Republicans are imploding

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You think elections are decided by voters. How quaint. You have no voice and no Democrat or Republican gives a damn about you. Not Hillary, not Jeb, none of them. If they did, they wouldn't get the nomination.
It's interesting to watch the republican party implode. Being an election cycle, the candidates are constantly watched and any minor fuck up, perceived or real, could have consequences. So they are paralyzed. This article points out how they fucked up two opportunities to feed their base a hefty helping of red meat. And they shit the bed on both counts. What the fuck is going on in the republican party? Originally Posted by WombRaider

OK, I will admit it. There is TRUTH in your post and this is what is going on.

"If the hierarchy within the republican party loses an election to Democrats it’s only a lost election; they are still there, and still comfortable even in the minority.

However, if the hierarchy within the republican party loses an election to Conservatives, they are out of a job."
Mark Levin

The Truth -->

You think elections are decided by voters. How quaint. You have no voice and no Democrat or Republican gives a damn about you. Not Hillary, not Jeb, none of them. If they did, they wouldn't get the nomination. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So if elections are not decided by voters, why are you always screaming about supporting crooked politicians, if ultimately it doesn't matter?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So if elections are not decided by voters, why are you always screaming about supporting crooked politicians, if ultimately it doesn't matter? Originally Posted by WombRaider
It further exposes your stupidity.
It further exposes your stupidity. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The fact you don't have an answer further exposes your own stupidity. The fact that you've taken to just calling people stupid lately, is very telling. How about an answer.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The fact you don't have an answer further exposes your own stupidity. The fact that you've taken to just calling people stupid lately, is very telling. How about an answer. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I'm not calling you stupid. I'm stating a fact.
I'm not calling you stupid. I'm stating a fact. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So if the US is an oligarchy with unlimited money in politics, why do you care? You seem to accept poverty in this country as a foregone conclusion, but on this issue, you don't seem to follow your own pattern. Why is that?
  • DSK
  • 07-31-2015, 04:34 PM
So if the US is an oligarchy with unlimited money in politics, why do you care? You seem to accept poverty in this country as a foregone conclusion, but on this issue, you don't seem to follow your own pattern. Why is that? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Jesus, as you know, did say," the poor we will always have with us." That's why I accept poverty as a forgone conclusion.
Jesus, as you know, did say," the poor we will always have with us." That's why I accept poverty as a forgone conclusion. Originally Posted by DSK
Jesus never existed. So you're taking direction for life from a myth.
flghtr65's Avatar
You think elections are decided by voters. How quaint. You have no voice and no Democrat or Republican gives a damn about you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If true, then why do you bother to vote? Didn't you vote for Obama in 2008?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If true, then why do you bother to vote? Didn't you vote for Obama in 2008? Originally Posted by flghtr65
No. I have not voted for a major party candidate since George McGovern in 1972. I always vote, usually Libertarian. I vote because I want the powers that be to know they are destroying my country without my support. It's a small act, but I do other things as well. However, I was intrigued by Obama, and almost did vote for him. I liked what he had to say. No healthcare mandate (a lie). Most transparent administration in history (a lie). Legislation posted online for five days before he would sign it so the public would have input (a lie). No lobbyists in his administration (a lie). Close Gitmo (a lie). End both wars (partial truth, lie). Restore our image around the world (big lie). And I could go on. I'm glad I didn't vote for him. He turned out to be a bigger liar than W. If he'd kept his promises I would have led the parade for him in 2012. But he didn't. He's a corrupt liar beholding to Wall Street and the corporatists, just like his predecessors. Very disappointing. He started out with such promise.

That is why I vote, Fluffy. Simply to say, "You aren't doing this with my permission". Jeb or Hillary? No thanks. No difference.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So if the US is an oligarchy with unlimited money in politics, why do you care? You seem to accept poverty in this country as a foregone conclusion, but on this issue, you don't seem to follow your own pattern. Why is that? Originally Posted by WombRaider
In real life, I really don't care all that much. I still vote, as stated above, and I'm active in some groups promoting non-violent change, but most of my time is spent in more uplifting pursuits. I'm not at all like my persona on here on the outside. To be honest, I wonder why I enjoy this. But I get a laugh out of it, at least for now.

I'm not a survivalist, but I'm aware the battle for freedom is over. My efforts are just to pass the time with like minded pacifists. I'm focusing on other areas, and visiting my grandkids whenever possible. I'm not letting the government ruin my life. Life is meant for fun and play. Right now, even this board is fun. The stands I take are serious, but nothing else is. The rest is to see what reaction I get. If you take me seriously, you shouldn't be here. If this place pisses you off, you shouldn't be here. Why volunteer to be pissed off?

