What is the baddest animal on earth?

  • pxmcc
  • 10-08-2022, 02:49 AM
And in the water its the Killer Whale. Folks will say ohh the Great White. Well at the tip of Africa are two Killer Whales that have been murdering great whites right and left. To the point where all the great whites and most sharks have left that area. These 2 orcas have literally changed a whole ecosystem. Orcas hands down are at the top in the Oceans. The battle is for 2cd place between the great white and the bull shark. Originally Posted by winn dixie
i know i'm gonna piss off some peta peeps, but i think orcas should be slaughtered for meat until they're extinct in the wild, with just a few kept in captivity so we can perform scientific experiments on them, and use them to slaughter problem sharks who get too close to swimmers in shallow waters, when necessary. other than that, the ocean would be a better place if they were all obliterated imo, similar to my thoughts on decimating malaria-transferring mosquitoes and wiping them off the planet. no tears here..

does anyone else share my literal hatred of orcas? they are the ultimate bullies, and i hate bullies. if i could go on a orca whale hunt, harpooning a couple of orcas and eating their meat would be awesome.

they are bad omens for seamen, with their tendency to ram and sink small boats, just because they can, i guess?

dolphins are great omens for mariners and distance swimmers, while orcas are bad luck personified.

their only redeeming qualities are the fact that they routinely slaughter for their livers great whites, tiger sharks, and bull sharks, which i think is pretty funny. a few should be preserved in captivity for that use, imo, but that's about it.

ok, ready for the backlash. peta peeps, you do you. i already did me..
i know i'm gonna piss off some peta peeps, but i think orcas should be slaughtered for meat until they're extinct in the wild, with just a few kept in captivity so we can perform scientific experiments on them, and use them to slaughter problem sharks who get too close to swimmers in shallow waters, when necessary. other than that, the ocean would be a better place if they were all obliterated imo, similar to my thoughts on decimating malaria-transferring mosquitoes and wiping them off the planet. no tears here..

does anyone else share my literal hatred of orcas? they are the ultimate bullies, and i hate bullies. if i could go on a orca whale hunt, harpooning a couple of orcas and eating their meat would be awesome.

they are bad omens for seamen, with their tendency to ram and sink small boats, just because they can, i guess?

dolphins are great omens for mariners and distance swimmers, while orcas are bad luck personified.

their only redeeming qualities are the fact that they routinely slaughter for their livers great whites, tiger sharks, and bull sharks, which i think is pretty funny. a few should be preserved in captivity for that use, imo, but that's about it.

ok, ready for the backlash. peta peeps, you do you. i already did me.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
As soon as you cut off the head of a snake, a new one grows.
And in the water its the Killer Whale. Folks will say ohh the Great White. Well at the tip of Africa are two Killer Whales that have been murdering great whites right and left. To the point where all the great whites and most sharks have left that area. These 2 orcas have literally changed a whole ecosystem. Orcas hands down are at the top in the Oceans. The battle is for 2cd place between the great white and the bull shark. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I'd agree with this. On National Geographic I saw that orca pods use unique hunting methods depending on the specific environments they are hunting in. Sharks don't present an unstoppable force as predators.
  • pxmcc
  • 10-17-2022, 11:06 PM
I'd agree with this. On National Geographic I saw that orca pods use unique hunting methods depending on the specific environments they are hunting in. Sharks don't present an unstoppable force as predators. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
umm, ya. actually orcas love the taste of shark livers and whale tongue. picky eaters..

they learned somehow that we taste awful. otherwise salt water swimmers would be goners..
BigBamboo's Avatar
Man is the baddest animal on the planet and the worse as well. Animals do what nature, survival determines, man is the most sophisticated, intelligent, creative yet, man destroys natural resources such as is needed to create solar powered energy to the detriment of the planet, man robs, rapes and kills other mankind for no good reason and without giving it a second thought many times. Originally Posted by araņanegra
I’m inclined to agree. Tigers eat their young but our young even kill younger than themselves without provocation by using automatic assault weapons on them while they huddle defenselessly in a classroom. And we encourage violent entertainment like MMA and wrestling, which people actually pay to see. Why? Man if not the baddest is definitely the sickest.

