Trump: “Wearing a Mask Would make me look Ridiculous!”

LexusLover's Avatar
Here are links to over 40 papers that show masks make a difference: Originally Posted by Tiny
Is "40" the "weight" of the evidence?


I'm going to verify what I heard on the news, but Google is one of those "tech" gurus who will be having employees work at home in quarantine for the rest of the year. So why not have them return to "the office" and WEAR MASKS?

I'm familiar with "masks" AND "gloves."

Why isn't that the "health care workers" wear different kinds of masks and gloves than those customarily seen at stores and other public places ....? That's because ... the masks (including scarfs over the face) one sees at stores (customers and employees) are INEFFECTIVE to prevent contamination either way.

"Guns" are also "unsafe" .....

  • Tiny
  • 05-11-2020, 09:27 PM
I am sure Masks are helpful in close quarters with an infected person such as in the medical field or caring for a sick family member. But through casual contact where an individual is in public not particularly interacting a mask could have some draw backs. Some mask may restrict airflow to such an extent proper gas exchange could be inhibited. If a Mask is used extensively there could be a suppression of the immune system. Once the mask is discarded the individual may be setting himself up for pathogenic infection may it be viral or bacterial. So when there is talk of a second wave, I suspect that's why it would take place. Caution is one thing but some people could take it to far. Originally Posted by Levianon17
There's a danger of missing the forest by focusing on a tree.

This like your thoughts on vaccines has a kernel of truth. If you breath through a respirator mask, you'll breathe in more carbon dioxide and potentially less oxygen. This may be unhealthy if you use the respirator mask for prolonged periods of times, especially if you suffer from something like asthma. These considerations aren't relevant though for non-respirator masks, like cloth and surgical masks. And even homemade masks if worn by a high % of the public offer great benefit, as shown by the experience of Slovakia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, the three European countries that made masks mandatory or highly recommended in March. They didn't have mask stockpiles going into this so had to scrounge.

I have a respirator mask that I wear to the supermarket. When I go someplace without a lot of people I wear a cloth mask.
  • Tiny
  • 05-11-2020, 09:39 PM
Is "40" the "weight" of the evidence?


I'm going to verify what I heard on the news, but Google is one of those "tech" gurus who will be having employees work at home in quarantine for the rest of the year. So why not have them return to "the office" and WEAR MASKS?

I'm familiar with "masks" AND "gloves."

Why isn't that the "health care workers" wear different kinds of masks and gloves than those customarily seen at stores and other public places ....? That's because ... the masks (including scarfs over the face) one sees at stores (customers and employees) are INEFFECTIVE to prevent contamination either way.

"Guns" are also "unsafe" .....

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Don't let your partisanship and disgust for me blind you. If you don't trust scientific and medical papers referenced in a Google document, here's a direct link to a good one:

The stochastic modeling described in the first part of the paper may not be convincing, but the empirical observations that start on page 10 are.

Or just look at death rates per million people:

Countries with mask wearing cultures, like Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore have fared much better than we have. Our death rate is 40 to 600 times higher than these places.

As to your beliefs that cloth masks aren't effective and the experience of Asian countries isn't relevant, look at Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic in the links above. As I said in the reply to Levianon, they had to resort to homemade masks in March. And our death rate in the USA is 9X to 50X higher than those countries.

Masks would not only save lives, they would save trillions of dollars. We could go back to work quicker and more safely. Medical costs would be reduced enormously. You can come up with estimated cost savings of $15,000 per person if everyone wore masks, comparing what's happening in Asian countries to what's happening in Europe and the USA.
Wearing a mask can not be an order from the government any more than telling you you can't buy paint or garden seeds when you can go into a Home Depot to by disinfectant. If a private business like a grocery store or the owner of a building or business says you can not enter their establishment without a mask, that is their prerogative and your prerogative not to enter. Nobody should be forced to wear a mask on their property or on a public sidewalk.

Nobody in government should be able to tell you who and how many people may enter your home or that if you have a second home, you can't travel to it. Yes, that was an order from the Gov. of Michigan! Can you imagine a Gov. telling you you can not go to a home you own?

Have we all lost our freaking minds? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Some people have, that's why it's easy for Governments to impose their will on the dumb masses. They will also encourage those same dummies to publicly shame you and others like you who think for themselves.
It appears to me that Mr. Putin is protecting himself against the pandemic like any responsible leader should. I commend him. Originally Posted by Lapdog
No actually he was going into a paint booth to paint his motorcycle. Nobody needs all that to protect themselves from a virus. But you do to protect yourself from toxicity from paint aerosol.
No actually he was going into a paint booth to paint his motorcycle. Nobody needs all that to protect themselves from a virus. But you do to protect yourself from toxicity from paint aerosol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
No. He was visiting a hospital specifically treating Wuhan Virus patients.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I like to go to grocery stores just to scare people. All of those fuckers have masks and gloves on but me. Those people can't run away from me fast enough. It's makes for very easy and convenient shopping. They treat me as if I have a loaded gun and I'm trying to kill people. It's awesome. It cuts my grocery shopping time in half. I'm in and out in less then 20 minutes now. LOL

I hate shopping for anything. Being viewed as a serial killer when I buy groceries is a bonus for me though. It's amazing how fast people can get away from me. My homeless looking long beard certainly doesn't help. These people wrongfully think that I want to kill them. It is great for some quick shopping though.

