The Dixie Chicks Return To Texas

Music preference (along with fave bands / singing groups / solo acts, etc) can invoke as much heated passion as one's favorite pro / college football team, political party affiliation, etc, etc. It amazes me how emotional adults can get (especially) if someone happens to disagree one makes no sense at all. And yet....

Anyway, that said, while I myself wouldn't walk across the street to see the DC's for free, it matters not that others would be goo goo about catching their and let live, right? While I've no doubt these girls are musically talented; they just ain't my cup o' tea.....I'd so much prefer kicking back a couple o' hours and enjoying Robert Plant or Don Henley perform at the Palladium Ballroom any day of the week..... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Don Henley I have seen before as part of the Eagles, and he was pretty damn good. Never seen his solo act but I like his solo work. So I would be there with on that. Plant has seen better days, and really done nothing since Zeppelin. Pass on that.
Free speech is alive and well. They're welcome to say what they want and I'm allowed to not like it. Jane Fonda's actions were a huge polical boast for America's enemies and so was Natalie Maines' comments. Many people I'm sure agreed with her. I didn't. If you can't accept that, you're the one with a problem with free speech. Originally Posted by Wheretonow
The people of Iraq have never been our enemy. So your comment is rather puzzling at best, and as a matter of fact, we supported Saddam when he was at war with Iran in the 1980s. WMDs were bunch of bullshit, and absolutely nothing was accomplished other than killing 100,000 Iraqis, 4,000 Americans, and putting many more on disability for life.

Perhaps neither free speech nor recent history is your thing?
Wheretonow's Avatar
Been recently announced that the Dixie Chicks will finally make an American tour, and will return to Texas in August of 2016. I will gladly pay to see these super talented girls any day of the week. But I wonder if there are people out there still butt hurt over what they said about Bush in 2003?

From where I sit, they have been vindicated as that was proven to be a shit stupid move in Iraq. Anyone feel otherwise? And why? Given the amount of bullshit that is spread daily about our current POTUS, what Natalie said was fairly tame. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Their (or Natalie's) comment was a classic example of pandering to their audience. "Traveling Soldier" is one of my favorite songs, but just as I don't watch Jane Fonda movies, I don't listen to The Dixie Chicks music. Originally Posted by Wheretonow
How did anything Natalie Maines do compare with that Jane Fonda did? I guess free speech is not your thing huh? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
The people of Iraq have never been our enemy. So your comment is rather puzzling at best, and as a matter of fact, we supported Saddam when he was at war with Iran in the 1980s. WMDs were bunch of bullshit, and absolutely nothing was accomplished other than killing 100,000 Iraqis, 4,000 Americans, and putting many more on disability for life.

Perhaps neither free speech nor recent history is your thing? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You asked if anyone disagreed with your love for the DCs, then launch personal attacks on anyone who does. I think your user name has it exactly right.
You asked if anyone disagreed with your love for the DCs, then launch personal attacks on anyone who does. I think your user name has it exactly right. Originally Posted by Wheretonow
If you had a legit reason for your position, perhaps I might have respected it more. But, since I just took apart your "logic" you don't stand on much. Luckily I do not care what you think.
Wheretonow's Avatar
If you had a legit reason for your position, perhaps I might have respected it more. But, since I just took apart your "logic" you don't stand on much. Luckily I do not care what you think. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Since you don't care what I think, you won't mind if I state the obvious:

Your idiotic assertions about taking apart anything logical would require that you provide some kind of facts and logic. Instead you simply launch tiresome personal attacks, one of the most frequently-used fallacies in logic.
pyramider's Avatar
Not much on answering direct questions are you? You're type of guy whose ass I beat the fuck out of in high school. And would do the same now, and laugh at you while I did it. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

Yeah, I bet you were the man in high school, while its doubtful you graduated or earned a GED. Peaking at 18 years old is difficult for smart people, too. But the intelligent people learn to deal with it and move on, unlike LA stupid.
cookie man's Avatar
Don Henley I have seen before as part of the Eagles, and he was pretty damn good. Never seen his solo act but I like his solo work. So I would be there with on that. Plant has seen better days, and really done nothing since Zeppelin. Pass on that. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
I've seen Don Henley several times, and his solo shows were great. The last time I saw him was about seven years ago, and he still sounded good. He's 68 now, and his voice is not what it used to be.

Here's a link to a recent Austin City Limits concert. He sings some old and new stuff plus has several musical guests including 2/3 of the Dixie Chicks.

Please don't take it personal when members insult The Dixie Chicks. Not everyone likes the same type of music Originally Posted by gman44
I was just looking back at this thread and wondering if anyone finds this post as funny as I do. Gawd it's fucking hilarious.
Boltfan's Avatar
Guys arguing about chicks ... par for the course
If you had a legit reason for your position, perhaps I might have respected it more. But, since I just took apart your "logic" you don't stand on much. Luckily I do not care what you think. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
I'm sure Natilie is reading this , her fat greasy fingers, typing furiously.....thinking wow this stooped guy has my backside....even though it's gotten a lot wider. she's gonna post here shortly, as soon as she finishes her giant chocolate birthday cake.....guys that have her back on a stooped hooker message board....are the dudes she wants to find a babies daddy might get lucky stupid....... or you really are stupid....
Only comment I have after seeing other comments is yes they have "freedom of speech" but they are in the entertainment field and they did come from the conservative State of Texas. That being said is every person forms judgements and that is their rights too. Or I blew with the Dixies is that Texas and their entertainment field judged them. Nothing wrong with that, they shouldn't of been political if they didn't want to be judged.

Also for the people still beating on Bush. There is a strong group that believes he was correct. You don't have the luxury of always knowing everything and sometimes attacks need to be preemptive. But this is just my take as a Soldier who deployed there.
TexTushHog's Avatar
What I don't understand about all you right wingers who are pissing and moaning about this is Maines was clearly correct. What the hell are you pissed off about?

Everyone from any end of the political spectrum that I know -- from far right to left -- thinks Bush was a horrible President. And that among a ton of bad decisions, invading Iraq was the single worst one. Surely nobody thinks it was a good idea now. What the fuck is your beef?
Don Henley I have seen before as part of the Eagles, and he was pretty damn good. Never seen his solo act but I like his solo work. So I would be there with on that. Plant has seen better days, and really done nothing since Zeppelin. Pass on that. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

Henley, solo, can rawk it....seen him a half-dozen times over the past 30 yrs and his shows never disappoint,

I will, however, disagree he's (Plant) hasn't done anything since the Zep we'll just agree to disagree per that argument.

Anyway, I used the Plant / Palladium Ballroom as a point of reference since he kicked off his North American tour there in 2013 and (trust me) he sounded great....he and his band put on a fantastic show.

Now does he have the same voice of decades ago? Prolly not (but) one thing for sure he does not embarrass himself on stage (like Paul McCartney has done of late).
bojulay's Avatar
I hate the frickin Eagles maannnn!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I hate the frickin Eagles maannnn!!! Originally Posted by bojulay
so did the Paris Terrorists...

oh wait, different Eagles