The OP asked whether escorts enjoy sex. I think that misses the point. The point is, do they enjoy the work, of which sex is an important, but not exclusive part. I'm not the most well endowed guy, and I'm sure I'm not the best sexual athlete an escort is ever going to meet. But I am genuinely interested in the people I meet, and I believe that goes a long way towards making an encounter enjoyable for her.
There were many cynical answers about the money. I can only say that I have a great job that brings me a great deal of personal satisfaction, and a very comfortable living. It wouldn't be such a great job without the comfortable living. And it wouldn't be a great job if it were just a comfortable living. I think escorting must be the same. Some people enjoy the work and others are just doing a job. If you get to know somebody for more than 15 minutes, I think their attitude to the work will become apparent.