Republicans like me built this moment. Then we looked the other way.

This is the stupidest fucking piece of Bullshit and gas lighting i have ever had the distaste of reading.

"the Republicans need some opposition to keep them thinking correctly. " so you admit the party isn't what it seems and with full control of they would still sell your ass up the river for a roll of toilet paper or special interest money.

I would go on picking a piece this B.S. but its not worth it. If you want to get ride of all the democrats and destroy the party because everyone doesn't think like you. It doesn't make sense to engage with you. I hope you get exactly what you want and your first to suffer those consequences as well. It will only be fitting for you to take the first hit.
And I think you give yourself too much credit.
And I think you give yourself too much credit. Originally Posted by mdooos
And Donald Trump and this current administration thinks they don't get enough credit. Credit for doing there freaking jobs as elected officials. So i think it balances out in the universe.

If you don't have anything to add to the discussion. Can you at the bare minimum respond to a comment directly. Context is everything so it helps everyone know what your smart, witty, well informed comments are referring too.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Hey stupid, your social skills seem to be lacking if you have to backoff to picture, and a webcam. Do you find it difficult to get a date, even when you have to pay for it.
Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Hey stupid, you want to fuck a perfect stranger during this Pandemic go right ahead. It’s your life.
HoeHummer's Avatar
I wonder how many of our rough tough colleagues are out there honeydicking public twiffers?

How about it, yous old fuckers? Spending your government social benefit money on pussy now?
Hey stupid, you want to fuck a perfect stranger during this Pandemic go right ahead. It’s your life. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Who said anything about fucking a perfect stranger.

If since Sesta/Fosta you have not selected a few "goto" safe favorites for times of need, then you really haven't thought mongering through.

And yes, I'm still visiting my faves.

If you're happy with a webcam, a bottle of lube, and pretending your left hand is a stranger, then more power to you.

Some of us are better prepared to weather the storm.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Who said anything about fucking a perfect stranger.

I did.

If since Sesta/Fosta you have not selected a few "goto" safe favorites for times of need, then you really haven't thought mongering through.

Of course I have favorites, but if you believe your favorites are safe because you see them often is imbecilic, but it’s your life, happy trails.

I doubt my favorites will be putting themselves at risk, they aren’t stupid.

And yes, I'm still visiting my faves.

If you're happy with a webcam, a bottle of lube, and pretending your left hand is a stranger, then more power to you.

Some of us are better prepared to weather the storm.

Sure you are
Originally Posted by eccielover
  • oeb11
  • 03-20-2020, 09:25 AM
j666 and Clay media - two of a kind - just slightly different ( they think) outlooks.

Originally Posted by eccielover
Who said anything about fucking a perfect stranger.

I did.

Okay, so you are a moron as well, nothing new.

If since Sesta/Fosta you have not selected a few "goto" safe favorites for times of need, then you really haven't thought mongering through.

Of course I have favorites, but if you believe your favorites are safe because you see them often is imbecilic, but it’s your life, happy trails.

I doubt my favorites will be putting themselves at risk, they aren’t stupid.

You obviously don't know your faves very well then. And I didn't say my faves would be entirely safe, just that I know them well enough and we are not consumed entirely by DemPanic as to not still transact some business. You are more likely to get infected by your local grocery store cashier than an escort you are well known with and is taking precautions. But keep on the fear mongering, obviously the only other mongering you are doing is with your left hand.

And yes, I'm still visiting my faves.

If you're happy with a webcam, a bottle of lube, and pretending your left hand is a stranger, then more power to you.

Some of us are better prepared to weather the storm.

Sure you are

And yes, I'm sure I am. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Want me to order you another bottle of lube?
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666 and Clay media - two of a kind - just slightly different ( they think) outlooks.

LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
You’re a goddamn liar. I don’t associate with racist pig fuckers!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Want me to order you another bottle of lube? Originally Posted by eccielover
Well, that’s mighty white of you, but I’m ok. Buy yourself an extra tube of Vagisil.
Well, that’s mighty white of you Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Fucking Racist.
JRLawrence's Avatar
This is the stupidest fucking piece of Bullshit and
gas lighting i have ever had the distaste of reading.

"the Republicans need some opposition to keep them thinking correctly. " so you admit the party isn't what it seems and with full control of they would still sell your ass up the river for a roll of toilet paper or special interest money.

