Provider "immigration" patterns...

greymouse's Avatar

Thanks for the reply. It is always good to hear directly from the source about hear-say controversies. I can't help noticing that you sound a little angry. I certainly hope the reports aren't correct since P411 has made connecting with ladies so much easier and avoids the implied affront to the lady used as a direct reference for an new lady.

To build our collective confidence a little could you please tell us what happens when a customer guy submits a Request for an OK? Does software kick out a flag if the OK is not posted in x time? Then what happens? Is giving an OK discretionary with the woman or are there "must approve unless one of the following happened" guidelines? Your help in understanding what is going on (or not) with such an important resource is appreciated.
GinaXXX's Avatar
I can't help noticing that you sound a little angry.
Hahaha... yes, I suppose I do sound angry. Honestly, dealing with gossip and "drama" is the most hated part of my job, and I wish that ALL providers would be responsible when submitting and posting alerts.

what happens when a customer guy submits a Request for an OK?
A form email is sent to the provider through the P411 system.

Does software kick out a flag if the OK is not posted in x time?

Is giving an OK discretionary with the woman or are there "must approve unless one of the following happened" guidelines?
Providers can refuse an Okay for any reason, we just ask that they send us a short note with the reason for refusal, so we can made some internal notes.

This allows us to keep an eye on clients who might end up being someone we don't want as a P411 member... and also allows us to keep an eye on providers who like to play games in the community.

rCoder's Avatar
Thank you Gina for the clarification and rumor squashing. I'll admit I was concerned as P411 is such a valuable service.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Honestly, dealing with gossip and "drama" is the most hated part of my job. Originally Posted by GinaXXX
"Drama" with providers? Or with clients? Surely you jest.

austinkboy's Avatar
About two months ago, Austin provider listings on P411 had increased to around 210; as of today, the number has fallen to 179...

In the meantime, Dallas provider listings are up to 501. Where are the Austin providers going? Originally Posted by Bobave
Does that include or exclude providers that are "visiting" Austin? Seems like we have influxes of girls that charter a bus and invade at once, and then leave when we don't fall all over them...
I read my P411 Notices religiously, and haven't seen any indication of that sort of P411 policy change.

There have been several notices reiterating existing policies and guidelines, and I think Gina is on point with her assessment of what qualifies as proper behavior from a P411 member. Examples include:

  • A provider should never decline to give an Okay to a client who did not present a real problem (ie, was rough, attempted BBFS, had horrible hygiene, etc.) during a visit. Gina specifies that the problems must be actual occurrences, and not some hypothetical situation that the provider imagines could happen in the future with someone else.
  • A provider is expected to report any problems with a P411 member client to P411 staff immediately. Not a couple of weeks later, or after seeing that the client posted a negative review. (I expect this is in place to alert P411 to potential dangers, as well as cut down on vindictive alerts by providers in response to negative publicity by clients.)
  • The list goes on, but it's all basic, common sense for providers.

I definitely consider P411 and its representatives to be one of my strongest sources of provider support. If providers are vanishing from P411, I would guess it has more to do with the providers either moving, or being suspended for violating P411 rules (like looking up a client on behalf of a provider who doesn't have P411), than providers leaving out of disdain for P411's practices. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Absolutely, 100%, NOT correct.

Providers can refuse an Okay for any reason, we just ask that they shoot us a quick email with the reason so we can make an internal note on his account.

Yeah right.

Sounds like this provider is one of those providers who got called out when trying to submit a false report to me. I don't recall anyone ever coming to me saying a client had choked her, and without knowing who the provider is, or the exact nature of the complaint, I can't speak to that situation directly (and never would, unless the provider gave me permission).

However, what I do know is that I don't play games with girls who try to destroy their client/boyfriends when they get in a spat. I also don't look kindly on the girls who suddenly post an alert AFTER the client posts a bad review. There are a number of situations where certain providers act very irresponsibly in regards to posting alerts on clients, and I call them on it (privately) when it's brought to my doorstep.

For obvious reasons, those providers get angry with me. They almost always are providers who have high visibility on the boards, who think they have power in the community and can run any old bs by me and have me eat it up like their clients do.

So when I do a little checking into what they say, and find out they are lying (and tell them so), they are embarrassed and upset. Not being that type of people to admit they were wrong, or work things out privately between the two of us, they usually then "get back" at me by running their mouths behind my back.... blowing the situation up into something it never was, to make me appear even more dastardly.

I look into what people are saying, I hear both sides of the story, and if I tell a provider she's full of it.... chances are very good that she is and I have information to back that up.

And in a situation where I have a serious alert of a violent type on my plate.... you can be certain that I made absolutely sure, without any question, that the alert was bs if I did not revoke the client's account. I do care about the providers and I don't want to see anyone hurt from a human standpoint.... AND it would be really bad for business (for those of you who think I'm only about the money).

Really.... I wish all of those providers (the drama-queens I speak of above) would take their happy asses and march off of P411, and find someone else to bother with their tall tales. Because I know, for a fact, that the VAST majority of providers are discreet, responsible, and know exactly where I'm coming from when I say "don't bring your garbage to my doorstep or I'm going to toss it back in your face".

Oh, and I have no idea why the fluctuation in numbers!

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Good stuff.

You never know who might be peeking in when you start typing up a bunch of "he said, she said".

I have always relied on P411, and will continue to do so. I find Gina and her crew to be one of the most professional provider/client sites I've found in this little hobby.