As soon as you cut off the head of a snake, a new one grows. Originally Posted by pumpernickel
No more “Jason and the Argonauts” for you.
Man is not bad as in "badass" which is obviously what the OP is asking. Without a weapon man is a pussy compared to other predators. We have no claws, we can't run or swim faster than most predators, our teeth aren't going to frighten away anything. Yes, we have the highest intelligence to make weapons but left without a weapon we are toast. Man is the evilest/sickest.
DallasRain's Avatar
black panther

MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
The Choopocobra
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  • BLM69
  • 10-20-2022, 11:57 AM
A fire ant, don't believe me? Let one of those bite you
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
The baddest animal on earth and I know yall aren't gonna like it is a cockroach...
1. They harbor micro organisms that cause dysentery giardia,Ecole, they can just walk on surfaces or food and spread these deseases)
2. They are the only ANIMAL ON PLANET EARTH THAT CAN SURVIVE A NUCLEAR BOMBING UNEFFECTED... ( this was proven when that Russian city had its nuclear power plants fail the roaches were completely unphased as for other animals well..)
Not to mention they are just dominating when it comes to population..
Now my personal pick ( non scientifically speaking ) is

There's no animal that can take one down 1 on 1. Period in fact in the animal kingdom people assume the lion is top of the Food chain but in fact prides will move the heck out the way as fast as possible for a family of elephants ( which by the way is all females males are kicked to the curb once they reach age,if you ever see one alone ITS A MALE ALWAYS)
And have you ever seen the ammo needed to take down an animal of that size ( yes it's still illegal) better of grabbing a grenade.

They are fierce and can smell when a elephant has expired and will travel hundreds of miles even if it's not there groups member till they find it to pay their respects..( national geo has an entire series enjoy)
They have been my favorite animal as far back as I can remember they are beautiful creatures
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
As for fish.. I'm not sure it counts as a fish but my Pic

( LOOK IT UP ) IT CANT BE EATEN IT CAN REGENERATE,AND YOU NEVER HEAR OR SEE IT COMING SOME HAVE TENTACLES 10 FT IN LENGTH..or more.. this is one "squishy no animal can compete with it has no enemies or predators and yet its every aquatics worst nightmare even sharks

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
A fire ant, don't believe me? Let one of those bite you Originally Posted by BLM69
Pffff, not even close to:

As for fish.. I'm not sure it counts as a fish but my Pic

( LOOK IT UP ) IT CANT BE EATEN IT CAN REGENERATE,AND YOU NEVER HEAR OR SEE IT COMING SOME HAVE TENTACLES 10 FT IN LENGTH..or more.. this is one "squishy no animal can compete with it has no enemies or predators and yet its every aquatics worst nightmare even sharks

https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/...2C%20that%20is. Originally Posted by Lovelyxxxo
Thank you Lovely, for a flashback....
Think of a water skier, dropping tow rope to come into beach, but, but, a mass of multiple Lion's Mane Jelly fish.
Just damn.
It was the North Atlantic version.
After I crawled.... up onto the beach, I had to take quite a while before I even stood up.
The group I was with kept bringing me water and juice for a couple hours. I slept the entire next day.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Wow I'm sorry that you dealt with that,I probably wouldn't have made it in at all, it's one thing to see danger coming instinct kicks in but to not know it's pure panick.. and it's extreme hard for a land creature to compete and win against an aquatic in its territory.. I'd probably have drowned.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Did I mention Australian box jellyfish have eyes on every side of its box ,it also can swim it doesn't just float around on the current they can jet as fast as 4 knots .. which is insane for a jelly.. it's got clusters of eyes unlike other jellies it can see and chase its pray,it doesn't sit and wait its predatory
  • pxmcc
  • 11-04-2022, 09:31 PM
A fire ant, don't believe me? Let one of those bite you Originally Posted by BLM69
weaver ants take down fire ants..


so do rasberry crazy ants..


fire ants are bad, but not the baddest, apparently..

pain-wise, i've heard the bullet ant sting hurts so much it makes you want to die, like a box jelly (that ms lovelyxo mentioned) sting, unless you're a high-level buddist monk. (those are the dudes who would light themselves on fire to protest vietnam, and they would sit calmly in the lotus position until they fell over dead.) that's some gangsta shit..