Nationwide Walk for Choice this Sat 2/26 Turns Worldwide

Iaintliein's Avatar
I simply do not see this as a federal issue. Abortion (as well as numerous other hot button issues of today), existed when the Constitution was framed but was omitted from the list of federal responsibilities. I'm not a lawyer, nor did I stay at a HI Express last night, but this sure seems to have tenth amendment written all over it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-26-2011, 07:57 AM
I simply do not see this as a federal issue. Abortion (as well as numerous other hot button issues of today), existed when the Constitution was framed but was omitted from the list of federal responsibilities. I'm not a lawyer, nor did I stay at a HI Express last night, but this sure seems to have tenth amendment written all over it. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
You do not see it as a Federal issue, yet you see it as a State issue?

How about an individual issue. One where I do not impose my will on you by telling you that you have to have an abortion and you do not impose your will on me by stating that I can not. A novel idea....we let individual s choose.

Do you have a problem with that?

It seems so much better than letting the Federal or State government tell you what to do. Would you not agree....or do you think government at the state level is the end all?
I simply do not see this as a federal issue. Abortion (as well as numerous other hot button issues of today), existed when the Constitution was framed but was omitted from the list of federal responsibilities. I'm not a lawyer, nor did I stay at a HI Express last night, but this sure seems to have tenth amendment written all over it. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
This went up to the court in the context of a criminal case (criminal cases in state court are tried under state criminal statutes). The defense raised individual Constitutional protection issues (some of which were already on track for the Court) that the Court addressed in Roe v. Wade. In addressing a balancing test, the Court held the State's interests increased over the mother's interests as the pregnancy got longer.
atlcomedy's Avatar

"Hello, glass shop? Do you fix windows broken by people throwing stones in their own house?"

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Sure, in many ways I am selfish...that doesn't change the issue at hand

For one, I MET LynetteMarie in person and she and another gent turned me on to this site.

I would normally bend you over and give you a piece of my mind that I actually do on other sites, but I understand that I have to be more tame here.

Now. LynetteMarie has to be the most exquisitely beautiful lady I've had the pleasure of meeting, and we didn't actually 'do the deed'! ;o)

So, being a new member on this site, I appreciate that there is a certain protocal that has to be maintained.

In the same respect, I do not appreciate the flack that LM is getting from some of you.

Why don't you walk in a lady's shoes before you pass judgement?

It's not your bodies that could be in jeopardy, just your wallet, if infact the lady ever turned you on to the fact that she got pregnant.

You wouldn't know squat.

It's her right. The both of you were supposed to be responsible at the time of conception, but who actually pays the price? A fetus?

If they took the fetus out of the lady at the first trimester, could it actually become a 'person'? Does it have feelings, or emotions?

It's easy to pass judgement when you don't have to make that decision.

So, be a man and give the lady some slack. Originally Posted by MP67
I don't suggest you bend me over.

All that white knighting you are doing for your exquisite gal....wouldn't be necessary if she hadn't started this thread by assuming she spoke for all of us on this board by saying ALL of us were pro-choice (pro-abortion)
I am not a woman but I have been part of abortions. I drove the women there.

I do not feel like we murdered anyone.

What do you mean by defend? Do you mean that when one weighs the option of giving proper time to the raising of a child or completing college? Do you mean how once a child is born to the poor we turn our back on those children until they do something that we want to throw them in jail you defend kids having kids? Do you defend people having kids that are not financially able to care for them?

The reality is that people are ignorant in the ways of sex education.....especially the poor. Some groups would like to better educate them in this regard , yet the same folks who so easily denounce and judge abortion scream bloody murder when folks want to spend money to educate these folks in the ways of the world. Now you might think that kids will not have sex but I know better. So while I do not advocate abortion, I do live in reality. The reality is that people make mistakes, including the people that do not want to hand out condoms to kids that inevitably are going to have sex. There is plenty of blame to go around in this debate.

So while I am not proud of any abortion I have been a part of, I sure as hell aren't waving a flag when we bomb another country killing innocent civilians.

Lynette, you would be wise not to assume so much when posting on this subject. I think that is where most took offense. Originally Posted by WTF
Stick to the issue...the are plenty of other threads where you can make your anti-war rants
London Rayne's Avatar
I would be careful about making assumptions about what people on here think about this issue.

Even many of those that think abortion is none of the government's business certainly don't celebrate killing babies.

As you might guess I won't be marching and I really don't want to get into some 200-post debate about the abortion issue. I don't think anyone's POV will change.

I'm just saying don't assume because of the nature of this board, everyone has the same view on abortion. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I am acutally pro-life, but I care not for the affairs of another woman's body...thus, I would not march for this.
woman up!!! who here is willing to admit they had an abortion/killed a baby?

woman ain't breaking any laws...

I said I didn't want a 200 post thread...I guess I was wrong...

Can anyone on here defend an abortion? Other than just being selfish...which many people are.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I have and to be honest, I don't really give a shit what you are anyone else on here, or in a less virtual life, think about it. I will tell you this...I didn't fall pregnant because I was careless nor was it a result of forced sex. I did what I felt was right at the time (I was 25 so it's a while ago) and I stand by that this day and every day for the rest of my life. It wasn't an easy decision...but in my mind it was the right decision. Period.
LynetteMarie's Avatar

All that white knighting you are doing for your exquisite gal....wouldn't be necessary if she hadn't started this thread by assuming she spoke for all of us on this board by saying ALL of us were pro-choice (pro-abortion) Originally Posted by atlcomedy
You're right and I apologize.

