New rule - posts without punctuation will be deleted

TexTushHog's Avatar
It would make a hell of a lot more sense than some other rules that do exist. But, as others noted, I use it as a screening tool.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
It would make a hell of a lot more sense than some other rules that do exist. But, as others noted, I use it as a screening tool. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This gives me an idea for a new side business: proofreading, spell checking, and grammar checking provider's posts. I'm thinking $25 a post would be a reasonable charge...
Daen1304's Avatar
OK, I never expected anyone to so much as click on this thread. But all the comments make me remember that BDS could abuse the English language so adroitly, yet I always knew exactly what she was saying!

perhaps we could make it easy and just ask folks to talk out loud as they type
every time they pause or take a breath
just hit the enter button (return for those few of us who once owned a type writter)

hit it twice for longer pauses Originally Posted by Yxes
Greetings! Welcome to the Interwebs! You must be new here. I have been here for 11 or 12 years, back when 56k was fast. In that time I have seen many great and wonderous things: The truck accident that put social decency in traction, the death of the English language, the birth of the Engrish langauge and a cat ask "CAN I HAZ CHEEZEBURGER NAO?" Just marvelous isn't it?

Seriously though, except for a few select individuals, the grammar and puncutation on this board is great. Compared to ANYWHERE else online we have all English Majors.
W-w-w-what??? You don't like posts like this?

/wipes blood from eyes. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
Holy CRAP!!! I damn near had a brain aneurysm as I was reading that! I mean I can understand living in a No Child Left Behind and IM society, expectations aren't gonna be that high...but DAMN...that was basic spelling and grammar haha! That is REALLY unattractive to me though, regardless of what the woman looks like.

I'm finished ranting now hahaha!

Its nice to know some men do actually read the ads. Not sure about picking apart an ad for a few miss-spelling, who cares if she blows you good. You will forget all about her using small letter instead of big letters.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 02-21-2012, 09:25 AM
Many ladies don't understand what is probably the most important sex organ, "The Brain".

I find intelligence very sexy!
  • Alice
  • 02-21-2012, 10:10 AM
Things certainly change quickly around here. Looks and brains are needed to get a little hanky panky around this place. What will they ask for next?
W-w-w-what??? You don't like posts like this?

/wipes blood from eyes. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking

Boy, that ad is funny !! Who knows may be she will get a lot of clients !
iT's a HoOker BoRD. NOt a eNgliSh bOard...rEAd between ThE liNeS Ande KeEP uP. Originally Posted by Shep2.0

LmAo,wAyToomUcHspacingBeTwEenW oRDs,SheP2.o

Seriously - Loved it! Great post!
Things certainly change quickly around here. Looks and brains are needed to get a little hanky panky around this place. What will they ask for next?
=) Originally Posted by Alice
Sometimes when the drama dies down, people just need to create some.

And that is not a fair comment by you, your brains is what got me to visit you to start with. (Your good looks never hurt, but the mind is always the best place for fun.)
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 02-21-2012, 03:20 PM
Things certainly change quickly around here. Looks and brains are needed to get a little hanky panky around this place. What will they ask for next?
=) Originally Posted by Alice
I understand... we gents get all Crazy about stuff like that. We expect the girl to be ready at the appointed time. By ready, I mean escort "On Time"... which means I get there 5 minutes early, and she says she needs another 20 minutes. She should also have read the content of my email or P411 request, and know something about what I like.

I've found in general that the ones who know that the "Chicago Manual of Style" is not a fashion magazine, tend to be a bit more dependable. Those that think emoticons and texting abbreviations alone are valid communication, not quite so dependable.

Then again, I regularly get all Don Quixote

PS: I've seen some good comments about you Alice, so how would a guy find out anything about you?
pmdelites's Avatar
while i focus on the the content that comes across, sometimes the form can get in the way.

as long as the thought stream is semi-coherent and understandable, how it looks is secondary.

beside, if we were in cambodia or thailand or the middle east, we wouldnt have spacing and capitalization and the like to worry about. you ever seen those languages in their written form? thai and kmai [khmer language in cambodia] only have spaces at the end of sentences, no periods. and the vowels appear above, in between or below the consonants.

see this for written thai

focus on content or lack of, not form, i say.
btw, this topics has been dragged thru the grammarians several times w. similar results.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 02-27-2012, 05:05 PM
while i focus on the the content that comes across, sometimes the form can get in the way.

as long as the thought stream is semi-coherent and understandable, how it looks is secondary. Originally Posted by pmdelites
I can believe that you would profess that, as you don't seem to make any real attempt at form. Capitalization, structure, not your strong suit. This is just your way of saying that because you don't get it right, we need to pay attention to you as well.

beside, if we were in cambodia or thailand or the middle east, we wouldnt have spacing and capitalization and the like to worry about. you ever seen those languages in their written form? thai and kmai [khmer language in cambodia] only have spaces at the end of sentences, no periods. and the vowels appear above, in between or below the consonants.

see this for written thai

focus on content or lack of, not form, i say.
btw, this topics has been dragged thru the grammarians several times w. similar results.
Now you argue that because a particular language makes no effort to improve readibility or comprehension, that we should dumb-down the English language? LOL Classic.
  • LynnT
  • 02-28-2012, 04:15 AM
WTF? Originally Posted by gruvigui
WTF is right. lol