Republicans Do Not (and likely never did) Believe In the Rule of Law

You’re wrong. As usual. Both Clinton and Biden were investigated for mishandling documents. As was Pence. None of them were shown to have done anything even close to what Trump did.

If you can’t see these things are vastly different you’re just being a partisan hack.

Bill Barr explained it well. Chris Christie explained it well. Those are republican partisans. As they put it “all trump had to do was give the docs back when asked and subpoenaed.

Read the indictment instead of just saying dumb shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

It does know good when the liars make the indictment. You are just a con man supporting the con of other Democrats. Hillary Clinton destroyed records and evidence. There was no legitimate investigation, as those in charge of the investigation put politics above the law.

Instead of aching about Hillary, state what’s untrue in Trump’s indictment.
You’re wrong. As usual. Both Clinton and Biden were investigated for mishandling documents. As was Pence. None of them were shown to have done anything even close to what Trump did.

If you can’t see these things are vastly different you’re just being a partisan hack.

Bill Barr explained it well. Chris Christie explained it well. Those are republican partisans. As they put it “all trump had to do was give the docs back when asked and subpoenaed.

Read the indictment instead of just saying dumb shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Oh, what a crock of shit. There is no way you're going to chase a guy for seven years impeach him not once but twice then find he has documents just like all other presidents then ask him to return them and all will be well, lol. It's obvious Trump has something on these people it wouldn't matter if Trump returned those document or not they need Trump out of the way. He knows something and too much of it.
I don't think it's Ex-President Trump that knows "something".....Putin...we ll maybe...
I don't think it's Ex-President Trump that knows "something".....Putin...we ll maybe... Originally Posted by reddog1951
Oh I am sure Putin knows about Biden and his illegal dealings in foreign lands.
Instead of aching about Hillary, state what’s untrue in Trump’s indictment. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

There is no way to do that when liars and corrupt individuals wrote the indictment. There are plenty of knowledgeable people that have pointed out some of the issues. The fake investigation of Biden and Hillary just a smokescreen trying to hide the corruption.
Interesting that now there are recordings of Bidens dealings with burisma
ICU 812's Avatar

Instead of aching about Hillary, state what’s untrue in Trump’s indictment. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Wile it may very well be true that President Trump has acted in an illegal manner, what really bothers most conservatives is that so has President Biden and Sec. Clinton, and in much the same way.

The double standard of law enforcement is obvious to our 13 year old grandson. He compared the prosecution of President Trump to a family situation where he felt that his younger (and cuter) sister was given favorable treatment at home.
So, your 13 y/o grandson was whining too?
Wile it may very well be true that President Trump has acted in an illegal manner, what really bothers most conservatives is that so has President Biden and Sec. Clinton, and in much the same way.

The double standard of law enforcement is obvious to our 13 year old grandson. He compared the prosecution of President Trump to a family situation where he felt that his younger (and cuter) sister was given favorable treatment at home. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The ultimate flaw in your thinking for all to see. YOU believe that Clinton and Biden committed the crime that Trump was charged with. That’s not the case. If you were not completed blinded by your partisan perspective and victim complex you’d look at the actual facts.

The investigation into Clinton, which is maybe the closest comparison, showed that she was emailed and sent classified materials that were either unmarked, incorrectly marked or not classified at the time she received them. There was ZERO evidence she ever shared those emails or documents with anyone without clearance. Weiner got access to some of the emails because they were sent or copied to her deputy (had proper clearance) who downloaded them to Weiner’s computer or used his computer for her email account.

Clinton’s attorney when checking through her emails turned over everything that was labeled and erased some that were either not labeled or were in a string of emails where the label might have been present downstring but no immediately visible from the heading. Or was changed when forwarded or responded to.

Therefore, her server did have some classified documents on them when a forensic examination was done but it was clear that it wasn’t her actions that caused her to have retained any documents when not authorized. Hence she was not charged. The rest of the right wing talking points are just that, talking points and have no real legal impact.

Trump is charged with Willful retention of defense documents. Nothing to do with the documents classification but the nature of the documents. There’s no dispute as that and it might even apply to Clinton Biden and Pence. It’s however the willful retention part that applies to Trump and not to the others. He both took the docs and refused to return them. Willful (intentionally) retained (refused to return) meaning he fulfills the statutory requirements of the crime differently than the others.

Biden as VP and senator packed documents (unlikely himself) and by all appearances they have remained in their sealed boxes and not opened since they were packed. Same with Pence. It looks inadvertent. And when discovered by their own staffs, they contacted the DoJ and turned the docs over or authorized searches.

Key differences

- Clinton was sent the items and Trump intentionally took the items.
- Clinton, Biden and Pence all turned the docs over they were aware they had while Trump attempted to hide the documents from the DoJ
- Clinton, Biden and Trump cooperated with the DoJ while Trump attempted to obstruct attempts by the DoJ to obtain the documents that were requested.
- There is ZERO evidence that Clinton, Biden or Pence ever revisited the documents they had in their possession once they were no longer authorized to have them, Trump on at least two occasions accessed the documents and evidently did so additional times in order to instruct Nauta as to which documents to hide from the DoJ
- There is ZERO evidence that Clinton, Biden or Pence shared those documents after they were no longer authorized to have access to them while Trump on at least two occasions apparently had the documents out and accessible to people without proper authorization.

I could list more but if you require more than that nothing will convince you so why bother. it’s clear that Trump’s action are why he was charged and Clinton, Biden (for now) and Pence were not.