While I didn't say all of us here are pro-choice (NOT pro-abortion but if that's what some people equate it as, I understand), I DID say that I ASSUMED most of the participants here were pro-choice.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone...honestly, I whipped the post up in about 2 minutes between press releases and interviews and I was careless with that statement. I'll take more time to proofread and edit my posts in the future.

The idealistic activist hippie in me often says and does things that others deem offensive. I am learning this about myself and am taking more time to think before I speak/write/tweet/blog. Thank you for the reminder!

I really didn't want this to turn into the pro/anti abortion debate, just a post on a current event.

Sorry, y'all!

(That said, I don't mind having a "white knight," especially if it's my friend MP.)
atlcomedy's Avatar
You're right and I apologize.

While I didn't say all of us here are pro-choice (NOT pro-abortion but if that's what some people equate it as, I understand), I DID say that I ASSUMED most of the participants here were pro-choice.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone...honestly, I whipped the post up in about 2 minutes between press releases and interviews and I was careless with that statement. I'll take more time to proofread and edit my posts in the future.

The idealistic activist hippie in me often says and does things that others deem offensive. I am learning this about myself and am taking more time to think before I speak/write/tweet/blog. Thank you for the reminder!

I really didn't want this to turn into the pro/anti abortion debate, just a post on a current event.

Sorry, y'all! Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
Fair enough & to be clear, I know some great people with a different POV than me on this issue & I consider them friends. This is a difficult issue.
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  • WTF
  • 02-26-2011, 11:10 AM

Stick to the issue...the are plenty of other threads where you can make your anti-war rants Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I thought I did, read below....I just threw in a rant/question on how many folks you war mongers have murdered!

I ain't shy. I'll answer any questions. But I'll ask some too.
I am not a woman but I have been part of abortions. I drove the women there.

I do not feel like we murdered anyone.

What do you mean by defend? Do you mean that when one weighs the option of giving proper time to the raising of a child or completing college? Do you mean how once a child is born to the poor we turn our back on those children until they do something that we want to throw them in jail you defend kids having kids? Do you defend people having kids that are not financially able to care for them?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Iaintliein's Avatar
You do not see it as a Federal issue, yet you see it as a State issue?

How about an individual issue. One where I do not impose my will on you by telling you that you have to have an abortion and you do not impose your will on me by stating that I can not. A novel idea....we let individual s choose.

Do you have a problem with that?

It seems so much better than letting the Federal or State government tell you what to do. Would you not agree....or do you think government at the state level is the end all? Originally Posted by WTF
Re-read the tenth amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-26-2011, 11:19 AM
This is a difficult issue. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
On that we can agree.

From my POV, I could no more make the woman have the baby than I could demand she abort a fertilized egg. Because depending on your wants or beliefs that is what it comes down to, a fertilized egg or a baby. All I could or want to do was support her choice.

A very difficult issue.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am Pro Choice but am not for taxpayers footing the bill on abortion.

I think it hurts the cause by trying to take money from folks that are so strongly opposed to abortion.

The private sector should raise those funds IMHO. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, would it hurt your feelings if I said I agreed with you in this post?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-26-2011, 11:21 AM
Re-read the tenth amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
That was my question to you oh wise one.

Do you think a person is better suited to make that choice for herself or do you think the government should?

Try not to dodge that very pointed question again.

WTF, would it hurt your feelings if I said I agreed with you in this post? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

LOL, No it will not but I will be more ambiguous in further posting so we can agree without appearing to do so
woman up!!! who here is willing to admit they had an abortion/killed a baby?

woman ain't breaking any laws...

I said I didn't want a 200 post thread...I guess I was wrong...

Can anyone on here defend an abortion? Other than just being selfish...which many people are.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Your statements make me want to have an abortion out of spite; come see my new band playing, Spite Abortion, at some place, FAS & Flippers will open.

Can anyone here defend bringing a child into the world that a person is ill equipped to care for whether it be financially or mentally/emotionally?

Do you ever read the fucking news? How many stories do you read about children born to shitty parents and those children go on to face shitty fates and are subjected to things no innocent should ever have to deal with; yeah a vacuum is so evil compared to some of the crimes perpetrated against "unwanted" children.

I fucking love Planned Parenthood, you go in there for a vacuum and they make sure your ass leaves with birth control so they hopefully don't have to see your ass for the same procedure...AGAIN.

That said, fuck humanity, threads like this and others only solidify my belief that we are fast moving towards a reality not nearly as comical as that portrayed in Idiocracy...I'll donate to SNAP and Planned Parenthood.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Your statements make me want to have an abortion out of spite; come see my new band playing, Spite Abortion, at some place, FAS & Flippers will open.

Can anyone here defend bringing a child into the world that a person is ill equipped to care for whether it be financially or mentally/emotionally?

Do you ever read the fucking news? How many stories do you read about children born to shitty parents and those children go on to face shitty fates and are subjected to things no innocent should ever have to deal with; yeah a vacuum is so evil compared to some of the crimes perpetrated against "unwanted" children.

I fucking love Planned Parenthood, you go in there for a vacuum and they make sure your ass leaves with birth control so they hopefully don't have to see your ass for the same procedure...AGAIN.

That said, fuck humanity, threads like this and others only solidify my belief that we are fast moving towards a reality not nearly as comical as that portrayed in Idiocracy...I'll donate to SNAP and Planned Parenthood. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko

Very well said.