I would go on picking a piece this B.S. but its not worth it. If you want to get ride of all the democrats and destroy the party because everyone doesn't think like you. It doesn't make sense to engage with you. I hope you get exactly what you want and your first to suffer those consequences as well. It will only be fitting for you to take the first hit.
Originally Posted by TrueBaloo
It has become so dangerous that the only solution may be to eliminate the Democrat party completely. But, we know the Republicans need some opposition to keep them thinking correctly. That happened with the election of Donald Trump in 2016.[/B]

If you are going to quote someone, quote the entire thought.

Some thoughts that are correct, and you know it.
  1. We need at least two parties with different thoughts.
  2. Many countries have more than two political parties.
  3. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  4. There is good and bad in both parties.
  5. Both parties are guilty of taking special interest money: you can not just blame the Republicans.
  6. The Democratic Party is not the same as the Democratic Party of your fathers and grandfathers. Today, they are not connected to the KKK, but they were after the Civil War: The Civil War was a long time ago, and things have changed.
  7. The Republican Party is not the same today as the Jeffersonian Republicans, which was founded in 1792 and dissolved in 1825.
  8. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican (today's Republican Party), so the Republican Party can claim a position of respect on racial matters. The Civil War was a long time ago, and things have changed.
What? Political matters are sometimes not very clear: are they?

I support the Republican Party because the idea of the Democratic Party that someone will give me a secure living without work is repugnant. More government control, instead of individual motivation, does not contribute to progress.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Why are you selling yourself short. When did owning a business or being an entrepreneur suddenly make you a great man! Money doesn't give people value. People give money value.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post

Trickle down works because a poor man never hired anybody for a job, ever! Great people create jobs

I don't agree that it takes great people, just different people.

and their efforts trickle down to people who could not exist without greater peoples efforts trickling down to them. Originally Posted by TrueBaloo

I should know, I'm one of them who had to look for a job that somebody else created. I couldn't start a company from scratch if my life depended on it and I bear no jealousy for those smarter than I, I applaud them.
Really now. How smart you are has nothing to do with business. The average business owner may not be the smartest guy around, or the most powerful. What he does have are the tools necessary to manage a business. That means, organization and accounting: things that are absolutely necessary for any business. These are tedious things that many people hate, they would rather do the things that are rewarding to them then collect taxes for the government.
If we use your logic Bernie Madoff is the best person on the freaking planet. He built a financial firm around the greatest ponzi scheme we have yet to discover. Why don't you ask all the people who lost there life savings , retirement and there house's to this great man!

If a poor man never created a job how did Amazon get started? If was founded by a guy who believed in himself and got people to support that idea. Jeff Bezos started Amazon in a freaking garage off an investment from his parents. I concede the point he was probably from a middle class family but my overall point stands.

Great men are defined by there actions and deeds to better society and themselves not to make money to keep score. Originally Posted by TrueBaloo
Everyone has to pay taxes, and wages have tax withheld and sent to the government before people actually receive their pay. Businesses are organized to be tax collectors for the government.

I have started seven businesses, and sold three. Why do I need four now? Because, that is what society demands! Each real estate property is always placed in the name of a separate company to protect it from liability of the other companies. That is what we have come to. That is what the attorneys and the CPAs advise.

So, again it is about organization, not intelligence, and finding the right people to build the organization. Then the people have to be well paid, or they move on. In my case, more than 50% of the income is paid out in wages and withholding taxes. About 25% of the income goes for the purchase of company vehicles and travel expenses to keep people on the road, and the final 25% is for payment on building rent and support (such as office supplies).

The rent, of course, is paid to the other companies (which I own) which have titles to the buildings.

What do I wind up with? The buildings get paid for, and used to leverage bank loans for business expansion for the first company. The employees are happy, and do good work. I am able to have a good benefit package for them.

That is one way to try to organize a company that benefits everyone. The banks have to see the organization, and how everything is put together. To grow a company, a honest relationship with a bank is essential, just to get a line of credit to cover the roller coaster of money flow between accounts payable and accounts receivable.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Fucking Racist. Originally Posted by eccielover
mighty white of you,

Originally used under colonialism and before civil rights, this phrase expressed appreciation for honorable or gracious behavior, under the assumption that white people were inherently more virtuous.

Today, it is generally used sarcastically in reference to underwhelming acts of generosity.