I Am Really Enjoying All This - Trump Has Reinforced Obama's Genuis

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
nonsense.. the witnesses made a point of saying they were there to say what they knew and heard, no opinion on impeachment.

saying the transcript is accurate is saying Orange Man did wrong. it is not perfect, you and "your ilk" simply line up behind the talking points. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

if you say so.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
if you say so. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No, if you say so.

awwww those poor pussies at the NSC. they think they make foreign policy. well they don't. this is happening because the person who does make foreign policy .. the President is unconcerned with the NSC's "opinions". Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, if you say so.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

he is. you seem to thinck that's a talking point. the president set foreign policy. the NSC doesn't.

you are beginning to become a broken record on it. which i find amusing, and shows your obtuse efforts as a poster.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
he is. you seem to thinck that's a talking point. the president set foreign policy. the NSC doesn't.

you are beginning to become a broken record on it. which i find amusing, and shows your obtuse efforts as a poster. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You mean he doesn't. Care about our nations security, that is. Alarming. Coming from the man who's trying to make it "great again." And from you, a supposéd Navy kid who swore an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".

You should be proud of the Navy today. If you ever served. You're a false patriot. The lot of you.

It's not a talking point. It's the whole point. He seems to think he's an expert in international affairs. Or an expert at everything for that matter. How's this for obtuse?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You mean he doesn't. Care about our nations security, that is. Alarming. Coming from the man who's trying to make it "great again." And from you, a supposéd Navy kid who swore an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".

You should be proud of the Navy today. If you ever served. You're a false patriot. The lot of you.

It's not a talking point. It's the whole point. He seems to think he's an expert in international affairs. Or an expert at everything for that matter. How's this for obtuse?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

no, i mean he is. Trump IS the president, he IS in control of foreign relations. it's part of his powers in some document .. trying to recall where i read that ... oh yeah. this document.

this faggot does not control foreign policy.

he thincks he does ... butt he doesn't. got that, sparky? Good!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You mean he doesn't. Care about our nations security, that is. Alarming. Coming from the man who's trying to make it "great again." And from you, a supposéd Navy kid who swore an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".

You should be proud of the Navy today. If you ever served. You're a false patriot. The lot of you.

It's not a talking point. It's the whole point. He seems to think he's an expert in international affairs. Or an expert at everything for that matter. How's this for obtuse?
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

where is it written that potus must listen to experts?

what if they are wrong? FP history is littered with ill-advised mistakes from expert polity and agendas
LexusLover's Avatar
where is it written that potus must listen to experts?
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Does anyone say he doesn't?

A problem with these LOONS jabbering on here they actually believe they are smarter than Trump and Trump ought to follow their instructions regarding all things foreign. It only takes a couple of minutes reading what the OP posts to figure out getting direction from creek moss growing on a rock has a better chance of success.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Does anyone say he doesn't?

A problem with these LOONS jabbering on here they actually believe they are smarter than Trump and Trump ought to follow their instructions regarding all things foreign. It only takes a couple of minutes reading what the OP posts to figure out getting direction from creek moss growing on a rock has a better chance of success. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let’s take a look at the fat lying bastards recent “strategic brilliance “ ...

Abandoning an Allie on the field of battle...

Allowing an authoritarian to occupy a region overnight and causing a population to decide if they want to get the hell out or live under a dictatorship...

Abandon military bases for Russian and Syrian mercenaries to occupy at the American taxpayer cost...

Pure strategic brilliance, don't cha see...
Let’s take a look at the fat lying bastards recent “strategic brilliance “ ...

Abandoning an Allie on the field of battle...

Allowing an authoritarian to occupy a region overnight and causing a population to decide if they want to get the hell out or live under a dictatorship...

Abandon military bases for Russian and Syrian mercenaries to occupy at the American taxpayer cost...

Pure strategic brilliance, don't cha see... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Please site the current repercussions on any of those decisions you are talking about or how they have sparked change for the worse.

I'll be waiting.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2019, 10:13 AM
DPST's scream about Trump's decisions regardless -

If Trump had taken different paths related to above complaints - consonant with DPST idiotology - They would scream against Trump just as loud.

TDS Hypocrisy.

Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!
adav8s28's Avatar
First they said Obama was anti American and Anti religious...

Then they said he didnt respect the military...

Then they said he didnt respect America abroad and bowed to dictators.

They said the US was less respected in the world because of Obama.

They said Obama paled around with terrorists and on and on and on.

Turns out everything they accused Obama of Trump turned out to be. :

Trump has proven he's Anti American with his Helsinki Putin dick sucking summit.