None of this is intended to imply that you are not stupid, however. LOL!

But poverty is a foregone conclusion. It should not be. The current cronyist system thrives on poverty and dependence. We've had a War on Poverty since LBJ! Why isn't it getting better? Because the Establishment and their puppet politicians in both parties DON'T WANT IT TO! Their votes and careers depend on pandering to (or against) the poor. They work together to make sure they give the appearance of doing something, or opposing something, but if anything ever worked, it would be repealed in minutes. They stay in power by passing a little, repealing a little, keeping a perfect balance of opposition so no one notices that the Establishment is getting the most. Trillions go missing from the Defense Department. Ho hum. Cut food stamps a half billion? OUTRAGE! It's all bullshit. The Democrats and Republicans are serving the same Masters, and so it will be.

Enjoy living, in spite of it all.
  • DSK
  • 08-01-2015, 07:33 AM
Jesus never existed. So you're taking direction for life from a myth. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Did so!
  • DSK
  • 08-01-2015, 07:40 AM
In real life, I really don't care all that much. I still vote, as stated above, and I'm active in some groups promoting non-violent change, but most of my time is spent in more uplifting pursuits. I'm not at all like my persona on here on the outside. To be honest, I wonder why I enjoy this. But I get a laugh out of it, at least for now.

I'm not a survivalist, but I'm aware the battle for freedom is over. My efforts are just to pass the time with like minded pacifists. I'm focusing on other areas, and visiting my grandkids whenever possible. I'm not letting the government ruin my life. Life is meant for fun and play. Right now, even this board is fun. The stands I take are serious, but nothing else is. The rest is to see what reaction I get. If you take me seriously, you shouldn't be here. If this place pisses you off, you shouldn't be here. Why volunteer to be pissed off?

None of this is intended to imply that you are not stupid, however. LOL!

But poverty is a foregone conclusion. It should not be. The current cronyist system thrives on poverty and dependence. We've had a War on Poverty since LBJ! Why isn't it getting better? Because the Establishment and their puppet politicians in both parties DON'T WANT IT TO! Their votes and careers depend on pandering to (or against) the poor. They work together to make sure they give the appearance of doing something, or opposing something, but if anything ever worked, it would be repealed in minutes. They stay in power by passing a little, repealing a little, keeping a perfect balance of opposition so no one notices that the Establishment is getting the most. Trillions go missing from the Defense Department. Ho hum. Cut food stamps a half billion? OUTRAGE! It's all bullshit. The Democrats and Republicans are serving the same Masters, and so it will be.

Enjoy living, in spite of it all. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think that sums it up pretty well. Basically speaking truth to power to let them know we are aware of their duplicity and malfeasance.
In real life, I really don't care all that much. I still vote, as stated above, and I'm active in some groups promoting non-violent change, but most of my time is spent in more uplifting pursuits. I'm not at all like my persona on here on the outside. To be honest, I wonder why I enjoy this. But I get a laugh out of it, at least for now.

I'm not a survivalist, but I'm aware the battle for freedom is over. My efforts are just to pass the time with like minded pacifists. I'm focusing on other areas, and visiting my grandkids whenever possible. I'm not letting the government ruin my life. Life is meant for fun and play. Right now, even this board is fun. The stands I take are serious, but nothing else is. The rest is to see what reaction I get. If you take me seriously, you shouldn't be here. If this place pisses you off, you shouldn't be here. Why volunteer to be pissed off?

None of this is intended to imply that you are not stupid, however. LOL!

But poverty is a foregone conclusion. It should not be. The current cronyist system thrives on poverty and dependence. We've had a War on Poverty since LBJ! Why isn't it getting better? Because the Establishment and their puppet politicians in both parties DON'T WANT IT TO! Their votes and careers depend on pandering to (or against) the poor. They work together to make sure they give the appearance of doing something, or opposing something, but if anything ever worked, it would be repealed in minutes. They stay in power by passing a little, repealing a little, keeping a perfect balance of opposition so no one notices that the Establishment is getting the most. Trillions go missing from the Defense Department. Ho hum. Cut food stamps a half billion? OUTRAGE! It's all bullshit. The Democrats and Republicans are serving the same Masters, and so it will be.

Enjoy living, in spite of it all. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm not at all like I am on here either, which I know will sincerely hurt rey lingo's feelings

It's for shits and giggles, as you said.