra entertainment money.
For me I can take this hobby or leave it however, wheb the price is justified I will spend and bave a good time. Maybe providers should concentrate on givung a good price to the hobbiest that have many reviews and charge a higher price for the ones that don't and use that as your weed out process. Just giving a couple thoughts and again thank you for your in put. Originally Posted by Passion2015

Yeah, we have a job too, it's this one!!! Some have another job, some do not. Perhaps you were not aware that this is indeed a job? I can take it or it leave it. Awww, yeah, the mantra of every addict since the dawn of time. Sure, buddy, that's why your so turned around and angry about prices here, wanting hookers to work for minimum wage and get two other jobs, cuz prices get troublesome for a crack baby. I understand, honey. Must be somebody's fault.
The one thing I've learned over the years is that a higher priced girl doesn't always equate to a higher level of satisfaction. In fact, quite the opposite is true more often than not. I've noticed a trend where a lot of the higher priced girls are in fact trying to limit the number of guys they see - but a lot of times its because they don't really enjoy the hobby and are just looking for money. Reality sucks, yes - but I'm free to spend my money elsewhere where enjoyment is maximized just like they are free to charge more per hour.
Passion2015's Avatar

Very nice thought from you. Unfortunately you have me pegged wrong. What I say is what I mean no sugar coating here. I guess I hit a nerve with you mbut oh well. Of course dont really care for your words of crack and all but all is good here. As far as being angry, I could really care less no anger here dont have time for it. Prices are what they are and im just saying along with others thst they have gotten out of control and we would like to see them at a more appropriate rate. Have a great day
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-28-2014, 06:53 AM
Yeah, we have a job too, it's this one!!! Some have another job, some do not. Perhaps you were not aware that this is indeed a job? I can take it or it leave it. Awww, yeah, the mantra of every addict since the dawn of time. Sure, buddy, that's why your so turned around and angry about prices here, wanting hookers to work for minimum wage and get two other jobs, cuz prices get troublesome for a crack baby. I understand, honey. Must be somebody's fault. Originally Posted by chelseabean

What country is 100-120 for 10 minutes of chat 10 minutes of make believe love 5 minutes of cuddling been considered minimal wage?

Minimal wage...at $7.25 per hour X 40 hours = $290 a week...or...less than 4 visits.

if we are going to debate with stats, lets get real...

Lets say 4 visits a day...(yah you might have to work an evening shift sometimes just like those in the work world)

4 X 120 = $480 a day....
X 5 day workweek = $2400 a week Thats a 6 figure yearly salary with two weeks vaca and NO taxes...

Now that is a solid work week...but it is hardly out of the rhelm of normal.

Damn, I should be a pimp...if you girls are scraping for rent you are just absolutely terrible money managers.

Please...the cries of poverty are growing hilarious...
Passion2015's Avatar
Totally agree Toyz. I was thinking the same thing. What a great racket and ypu don't even have to worry about uncle sam.
AtxTexMex's Avatar

What country is 100-120 for 10 minutes of chat 10 minutes of make believe love 5 minutes of cuddling been considered minimal wage?

Minimal wage...at $7.25 per hour X 40 hours = $290 a week...or...less than 4 visits.

if we are going to debate with stats, lets get real...

Lets say 4 visits a day...(yah you might have to work an evening shift sometimes just like those in the work world)

4 X 120 = $480 a day....
X 5 day workweek = $2400 a week Thats a 6 figure yearly salary with two weeks vaca and NO taxes...

Now that is a solid work week...but it is hardly out of the rhelm of normal.

Damn, I should be a pimp...if you girls are scraping for rent you are just absolutely terrible money managers.

Please...the cries of poverty are growing hilarious... Originally Posted by Toyz

And thats TAX FREE!
Grace Preston's Avatar
And thats TAX FREE! Originally Posted by AtxTexMex
Ok. stop right there. I'm a low rate girl myself, but I pay my damned taxes. I'm not scared of local LE, but the damned IRS scares the HELL outta me!!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-28-2014, 07:52 AM
Ok. stop right there. I'm a low rate girl myself, but I pay my damned taxes. I'm not scared of local LE, but the damned IRS scares the HELL outta me!! Originally Posted by GracePreston
I have dealt with them...and they are not as heartless as you hear...IF you try to work with them...but if you don't then YES they can mess up your world.

Might In ask how you report income? What tools if the trade can you claim as exemptions? Is a magic wand deduct able? What is its schedule of Depreciation on a sybian?
AtxTexMex's Avatar
Ok. stop right there. I'm a low rate girl myself, but I pay my damned taxes. I'm not scared of local LE, but the damned IRS scares the HELL outta me!! Originally Posted by GracePreston

Im not saying you dont pay your taxes, but your honestly telling me you claim every single dollar made? Really?
Bob McV's Avatar
I have dealt with them...and they are not as heartless as you hear...IF you try to work with them...but if you don't then YES they can mess up your world.

Might In ask how you report income? What tools if the trade can you claim as exemptions? Is a magic wand deduct able? What is its schedule of Depreciation on a sybian? Originally Posted by Toyz
As an Independent door to door personal massage salesperson you can clear near 6 figures a year, and never once sell a Hitachi !