Cubans are ruining the Strip Club scene in DFW

Lonelyd140's Avatar
I’m no fan of JB, but this is typical rhetoric from a Trump supporter. They don’t know the difference between Communists and Socialists. Thats why they don’t even know they are supporting an Authoritarian who will treat anyone with less than 7 zeros in their net worth like he treats his daughter Tiffany. Fodder.

Out of control Capitalism is to blame. If profit is the goal, quality must decline to continue to create higher profit margins. Prices will grow until they reach scale before patrons stop paying, then the costs get cut so profit margins continue to increase. only way to keep costs down, water down drinks, hire cheaper labor.
I long for the day when a company’s stock price was dependent on how CONSISTENT its profitability was, year after year, not its quarterly earnings report.

People want to complain about high prices now, just wait and see. If the Orange God King gets reelected, and gets his way (deport 11 million undocumented) you won’t be able to afford the hobby anymore. You better take up gardening and animal husbandry, because food wont be affordable either.

What does any of this have to do with cubans and strip clubs. Take you shit to the political forum
Dr-epg's Avatar
Let’s keep the conversation on topic please.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen let’s get back on topic please
Personally, I miss the clubs of the past. You could reach the goal without having to focus on some chick targeting me for their bag. It really doesn’t matter if the girl is white, black or Hispanic, the girls perhaps wanted the bag in the past but it was usually less blatant. I have a Snapchat entirely of strippers and there is no subtlety to it. I find Cubans slightly more honest about it though. Frankly, I find going to strip clubs in Mexico periodically a cost savings even though I’m paying for airfare and hotel.
CG2014's Avatar
Some of them Cuban girls need this
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
Another look at the dynamics of when Cubans take over a club

Lets look at what happens when one ethnicity takes over a club that was much more diverse in the past.

First, look at DG’s or any club that has always had one customer type in mind as it’s target. DG’s has always been a black club. They own it. They welcome any customer but you know who they are aiming for as soon as you walk in. Mostly black dancers with a few Hispanic and white girls. Music type, etc. But they continue to do well because they stay true to their roots.

Now, look at BDFW, as an example, but it could be a number of clubs. The very long history of the club has been aimed at White, Hispanic, and black customers. A diverse customer base. And the dancers reflected that. Anyone could go in there most days and find someone to his liking. And the Hispanics were either American or spoke fluent english.

Jump forward to 2023-24. BDFW reopens after a very nice remodel. The same diverse customer base return looking for the dancer mix of old. When the club reopened, management said they wanted to maintain a good mix of dancers.

At first, the only issue I had most of the time I went was who would I spend my money on. But as time has passed, Cubans have taken over the club. And the customer base has changed to reflect that. Now, I have two issues when I go in. How to keep the Cubans from bothering me and will there be anyone I want to spend my money on. Most of the old regulars that helped support a broad range of dancers have left. Because of that, when a black or white dancer does get hired, the customers who would support those dancers are few and far between. So they leave quickly. Management keeps hiring more Cubans because they show up, and admittedly, most of them are really hot. A shift can only support so many dancers so there is no room or way too much competition for the typical white or black dancer, no matter how hot she is.

From talking to some managers I have known for a long time, the average tab per customer has decreased. More customers offset that, but now the club is dependent on the Cubans and the customers they bring in.

Because the pimps of the Cubans have the resources to continue to buy their way into the clubs, this is happening to more and more clubs. Even now, if you want a broad choice of white, black, or Hispanic (not Cuban), it hard to find.

While The Lodge and Men’s Club have more diversity, they have issues of their own.

So even if you don’t really care right now about all the Cubans, you should. Before long, there will be two types of clubs to go to. Back or Cuban. And I see no way to stop it. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Are the cuban pimps actually Cuban? And how are they so well connected & able to avoid accountability in this time when sex trafficking is so top of mind amongst law enforcement agencies?
7Zark7's Avatar
actual convo with Cuban at BDD

dancer - wanna dance
me - where you from
dancer - CUBA
me - everyone in here is from Cuba
dancer - Cuba's good
me - if Cuba was so good, why did you leave
dancer - ????
me - if Cuba was so good, why did you leave
dancer - you wanna dance
me - no thanks
Are the cuban pimps actually Cuban? And how are they so well connected & able to avoid accountability in this time when sex trafficking is so top of mind amongst law enforcement agencies? Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas
Some of them were in the first phase of the LE crackdown. Last fall, I noticed a couple of former dancers from one of the Latin clubs arrested on the texaslatinomedia instagram feed. The next time that I was at the club I asked about them from someone who I knew was a friend of theirs. At the time I was told that they were still in jail but eventually they were deported…. The handlers were deported too. They are a different breed, one of the handlers was one of the dancers son.

But, to answer your question. I don’t think that they do avoid accountability. I believe that they weigh risk/reward and are willing to take some risk so that their families in cuba might get some needed food and medicine. The risk is that they end up in the same place where they started… cuba.
Some of them were in the first phase of the LE crackdown. Last fall, I noticed a couple of former dancers from one of the Latin clubs arrested on the texaslatinomedia instagram feed. The next time that I was at the club I asked about them from someone who I knew was a friend of theirs. At the time I was told that they were still in jail but eventually they were deported…. The handlers were deported too. They are a different breed, one of the handlers was one of the dancers son.

But, to answer your question. I don’t think that they do avoid accountability. I believe that they weigh risk/reward and are willing to take some risk so that their families in cuba might get some needed food and medicine. The risk is that they end up in the same place where they started… cuba. Originally Posted by futbolhead
I might feel different if I thought a large amount of what they earned went home. But I would bet its pennys on the dollar as the pimps keep most of it
I’m back on topic now. There were three fat and ugly white girls at bucks cab a few weeks ago who will try to empty your wallet. There were three more attractive white girls at the Lodge who will empty your wallet and ask you to pay their phone bill. Problem solved
clubguy254's Avatar
This is a well thought out and well researched eon. I agree. You’re assumptions are correct.
I may go back to bdfw this week
since it's close. I want to check out a non Cuban and see if she/they are fun since they have all that Cuban competition. I saw a few there on my last visit. Didnt play with them though, Could be interesting.

Last week when I was there in the afternoon the place appeared to have a 3/1 ratio dancers to customers. A lot of sitting around being bored. I'll report back if I go

I'll definitely check out K**** with two tattoos if she is there. I know she is fun to play with
I may go back to bdfw this week
since it's close. I want to check out a non Cuban and see if she/they are fun since they have all that Cuban competition. I saw a few there on my last visit. Didnt play with them though, Could be interesting.

Last week when I was there in the afternoon the place appeared to have a 3/1 ratio dancers to customers. A lot of sitting around being bored. I'll report back if I go

I'll definitely check out K**** with two tattoos if she is there. I know she is fun to play with Originally Posted by Tsmokies
To me, they are way over staffed with dancers, especially cubans. One night last week, for example, there were easily 50 girls there. Probably 40 cubans. Maybe 15-20 guys. When I walked in, I could not sit at the bar because the dancers had all the chairs as well as the most popular tables.

Forget the ethnic issues, I don't see how most of the girls make much money. There can be too many dancers to support the number of customers. The girls I knew were complaining because there were so many dancers. This is yet another clue most of the cubans are managed. They have to show up, busy or not. Most sit around looking at their phone for hours. Time and again, I have seen non-cubans dancers I know, turn around and walk back out when they see it way overcrowded with dancers. They know they will make money from me, but it's not worth an entire shift to compete for the few customers.

On the other hand, I have gotten several really nice OTC dates that way from some of my regular dancers.
They gotta pay $80 to work, so easy money grab by BDD.