Almost Caught...Chapter 1

10 years ago but get caught by Dallas Vice at the SPA not knowing the known provider had 2 counts. Well just make sure your in a rental and you have an extra $$$$$ to pay the ticket. Your nuts will shrink like they are in cold water.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Oh and it's just so awesome when the guy that gets caught because he was a dumbass throws that provider under the bus as fast as lightening. All of a sudden that provider is the most evil person ever and seduced the husband so that he just couldn't help it. And she's the only one he's ever seen. I will tell you what, if I had a client as loyal as some of these wives think they are I'd be a rich woman.
mtabsw's Avatar
Open your life up to your wife. It's amazing. No more cold sweats, worries about outings, blackmail etc. Life gets way more complicated for awhile, but once you've ripped the bandage off you end up in some kind of simpler, lie-free, better place.

Everyone is different so you might end up divorced, but in my case I still have my best friend and my professional colleagues.
Bob Soldios's Avatar
For those who don't have the tech chops to do the knoppix boot CD and all that, Firefox has a nice feature now , which I believe IE has as well.

Click on "Tools" then "Start Private Browsing" and it will let you browse without saving any information.

Then all you have to worry about is a keylogger logging all your keystrokes.

As for best "almost busted" story.... I remember seeing a post from Infamous BJ over on that old board which is now dead so I couldn't to find the post where one of her customers had her number in his pocket, his wife found it, called her, and she convinced the wife that the hubby in question knew her husband because they both playerd World of Warcraft. Purely epic save IMHO. She posted it in public since she didn't know which customer it actually was as to give him a heads up of the story she spun.
Open your life up to your wife. It's amazing. No more cold sweats, worries about outings, blackmail etc. Life gets way more complicated for awhile, but once you've ripped the bandage off you end up in some kind of simpler, lie-free, better place.

Everyone is different so you might end up divorced, but in my case I still have my best friend and my professional colleagues. Originally Posted by mtabsw
I agree....and call me with a large retainer fee before you confess. You may not have any money or jewels left after you confess. I need more money to contribute to my hobby and help support my favorite providers.

I would not confess if I was caught in the act.
Bestman200600's Avatar
If you confess you might as well give her everything and walk out the door. Not good.
LazurusLong's Avatar
...Another is that DAMN glitter some gals wear. You cannot escape the glitter! Originally Posted by TheGiftedOne
Who was that redheaded provider from years back in Dallas by the airport who just hated glitter with a passion? Almost an obsession with her.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Ringo is right on this one. It is not whether you get caught, but when! It is Russian Roulette every day you do something out of the mainstream society standards.

I do like Tarzan's comment on the GF being on "borrowed time". I guess if you really think about it we all are.... I just plan to use up this body as much as possible while I'm still kickin' so they won't even bother to use it for science!
nuglet's Avatar
Open your life up to your wife. It's amazing. No more cold sweats, worries about outings, blackmail etc. Life gets way more complicated for awhile, but once you've ripped the bandage off you end up in some kind of simpler, lie-free, better place.

Everyone is different so you might end up divorced, but in my case I still have my best friend and my professional colleagues. Originally Posted by mtabsw
Best thing I ever did. Now we (my mate and I) shop together. Often she suggests for me to go find a Fox (I know her tastes), try her out, and if it's good, arrange a date for the 3 of us. Took me years to actually believe I wasn't being set up for and expensive date in legal land.
nuglet's Avatar
If you confess you might as well give her everything and walk out the door. Not good. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Who ya gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes!
JohnJohn's Avatar
I'm a big fan of the openness in my marriage. Why lie? If I had to lie, then I married the wrong girl for me. Hell, she has picked out the provider that she thinks I'd have a great time with on some occasions. Ya gotta love a lifetime partner and best friend that cares about what makes you happy!

Biggest problem: She wishes she could visit an AMP with me because the Kgirls drive her mad with lust. Guess I'll have to see if some of the Asian indy ladies are up for that...hehe
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Christmas Social Houston 2009, nuff said ..... And the one time I put the bill on my CC and got the what is this $$$$$ charge, (rookie move I know).