He has proven he's anti American by going against the American intelligence community.

The US military hates his ass. The Navy Secretary just resigned in protest and word is all of the military is in a depression over him as the commander in chief. Moral is extremely low at this time.

Trump has a 80% turnover in cabinet members.

Most of his closet associates are in jail or have been indicted.

His good friend Epstein a pedophile just allegedly killed himself in prison.

All of our allies hate him and he's a global pariah amongst our core allies. While he's close friends with Americas enemies.

Most educated conservative Republicans hate him...and are leaving the conservative party in droves.

He's made Obama look like a Superstar God like figure.

I am quite enjoying all of this. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The Eccie repubtards forget that it was Obama who cleaned up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind, not Trump. Obama saved the banks, the American Auto industry and Wall Street. Everyone's 401K and Roth IRA went up. Thanks Obama.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Eccie repubtards forget that it was Obama who cleaned up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind, not Trump. Obama saved the banks, the American Auto industry and Wall Street. Everyone's 401K and Roth IRA went up. Thanks Obama. Originally Posted by adav8s28

you're kidding right?

nah. probably not. by the way you never did post your SCREEN SHOT from ssa.gov. that fake edited bullshit doesn't count.

Obama is the greatest failure as president in US history. why "white" people like you lionize such a traitor to the Republic is strange. perhaps it's a conspiracy? you know, like fluoridation in the water supply?

your precious bodily fluids have been compromised. you need an oil change.

The Eccie repubtards forget that it was Obama who cleaned up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind, not Trump. Obama saved the banks, the American Auto industry and Wall Street. Everyone's 401K and Roth IRA went up. Thanks Obama. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Oh yeah, Obama was a hero. All he did was print more money through Quantitative Easing and the Country's Credit rating went from AAA to AA. All Obama did was play a poker game with the country's wealth. You Liberals are so stupid.
adav8s28's Avatar
Oh yeah, Obama was a hero. All he did was print more money through Quantitative Easing and the Country's Credit rating went from AAA to AA. All Obama did was play a poker game with the country's wealth. You Liberals are so stupid. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Hank Paulsen who used to work for Bush43 wanted to give the Banks 750 billion in fourth quarter 2008 to fix the banking crisis. How soon you forget. Obama saved 1000 "troubled assets" by giving them 600 Billion, AIG received a record 225 billion Tarp loan. Moody's restored the USA credit rating back to a "AAA" in 2014, about one year after the tax rate percentage in 7th bracket went back to 39%. You're a joke son and you don't know what you are talking about.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hank Paulsen who used to work for Bush43 wanted to give the Banks 750 billion in fourth quarter 2008 to fix the banking crisis. How soon you forget. Obama saved 1000 "troubled assets" by giving them 600 Billion, AIG received a record 225 billion Tarp loan. Moody's restored the USA credit rating back to a "AAA" in 2014, about one year after the tax rate percentage in 7th bracket went back to 39%. You're a joke son and you don't know what you are talking about. Originally Posted by adav8s28

speaking of knowing what you are talking about ... who lit the fuse to the banking crisis?

Butt u knew that, right???

Glass–Steagall "repeal" and the financial crisis

Robert Kuttner, Joseph Stiglitz, Elizabeth Warren, Robert Weissman, Richard D. Wolff and others have tied Glass–Steagall repeal to the late-2000s financial crisis. Kuttner acknowledged "de facto inroads" before Glass–Steagall "repeal" but argued the GLBA's "repeal" had permitted "super-banks" to "re-enact the same kinds of structural conflicts of interest that were endemic in the 1920s," which he characterized as "lending to speculators, packaging and securitizing credits and then selling them off, wholesale or retail, and extracting fees at every step along the way."[44] Stiglitz argued "the most important consequence of Glass–Steagall repeal" was in changing the culture of commercial banking so that the "bigger risk" culture of investment banking "came out on top."[45] He also argued the GLBA "created ever larger banks that were too big to be allowed to fail," which "provided incentives for excessive risk taking."[46] Warren explained Glass–Steagall had kept banks from doing "crazy things." She credited FDIC insurance, the Glass–Steagall separation of investment banking, and SEC regulations as providing "50 years without a crisis" and argued that crises returned in the 1980s with the "pulling away of the threads" of regulation.[47] Weissman agrees with Stiglitz that the "most important effect" of Glass–Steagall "repeal" was to "change the culture of commercial banking to emulate Wall Street's high-risk speculative betting approach."[48]