As far as Trump, I knew he wasn't going to wear a mask. That's not him. It's not me either, but I am more than 3 decades younger than him. To me, he and Pence are setting a bad example. If I was their ages, I would be wearing masks with no hesitation for my own safety. I get it though. All of these people wearing masks look really foolish to me although I certainly understand why they do so and they are smart to take the precautions that I don't bother to do because I'm simply being careless and stupid with my own safety and mortality.
I like to go to grocery stores just to scare people. All of those fuckers have masks and gloves on but me. Those people can't run away from me fast enough. It's makes for very easy and convenient shopping. They treat me as if I have a loaded gun and I'm trying to kill people. It's awesome. It cuts my grocery shopping time in half. I'm in and out in less then 20 minutes now. LOL

I hate shopping for anything. Being viewed as a serial killer when I buy groceries is a bonus for me though. It's amazing how fast people can get away from me. My homeless looking long beard certainly doesn't help. These people wrongfully think that I want to kill them. It is great for some quick shopping though.

As far as Trump, I knew he wasn't going to wear a mask. That's not him. It's not me either, but I am more than 3 decades younger than him. To me, he and Pence are setting a bad example. If I was their ages, I would be wearing masks with no hesitation for my own safety. I get it though. All of these people wearing masks look really foolish to me although I certainly understand why they do so and they are smart to take the precautions that I don't bother to do because I'm simply being careless and stupid with my own safety and mortality. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So it's not only here that you think you are a better than everyone else adversarial troll. Who'd a thunk it.
No. He was visiting a hospital specifically treating Wuhan Virus patients. Originally Posted by eccielover
Then he dressed up with all that garb for the camera.
I like to go to grocery stores just to scare people. All of those fuckers have masks and gloves on but me. Those people can't run away from me fast enough. It's makes for very easy and convenient shopping. They treat me as if I have a loaded gun and I'm trying to kill people. It's awesome. It cuts my grocery shopping time in half. I'm in and out in less then 20 minutes now. LOL

I hate shopping for anything. Being viewed as a serial killer when I buy groceries is a bonus for me though. It's amazing how fast people can get away from me. My homeless looking long beard certainly doesn't help. These people wrongfully think that I want to kill them. It is great for some quick shopping though.

As far as Trump, I knew he wasn't going to wear a mask. That's not him. It's not me either, but I am more than 3 decades younger than him. To me, he and Pence are setting a bad example. If I was their ages, I would be wearing masks with no hesitation for my own safety. I get it though. All of these people wearing masks look really foolish to me although I certainly understand why they do so and they are smart to take the precautions that I don't bother to do because I'm simply being careless and stupid with my own safety and mortality. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Actually people wearing masks could be suppressing their natural immune responses. There is a good possibility you may have come in contact with the Covid-19 antigen the reason you didn't manifest the symptoms is because you didn't actually contract the virus for it to replicate, but your Immune System is poised to respond more favorably if you ever do. People wearing masks regularly will take them off one day and probably come down with something.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Perhaps, Levianon. I went to get some take out at a restaurant for lunch today. Of course I was the only fucker not wearing a mask or gloves. I always was curious about the parting of the Red Sea. I saw it this afternoon. I thought I had an AK47 on me the way people avoided me.

The good news is that It was easy to get to the front of the line and I was in and out in no time. I was looked at like I am a mass murderer by those people but I was just hungry and wanted lunch.

These masks and gloves wearing people are very judgmental. Where is the fucking tolerance? I'm human. Show me some love. LOL
Perhaps, Levianon. I went to get some take out at a restaurant for lunch today. Of course I was the only fucker not wearing a mask or gloves. I always was curious about the parting of the Red Sea. I saw it this afternoon. I thought I had an AK47 on me the way people avoided me.

The good news is that It was easy to get to the front of the line and I was in and out in no time. I was looked at like I am a mass murderer by those people but I was just hungry and wanted lunch.

These masks and gloves wearing people are very judgmental. Where is the fucking tolerance? I'm human. Show me some love. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I know exactly how you feel. Although I have a mask that a women made for me I haven't been wearing it. Wearing a mask in an open setting such as in public isn't much protection, it's more psychological than anything. If you are healthy and not taking any medications that compromise your immune system wearing a mask is unnecessary. I have family in Illinois my sister tells me masks are mandatory to enter a businesses. Once states begin to open up and restrictions are lifted if there is an up tick of cases it would most likely be those who wore masks continuously.
I know exactly how you feel. Although I have a mask that a women made for me I haven't been wearing it. Wearing a mask in an open setting such as in public isn't much protection, it's more psychological than anything. If you are healthy and not taking any medications that compromise your immune system wearing a mask is unnecessary. I have family in Illinois my sister tells me masks are mandatory to enter a businesses. Once states begin to open up and restrictions are lifted if there is an up tick of cases it would most likely be those who wore masks continuously. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Many businesses in PA have the requirement just to enter at this point.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I know exactly how you feel. Although I have a mask that a women made for me I haven't been wearing it. Wearing a mask in an open setting such as in public isn't much protection, it's more psychological than anything. If you are healthy and not taking any medications that compromise your immune system wearing a mask is unnecessary. I have family in Illinois my sister tells me masks are mandatory to enter a businesses. Once states begin to open up and restrictions are lifted if there is an up tick of cases it would most likely be those who wore masks continuously. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It's funny to me that people are thinking "that guy just doesn't give a fuck." I do but I tried to buy them and every place was out of them where I live. I just gave up and said fuck it. I could have bought them on Amazon but I just didn't care at that point.

My ex has my kids wear them but I don't make them do so when they are around me because I would feel like a hypocrite because I'm not wearing anything. And to be honest seeing kids in masks looks really weird to me so fuck it. They're young. They'll be fine and I don't like my kids looking like little midget bank robbers. It kind of creeps me out when I see them wearing that shit. I can't take those masks off of them fast enough as soon as their mother drives away.

It's not the best co-parenting on my part but I just don't want my little ones to feel paranoid like their mother does.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Trump: “Wearing a Mask Would make me look Ridiculous!”

How is that different than every other public appearance?