When You Finally Wake Up To Life

bamscram's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 03-13-2019, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the historical documentation post, BS
Does not answer the question of the unsupported claim "The first slave ship was named Jesus".
I expect it is impossible to verify one way or another - the "first slave ship" was surely before Christ - Romans traded in slaves.
The First slave ship from Africa to Europe is likely lost in the mists of history -If indeed it was even named.
I'm not sure what point the OP is trying to make, but I would suspect that Jesse Christ looked like any other person from the region bordering the Eastern Mediterranean.

Certainly not a west European Caucasion, or a Oriental Asian, or a Negro Black African.

Probably this.......
Jesus was the name of the first Slave Ship. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Total rubbish.
Not a snowball's chance in Hades of supporting that claim either. Simply another hit and run post by Icky's biggest troll.
themystic's Avatar
Total rubbish.
Not a snowball's chance in Hades of supporting that claim either. Simply another hit and run post by Icky's biggest troll. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Lighten up CB. Your not going to hell.

Alot of people dont know the first slave ship was named JESUS SAVES
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Jesus was the name of the first Slave Ship. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Muslims were the predominate culprits who went into Africa and raided villages to export slaves to the Slave Ships.

Got a reference on the name of the first Slave Ship?? Originally Posted by oeb11
https://www.nairaland.com/241597/fir...ave-ship-reach <-- only technically the first.

this one was the first at 1502. Portuguese were the first ones do so but ran a foul of british pirates.

I B Hankering's Avatar
The first recorded "slave ship" transported Nubian slaves down the Nile to Lower Egypt in 2900 BC -- 29 centuries before Christ was born: no white people from Europe involved.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Lol yall crack me up. I'm glad I can entertain yall.
Lol yall crack me up. I'm glad I can entertain yall. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I see you're replying as SC and TM both on this post...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the only thing you deserve is the award!
themystic's Avatar
Lol yall crack me up. I'm glad I can entertain yall. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Brother SC its safe to say that white people and Israel never start any shit. Its always the "others" lol

Keep up the great work. These hillbillies aren't at your intellectual capacity so don't be to hard on them. I appreciate you keeping it simple so they can comprehend your posts. Most of the "deplorables" have very limited educations